Friday, January 10, 2025

Featured - The Best Sex Education Articles for Adults has the Best Sex Education Articles for Adults from an expert line up of certified sex experts.

Top sex education for adults featured posts and sexuality articles from our sex experts, sex coaches on everything from female orgasms, sexual pleasure, alternative lifestyle topics, couples sex advice and dating advice, masturbation and sexual empowerment, sexual health and wellness including men’s sexual problems like premature ejaculation and how to last longer in the bedroom.

Our Sex Ed featured articles include all the tips and techniques you need to know to make you a better lover such as the ultimate guide to anal sex, BDSM and kinky sex, oral sex, how to have the best orgasms, sexual relationship topics on how to spice up your love life, as well as female sexual anatomy and the erogenous zones including the clitoris, the cervix and cervical orgasm, all about the g spot, female ejaculation and g spot orgasms, the vagina and the vulva, penis facts and more. is an all-inclusive sex education site for adults and has many empowering articles on gender and sexuality, as well as articles for gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transgender, sissies, and alternative lifestyles including cuckold and hotwife relationships, threesomes, polyamory and swinging. See our sacred sexuality topics including Tantra sex, yoni yoga, sexy goddess rituals, energy orgasms and more.

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Stop Settling for Mediocre Sex: 7 Tips for a Better Sex Life

7 tips for a better sex life

Are you tired of a subpar sex life? You and your partner have the same boring, unfulfilling, missionary sex most mornings before the kids wake up. OR perhaps you manage to squeeze in a quick session at bedtime. That’s all the sexual excitement you tend to experience these days because you’re both tired between juggling work, kids, extracurricular activities, and only God knows what else. And now you’re here because you want some REAL excitement in the bedroom, right? Well, you’re in the right place! I’ve come up with a few tips to help you improve sex and intimacy. Here are some pointers that will help you transform your mundane routine by adding a bit of spice and spontaneity, so now sex can be fun again!  

These are 7 tips for a better sex life! 

  1. Use lube. There are many reasons why you should be using lube during sex (and it’s not because you don’t have a WAP). The truth is, regardless of how turned on your partner makes you, lube can be added to the equation to enhance the sexual experience. Lube makes sex more pleasurable by decreasing friction that causes pain and discomfort. It can also be a way to introduce new sensations during sex, and there’s nothing wrong with wanting to change things up from time to time.
  2. Communicate. Communication is essential for improvement in the bedroom. Communication allows you to create and establish boundaries. It also sets the tone for what to expect during those intimate moments. The foundation for great sex is excellent communication. The more you communicate, the better foreplay, sex, and everything after will become.
  3. Schedule sex. If you’re too busy for sex, you’re too busy! Sometimes we get swamped, causing sex to be placed on the backburner, and that’s not good. Prioritize sex by adding it to your schedule. By putting sex on the calendar, you guarantee that sexy time will happen despite everything else going on.
  4. Engage in foreplay. Foreplay is more than just an oral teaser before penetration. It’s actually any form of sexual (or non-sexual) activity that gets you in the mood before intercourse. Foreplay can begin hours before your sexual encounter and is a great way to enhance sex and improve intimacy in your relationship beyond the bedroom. It ensures that both partners are at their peak of arousal at the time of intercourse. And let me reiterate — it’s also great for improving intimacy in the relationship OUTSIDE of the bedroom.
  5. Use sex toys. Using a vibrator (or any toy) during sex can boost bonding with your partner. Sex toys open the door for so much fun and exploration. There are many toys for various uses. There are some that you can use while your partner watches, your partner can use on you (and vice versa), and even some that you can use together during foreplay and penetrative sex. So choose a toy and have fun as you strengthen the connection with your lover.
  6. Spontaneity! Over time sex can start to feel a little monotonous if it’s the same routine over and over and over again. Be spontaneous and start mixing things up. This keeps sex (and the relationship) fun and exciting! Believe it or not… you can also be spontaneous when you schedule sex! How? Choose a random date and time and let the rest happen spontaneously.
  7. Enjoy the moment. Have fun and remove expectations of achieving an orgasm every time you have sex. Get lost in the moment so you can completely relax and let loose. Enjoy every sensation, every tingle, every tickle… how you’re being touched or caressed. Every kiss. Lick. Stroke. Bite. And pinch, etc… By shifting your focus, you’re able to enjoy maximized pleasure.

