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Sunday, March 16, 2025
Home Authors Posts by Dr. Ava Cadell

Dr. Ava Cadell

Dr. Ava Cadell is America’s #1 Sexpert as a Clinical Sexologist, Sex Counselor, Founder of Loveology University & President of the American College of Sexologists International. Author of 9 books including the upcoming Sexycises by Sexperts: Intimacy Through Yoga, Dr. Ava is also a sought after media therapist & global speaker; her mission is to empower people to overcome sexual guilt & shame so they can enjoy the benefits of healthy, sexual relationships. Find her at https://www.avacadell.com.

Chemical Cocktails of Romance: This is Your Brain on Sex

The brain is tangible, the mind is not, and as Raphael Cushnir, author of The One Thing Holding You Back: Unleashing the Power of Emotional Connection defines it, “an emotion is a message from your mind delivered to your body as a physical sensation.” The...

The Five FACES of Love: The Evolution of a Relationship

The Emotional Evolution of a Romantic Relationship “Love is the master key that opens the gates of happiness.”– Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes Have you ever heard the expression, “The only thing that remains constant is change?” In my extensive work with all kinds of people in...

From Getting Slimed To Sploshing

If you got aroused while watching Josh Duhamel holding up his Kids’ Choice Award proudly as he was getting slimed, or by Heidi Klum covered head to toe in wet and messy green slime, or by Jim Carey being slimed while he was descending...

The Sexy Science of Kissing

A Kiss Is More Than A Kiss Studies have shown that the details of a first kiss are more memorable than the details of any other “first time” sexual experience. In her book The Science of Kissing, biologist Sheril Kirshenbaum explains the impact of kissing as...

Dr. Diana’s Seven Secrets for Sensational Sex: Love in the Time of Corona

Excerpt from Love in the Time of Corona: Advice from a Sex Therapist for Couples in Quarantine by Dr. Ava Cadell It’s my pleasure to share an excerpt from my dear friend and colleague Dr. Diana Wiley’s new book, Love in the Time of Corona, Advice...

The Ultimate Guide to Aphrodisiacs & Food Sex

What Are Aphrodisiacs? An aphrodisiac is described in the Encyclopedia Britannica as: “... the psycho-physiological reaction that a well-prepared meal can have upon the human organism. The combination of various sensuous reactions, the visual satisfaction of the sight of appetizing food, the olfactory stimulation of...

The 5 Best Positions for Slow, Deep Penetrative Sex

Wham-Bam Thank you Ma'am For most of us, we often begin our sexual activity with quick penetration and pelvic thrusts. Sexual pleasuring is a journey, an adventure, not just a means to an end. Instead, try slow, easy penetration. Choose the position that is most comfortable...

Getting Kinky: Fantasies & Role-playing to Keep Sex Hot

Embrace Your Erotic Fantasies If you REALLY want to impress your lover... in a flirtatious way ask this simple question: “Would you like to know my fantasies?” Who in their right mind is going to say NO? We all know fantasies are essential to our daily lives...

10 Tips on How to Get Love & Trust back After Cheating

Is Love Possible After a Cheating Affair? Even if you are the most attentive, skilled lover, there is still no guarantee that your partner will not stray. The fact is that the most common reason for infidelity is not sex, but a lack of communication and emotional...

10 Different types of Cheaters: Why People Cheat

Who Cheats and Why? Back in 2009, Loveology University conducted a study on why people cheat. The study included 1,055 men and women who completed a 12-question Internet survey on cheating designed and analyzed by Dr. Leanna Wolfe, Loveology University’s Director of Research. Participation was...