Major Love for the Labia Majora

Photo by Anna Tis from Pexels

The labia majora is part of the female genitalia that is often overlooked and underrated when it comes to foreplay and masturbation. And I’m sure there are lots of people out there who don’t know much about it.

What is the Labia Majora?

The labia majora is the proper term for the outer flaps of skin and tissue that cover the female genitalia. Their appearance differs from woman to woman. They can appear slim, thin, pillow-y, lippy, loose or meaty. They’re very rarely symmetrical.

What is normal? There is no normal. Take a look at the photos of The Great Wall of Vagina exhibit. Of the 400 plaster casts of women’s vulvas, you’ll see that they each differ dramatically.

Great-Wall-of-Vagina-Exhibit-Panel-6 by Jamie McCartney

The labia majora can be uniform in skin tone as the rest of the skin on the body or pinkish or dark brown or bluish. These variations are all normal and darker colors can appear after childbirth.

The anatomical role of the labia majora is to protect the vagina. The labia majora contains thousands of nerve endings under the skin that become more sensitive during sexual arousal. Tiny blood vessels under the surface of the skin also make the tissue swell during sexual arousal. In some women, the swelling may cause the slit to open slightly.

Pubic hair, or the absence of it, affects the sensitivity of the labia majora during sex. The skin on cleanly shaven or waxed labia majora is very delicate, soft and very sensitive to touch. However, public hair also serves a protective purpose. While it may decrease sexual sensitivity, pubic hair serves as a protectant from friction from a man’s pubic hair from all the thrusting and rubbing that goes on during intercourse.

Do note that shaving and waxing can present risks of ingrown hairs and skin infections that can get wildly out of control in such a warm, moist and covered place. Shaving, waxing and trimming should always be a woman’s personal choice and preference.

How to Pleasure Your Labia Majora

Sex Tip: Start your masturbation and foreplay with some major labia majora love. Cup it with a warm hand or run your fingers very slowly up and down the length of the lips. Use a warming lube or super slippery silicone lube to tantalize those tingly nerve endings. The longer you or your partner tease those fleshy bits of skin and tissue, the more intense the orgasms.

Also, stroke the lips with the head of a small vibrator at a low speed or a vibrator with a soft vibration. This can have a very calming effect. Masturbation doesn’t always have to lead to an animalistic orgasmic experience. This technique can be a great way to clear your mind from stress or even help you fall asleep or have a better night’s sleep … or it can be a extended prelude to bigger and bolder things to come.

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Bobby Morgan was a prolific and dedicated sex blogger, sexuality advocate and beditor-in-chief at A Good Woman's Dirty Mind (2012-2015), as well as creator of #AdultSexEdMonth (2013-2015). She was well loved and know by the sex-positive educator's community. She died suddenlt in 2015 at the age of 52, leaving a large body of work behind her. Before she died, she made me an Admin of her FB page, and gave me permission to syndicate her articles. So much of her writing still resonates today, so I am making her work available via Sexpert to share with a larger audience. "[My blog] was built on the inspiration of the love affair of a lifetime between me and my lover, Parrot... If only we could teach, bottle, sell or share our secrets of our great sex, romance and relationship, more people would be happier and more fulfilled. Like the way Parrot and I talk with each other, A Good Woman’s Dirty Mind is open, frank, and nakedly explicit in the way it talks about sex and relationships... In short, A Good Woman’s Dirty Mind is all about real sex — and really great sex at that — for real people." Website:


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