Your love life should be a great part of your life at the end of the day (or whenever you feel like having some amazing sex). It may not be completely mind-blowing every time you have sex, and that’s absolutely OK! Consider your sexcapades to be a journey of discovery and an opportunity to enhance the next encounter rather than a race to the finish line. The ultimate goal does not always have to be an orgasm. There is enough delight and excitement to be experienced with your partner without one. Remove sexual pressures and insecurities when it comes time to get busy, and you’ll have a lot more fun along your sexual adventure.

So, what’s holding you back? Go enjoy some orgasmic pleasure. Then repeat again… and again…

…and again!

10 Ways to Improve Your Sex Life

Photo by: @luckybusiness from Adobe Stock

Predictability Is the Demise of One’s Sex Drive

Have you found that your sex life has become dull, predictable, or worse, entirely diminished? You are not alone. Many couples find themselves sexually exhausted and reach a dry period at some point or another. While this is totally natural, it can be daunting for couples to go through and may actually cause harm to the relationship. Predictability can lead to the demise of one’s sex drive. The more you become acquainted with someone, the less thrilling sex with that person gets.

Did I mention this is completely normal? With that being said, there’s no need to fret. You can do several things to get your sex life back on track, regardless of how large or small the problem is. Your sexual health is inextricably linked to your whole mental, physical, and emotional well-being.

1. Communication:

First things first, communication is essential. I say this often. A lack of communication can result in a sex drought as well as other relationship problems. Communicate with your partner about your wants, needs, feelings, and emotions. Keep in mind that good and effective communication is not one-sided. Listening to what your partner desires and longs for is equally important.

2. Get Physical:

Maintain physical affection. Being affectionate is necessary for sustaining an emotional and physical connection, even when you’re exhausted, stressed, unhappy, or anxious about your relationship or any outside situations.

3. Touch:

Practice touching (when alone and with your partner). Allow your partner to observe your pleasure-seeking behavior. When you masturbate in front of your partner, they can study where you prefer to be touched and how you react to those touches. You may also learn a lot about your partner’s enjoyment preferences by touching them. It most likely will be a major turn-on and serve as foreplay!

4. Variety:

Switch it up… Using a variety of different sex positions adds to the enjoyment of lovemaking. It can also help with the resolution of some sexual dysfunctions, such as anorgasmia.

5. Experiment:

Experiment with sex toys. Introducing sex toys can change your sex life for the better. Sex toys instantly spice up things in the bedroom and enhance the full experience. It takes the pressure of performance off you and your partner, leading to more AND better orgasms.

6. Be Open:

Be open to trying things you’ve never tried before, such as having sex in an elevator, pulling off the road in a private location, or an area of your house you’ve never gotten busy in.

7. Be Spontaneous:

Being spontaneous is a terrific way to liven up your sex life, especially if you’ve discovered that sex has become too routine for you. Shake things up by initiating sex in different environments, on different days, and at random times. The wonderful thing about spontaneity is that it may be combined with daring (but unexpected) activities for heightened excitement and an incredible sexual encounter.

8. Be Romantic:

Plan romantic dates like a picnic in the park, a helicopter tour of your city, or preparing your partner’s favorite meal (and if you’re not a great cook, there’s always their favorite restaurant). This will make your partner feel loved and desired, which will lead to greater sex.

9. Remember:

Remember how flirtatious you were at the beginning? Have you ever heard someone say, “whatever you did to get them, you’ll have to do to keep them?” Well, this is true to an extent. So bring that old thang back! Send your sweetheart sweet, fun text messages, or leave tiny notes for them to find. This can also serve as role play, which might lead to you getting your rocks off someplace, so have fun with it.

10. Be Creative:

Something beautiful always comes from creativity, right? Your relationship and sex life are no exception. It’s time to broaden your sexual horizons—experiment with new positions, a change of scenery, role-playing, or acting out varied fantasies. The sky is literally the limit, and you’ll have a great time trying new things. What exactly are you waiting for? Get those creative juices flowing and regain control of your sex life.

So basically you should just be daring, spontaneous, romantic, flirtatious, and creative. Have fun! This will reignite the spark in your love life and make you feel empowered and confident AF.

The Sacredness of Sex

Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

By Joyce Modie

I have always looked at sex as a goal-based thing, a physical act for pleasure, to get pregnant and a stress reliever. Then through research I’ve learnt that sex can be a meditative act with the aim of moving sexual energy throughout the body for enjoyment and sensations of the body. This makes sex to be sacred in my view based on this new knowledge I have acquired.

Sex is a sacred connection of openness between two souls that proclaims love for each other. The pleasure and orgasms we should get requires vulnerability between involved parties. Energies are shared in a more spiritual way but not churchy at all. A deep bonding is birthed with possibilities of a deep-rooted romantic love in the hearts of both parties. Igniting the fire of our sexual energy, passions, and desires with our heart, spirit, and a sense of completeness in our life.

What makes us miss the sacredness of such intimacy is the carnal mind we have towards it. We have mostly been raised culturally or even religiously to believe that sex is a very wrong and dirty act to be ashamed of.  A secret act to be done behind closed doors to curb the urge and never to be discussed openly. These beliefs cause us to not be open to the sacredness sex could be.

To fully bask in the special experience, we have to know our bodies and communicate it to our partners. This will help us look at ourselves and partners as divine fountains of powerful intimacy energies, intentional energies expressed as the experience leads but not pre planned. At that moment nothing else matters as partners are immersed deeply. Bodies reacts as the energy felt, that allows vulnerability and openness. No thoughts of shame but an explosion of pure love is exchanged.

Culture and religion put aside; sex is a sacred act of humanity to be embraced and explored by us all. We just have to be open-minded to the capabilities of our bodies. This can help us build blissful relationships full of joy and love. Dr Ava Cadell reminds us that, “sex can be a beautiful journey not a destination”. This is a journey to be taken with great trust to help us release the shame and hurt around sex that could be in our heads and hearts to create a bond with a sense of belonging.

To connect with our sexual energy, we need to explore with openness to experience.  Being intentional about sacredness of sex through practice will help us be aware of the sexual energies and magnify our dimensions of pleasure in our relationships.

Have You Ever Thought of Planning Your Orgasm?

Have you ever thought about planning your orgasm? Well, you go about life planning everything else, so why not?

As humans, we put so much effort into planning; the route we will take to the office, the clothes we will wear, our breakfast, lunch & supper, our bath time, and our choice of recreational activity. All this planning is demonstrated as self-care for oneself. Rightfully, self-care is important and does need planning or will never be prioritized.

Intimate Relationships Require Planning

Photo by Marissa Grootes on Unsplash

Intimate relationships take planning too. Planning helps you to thrive and lack of planning can only result in failure. The benefit of planning for your intimate relationship has benefits that will boost your relationship to unimaginable levels. How, you may ask?

An orgasm is when the body experiences a rise in the intensity of sexual arousal, which peaks for a few seconds and then lowers to a normal level. Studies suggest many biological benefits of an orgasm. Including a healthier immune system and reduction of stress. During the peak, the brain releases a cocktail of neurochemicals such as dopamine, oxytocin, and serotonin. These are happy hormones, and the benefits are immense as listed hereunder:

  • Oxytocin is referred to as the love hormone or cuddling drug, as levels increase during orgasm and cuddling. Increased feelings of love, bonding, and well-being are experienced.
  • Serotonin Improves mood, social behavior, appetite, sleep, memory, and sexual desire.
  • Dopamine is the ultimate motivator, regulating sensations of pain and pleasure.

It cannot be stressed upon more the need to have a healthy, sexually fulfilling relationship with the natural benefits oozing through yourself naturally. This is where you take control with your partner, knowing that no one else can make that change except you. You may feel overwhelmed by reading this and wonder where you start.

Just like you plan all other activities, bring sex onto the planning platform. Start small with some of the below-listed ideas and expand. Most importantly, attitude and consistency will make the difference. There is no need to be perfect at it. Having the right intent is what makes the difference.

  • Sit together in silence or watch a movie holding hands
  • Date night and sex thereafter
  • Shower together or a luxurious bubble bath
  • Game night with sex toys or without – all dependent on the comfort level of both individuals
  • Weekend in bed
  • Activity that you both enjoy

As humans, if we want something, we go after it. Once we have what we want, complacency sets in and we tend to take each other for granted. We journey into a mode where the relationship is not granted any planning. Instead, just happens as and when there are time and desire.

Have you and your partner discussed how you make each other feel? Perhaps it is a good time to plan a conversation around this.

Both of you may have fantasies about what you like to experience with each other; however, you both hold back and do not talk about it as there never is an opportunity.

Let us face it, when you in the middle of lovemaking, one can move their partner gently into a change of position. However, if you would like to experience something more, it does take planning. For example, you cannot pause the sexual activity and whip out the ropes to experience some bondage if this has not been communicated with your partner.

Communication is essential to planning:

Photo by Bjorn Pierre on Unsplash
  • I want – what you want to get you to the level of excitement you require to orgasm
  • I will – what you will do comfortably. If you are not comfortable in doing these, you will ensure you have terms to how far you will go.
  • I won’t – a definite no to you currently. You could change your mind at a later stage.

The above is a healthy way to set boundaries with clear expectations which have been defined because of the discussion. It leaves no grey area and if there is an agreement, with caution, you will set safewords during the discussion to ensure there is no violation during sexual activity.

In the intensity of the moment, it is difficult to set boundaries; however, having done so upfront has planted the seed on how far one can go. At all times, it is important to respect boundaries and not be forceful. It can become a gradual journey taken together as comfort levels and trust increases.

It will certainly feel unnatural at the beginning of this process until you and your partner get into the habit of planning and discussing your intimate lives. It will deepen the bond in the relationship and build trust.

You will remove the masks and start communicating openly about what you want to experience and explore with each other. Vulnerability will become the new sexy on this adventure together.

Experiment Explore & Learn Together!

Life is short. Make it wild, crazy, sexy & exciting for each other.


Originally posted on Brainz Magazine and Ultimacy Online.

What’s Sexy About Easter?

By Dr. Ava Cadell

Did you ever wonder why Hugh Hefner chose the sexy bunny for his Playboy empire logo?

It wasn’t because he was fond of Easter or chocolate eggs, but it was allegedly because he thought a sexy girl resembled a bunny’s attributes of being playful, curious, shy, and loveable, not to mention the bunny’s reputation for bonking and fertility.

For some people, Easter means time off work, so it’s the perfect time for couples to make intimacy a priority.  How about dressing up in your sexiest bunny outfit and doing a striptease for your lover? If you’re not a fan of bunny outfits, then slowly undress each other while making out for extended foreplay. There are lots of creative Easter games, such as the Easter Egg Hunt, but for adults, you can divide plastic eggs in half and place erotic notes with clues inside for your lover. Be sure to give your lover a climactic prize at the end of the treasure hunt.

An alternative to this game is to fill the plastic eggs with Love Coupons, such as French Kissing or Sensual Massage, so that your lover can redeem them.

The Egg Rolling game can be fun by rolling an egg from your lovers’ neck down to their loins to the finish line using only your mouth. If you love chocolate, share a chocolate Bunny with its head in your mouth and its butt in your lover’s mouth as you both nibble your way to meet in the middle with a chocolatey kiss. Give yourself or your lover a sexy Easter basket filled with naughty sex toys like the Satisfyer Men Vibration Sleeve or Rechargeable Vibrating Egg  If you’re looking for a sexy Rabbit vibrator, check out the Jack Rabbit or Premium Jack Rabbit Silicone Thrusting.

The egg is an ancient symbol of new life, so if you’re trying to get pregnant, eggs are among the most effective foods for promoting fertility, especially in the yolks. They are filled with fertility boosting protein and vitamins B12 and E as well as Omega-3 fatty acids that may give you the extra edge to conceive. So, you can mold some hard-boiled eggs into hearts and serve them to your lover for an Easter breakfast.

Eggs were also used to predict the sex of a baby by observing the rotation of the egg suspended by a string over a woman’s pregnant tummy, sort of like an egg pendulum, spinning to the right symbolizing a boy and left a girl. Another easier method is to crack a raw egg on the mother’s stomach and if the egg slides to the right she is going to have a boy, and if it slides to the left, a girl. Let us know if this works!

Whatever you do for Easter with your lover, this is an opportunity to make it a memorable one!

Benefits of Kissing

The Kissing Cure


I’m Erika Jordan certified life coach and NLP practitioner. An Oxford University study found that kissing helps us to find and keep the right partner. Yeah kissing is fun. But also kissing might be something we do for answers and to improve our relationship! According to research, kissing allows us to subconsciously assess a potential partner by picking up on “biological compatibility cues.” Kissing was found to be useful for finding a person you want a relationship with long-term. Couples who make it a point to kiss a lot were also found to have higher levels of oxytocin. And had higher levels of relationship satisfaction than couples who don’t kiss a lot. When couples have higher levels of oxytocin between them, they were also found to finish each other’s sentences and touch more. In short, they were very in sync.


That amazing connection you experience in the beginning doesn’t last. This passionate love eventually transitions to the second phase of love, which is attachment love. As you get to know each other better, You lose that “untamed love feeling” because your body shifts from releasing dopamine, adrenaline, and serotonin to vasopressin and oxytocin. “These are believed to play roles in bonding parent to child through breastfeeding, cuddling and kissing. They’re so essential to bonding and creating a lasting relationship that when you suppress vasopressin in animal experiments, parents will abandon their young.” Research has also found that oxytocin helps men in particular stay monogamous. So even with all the options out there, these bonding hormones make it so you stay faithful to just one person. So yeah.. the shift from exciting new love to tried and true is less exciting but necessary to keep you together. 


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Erika Jordan

Certified Love Coach, NLP practitioner

My six week course Playmate Pickup is now available at with personalized guidance. 

How Valuable Is A Writer’s Time?

Photo by Quinton Coetzee on Unsplash

I hear that phrase all the time, “Well, your time is valuable.” Actually, mine isn’t. Or, more precisely, it isn’t to anybody else but me. So, if I am putting a price on a writing job and charging by the hour, I need to determine what my time is worth (plus my skills for doing that job) and charge accordingly. I can’t expect someone else to know, care or even agree to the value of my time.

And therein lies the back-and-forth we get into with trying to get what we are worth for the time we spend working. And if you don’t have the price of your time and effort figured out before you start the job, you could be in for a rough time accounting for your payment at the end of it.

Just saying.

It’s the off-work hours’ time where I get my dander up the most about my time, or more precisely, my time being wasted.

Let me give you an example…

I recently was approached by a very good friend to write job for a company she worked for. A very big company. In addition to good pay for what would have amounted to consistent writing work (something a freelancer is always looking for), putting this company on my resume would have gone far in bolstering my reputation in the mainstream space (as a writer for erotica and mainstream content, I am ever aware of increasing my credentials in the non-adult space, since I have plenty in the adult space). So, over the course of a month, my buddy and I went back and forth, I filled out the necessary paperwork, and then got to work.

In the middle of writing my first article for my new employer, I had a question about payment, something I needed to have answered in order to do the job. It might rate as a minor consideration for some, but for me, it is a big deal in my little world and I needed to get an answer to my question.

Now the company has no idea who I am other than I am a new freelancer who will be writing for them, and I was discreet enough not to mention my personal finances to anybody. Through my friend’s urging, I simply went through the proper channels to call and email the company bookkeeper about my question…which I did not even ask on voice mail or in email. And let me just add that in the correspondence I received from the company, that bookkeeper’s name, phone number, and email address were listed with her welcome to contact her for any questions that might arise.

Something did arise, and there I was getting in touch.

That was a week ago as I write this, and nobody has contacted me. My friend has as much contacted the company for me as she needed attention on another matter. And nobody has gotten back to her either. I needed and wanted this job. But if you can’t get the basics right, if you have no care to follow up, and if you don’t see the value in my time, not even time I am working for you, but the small amount of time we need to spend going back and forth on something, then do I really have the time (or energy) to work for you?

Maybe, it’s because they are a huge company, and I am really nobody in their corporate hierarchy? Maybe they just have terrible communications skills? Maybe…I have no idea why nobody got back to me. But I come to say this all the time; in a world where we can communicate faster, better, and on-the-go like never before, we are communicating worse.

So, if you do not have the time for me, in the most basics of the job I am trying to do for you, I fear how you won’t have time for me when more serious stuff arises;  questions on style, deadlines, content of what I am writing, etc.

I told my friend not to consider me for the job any further.

BDSM Was Sexier Than I Had Expected



BDSM was the last thing on my mind when I met my husband.

Dave and I had been neighbours for ten years before we started dating. We had spoken on numerous occasions, but he was slow at asking me out.

In fact, he never did. When Dave needed a date for the prom, his mother came over to the house and asked me if I was interested. I wasn’t because Dave hadn’t asked himself.

We had a great time at the dance. I saw that he wanted to kiss me but was shy. He pecked my cheek when he walked me to the door, and he blushed. I wished I had gotten more.

Our wedding day was a year after we graduated from varsity. He admitted to me on our honeymoon that it was his first time. It was mine as well.

After being married for 23 years, I needed to spice up my life. We were 45 years old with no children and had missionary sex once a week.

Dave was an accountant since graduation, and I had resigned from the administration job eight years ago to be a housewife. The first week at home showed me that I was going to be bored out of my mind.

I took up several hobbies such as hiking and baking cookies, which Dave took to work and handed to colleagues. He bragged to his friends about my baking skills, but I wished that he had bragged to them about my bed performance.

Sex with my husband was like filing taxes – it had to be done and was dull like hell.

After running out of hobby ideas, I went online and joined a group on social media. Some of the events posted included speed dating, art exhibitions and wine tasting. I logged on after giving up hope on my sex life and saw that a member had advertised a BDSM party.

I couldn’t resist a smile. My cheeks felt flushed as I browsed the photos of their previous party. My erotic journey began with watching a couple have sex in the doggy style. Then, some of the recommended videos on the side were BDSM, which I couldn’t resist.

There was something about being tied up and not knowing the identity of my sex master that pressed my buttons. I couldn’t help but slide my hands over my abdomen and rub my pussy while the woman got spanked.

I always imagined being the woman in chains and a slave to a man who knew how to handle me. Something about the sound of a whip got me wet.

Every time I watched a woman get shackled to the wall and spread her legs, I couldn’t resist masturbating. I would’ve given anything to be in her position.

On Tuesday, Dave told me that he was leaving on Friday to his monthly, out-of-town business meeting. The party was on Saturday. It won’t hurt if I call and find out what happens.

I had expected a pervert with a creepy voice to answer, but a lady with a soft tone told me that the environment was safe, and their members were from various backgrounds.

I considered inviting Eva to come with me, but I changed my mind since she would’ve told everyone about it.

My heartbeat sped up as the cursor hovered over the confirm button. I wanted to back out, but my finger pressed the mouse. It was the desire to explore the unknown that drove me to do it.

I had a Brazilian and a massage on Saturday morning because not knowing what to expect at the party made my shoulders tense up.

“What’s your weekend plans, Shannon?” asked the masseuse.

I figured that if anybody would understand my curiosity, she would. “I’m actually checking out a BDSM party.”

“I’ve been to one,” she said.

“You’re kidding?”

“It was great. Everybody was so welcoming, and they teach you the ropes if you’re a beginner. Excuse the pun.”

We giggled. She got me excited and aroused.

I went home and masturbated. After taking a shower, I watched a BDSM video to get myself in the mood. I put on a skirt that reached just above my knees and a blouse that revealed my back.

My heart raced, and I gulped after I parked my car in front of the house. I looked in the mirror.

“You can do this. Just relax. Nobody is going to judge you. They’re there for the same reason as you, and everybody will be friendly.”

My shoulders slumped as I exhaled after ringing the bell. A woman in a long dress and with tied hair answered. See? Everybody here is normal as you.

“Hi, I’m Shannon.”

“I’m Jackie. Wonderful to meet you.”

She was the organiser, and she showed me the way to the dressing room. Candles replaced the lights in the Victorian mansion that had Renaissance art on the wall and rose pebbles sprinkled on the furniture and the floor.

‘Whoosh.’ ‘Whoosh.’ The whipping sound pervaded down the corridor. I got horny.

The women wore ballroom masks, and the men had leather ski masks.

“The men are limited to wearing a leather speedo and masks, and the women have to be in lingerie,” said Jackie.

Butterflies flew around my stomach at the thought of exposing so much skin in front of strangers.

My ass and breasts were sticking out when I looked at myself in the mirror, but I didn’t care. Feeling free to express myself sexually for the first time felt empowering.

Jackie said that I looked great before stepping into the corridor so I could have privacy. I needed a moment to gather my thoughts. Can’t believe I’m at a BDSM party. I put the mask on but forgot to read the rules on the pamphlet that Jackie had given me.

Jackie smiled at me as I stepped out of the room and grabbed my hand before escorting me to the master bedroom. A man was standing next to the bed and holding a whip.

“This is Jinxx,” said Jackie. “He’s been a regular for five years, and he just recently got promoted to bondage master.

I liked the sound of that. “Hi, I’m -.”

“No real names,” interrupted Jackie. “Our members value discretion. It’s on the pamphlet I gave you.”

“Sorry. I’m Mystery.”

Jackie closed the door on her way out. Jinxx pointed at the wooden board on the wall. I leaned my back against it so that Jinxx could shackle me. He spread my legs and rubbed them, then stood up and squeezed my tits.

Oh, God. Wonder what Dave would think of me. How could I let a stranger fondle me like that? Those thoughts vanished when Jinxx whipped the wall. I flinched.

“Is this your first time at a BDSM party?” he asked. I nodded. “I’m gonna show you a good time.” Please do.

He smacked me twice and grabbed my crotch. I smiled. Then, he chocked me and licked my face. Jinxx grabbed my tits and ravaged my chest. I loved every second of it.

After clutching my hair, he snapped my head back and shoved his tongue into my mouth. He took a smaller whip off the bed and pressed it against my face.

“Lick it,” he said.

He smacked me as I licked the whip, then unshackled me and pushed me onto the bed. He flipped me onto my stomach and cuffed my hands behind my back.

My feet touched the floor as I bent over the bed, and Jinxx spanked my ass with the whip.

“You like that?” he asked.


“Yes, what?”

“Yes…bondage master.”

“I’ll show you BDSM, you little skank,” he said and pressed my head into the pillow to suffocate me.

He pulled my hair to permit me to breathe before dunking my head into the pillow. I was out of breath after he did that about ten times.

After smacking my ass, he pressed his boner against it. I was ashamed of desiring it to be inside me.

As Jinxx ripped off my lingerie and stuck his fingers inside my pussy, I said, “Wait. I’m married. I shouldn’t be doing this.”

He flipped me onto my back and opened my legs before he said, “The hell with your husband. Tonight, I’m the only man in your life.”

My eyes closed, and I moaned as he stuck his dick inside me and rode me like I had never felt before. He choked me while hovering over me and smacked me a few times.

I flipped onto my stomach after he instructed me, and he stuck his dick into my ass. The stretching forced me to clench my teeth and emit a few grunts. The corners of my eyes creased, and I screamed as he thrust. After he banged me for fifteen minutes without easing up, Jinxx squirted his load onto my back. I turned around and saw him pant.

My face was covered in sweat, so I raised my mask to wipe it off my forehead, not realising that I had broken rule number 1.

Jinxx’s eyes widened, and he gaped. “Shannon.”

Oh, my God. That’s it. Everybody at the church is going to know that I went to a BDSM party. My life is ruined.

Jinxx removed his mask.


The “5 Steps to Become A Certified Relationship Coach”

Have you ever thought about helping people find love?  What about expand their love life to the next level?

I decided to become a coach back in 2008.  I took the certified Love Coach program and it changed my life and started me on a career that allows me to help singles, couples and all types of relationships.  I have over 14 years under my belt and it was the best investment I could have ever made.

I have been practicing over 14 years and work with clients all over the world, most on zoom, phone or email.  I have my own practice in Yuma, AZ and online at Lady T Coaching

As an Ambassador to Students at Loveology University, I mentor all of the students on their journey before, during and after they get started.

Dr. Ava Cadell and myself have reintroduced the Masterclass Training program to invite potential coaches a chance to see what it takes to coach on love and relationship.

You will learn the secrets to successfully starting your own coaching business online using Loveology University’s certified programs.

For a short time, you can learn the five tips and receive FREE gifts and a special price at the end of the Masterclass Training on “How to Become a Certified Relationship Coach.”

In This Free Masterclass Training You’ll Discover:

  • The 5 Simple Steps On How to Become a Relationship Coach & Start Your Own Coaching Business Online.
  • Why now is the perfect time to get into Relationship Coaching — (HINT: It’s the BIGGEST coaching market in the world right now!)
  • How to quit your day job and start a successful and profitable career as a Relationship Coach online in 1 month or less with 0 start up costs.
  • How to position yourself as an Expert and stand out – even if you are completely unknown or just starting out.
  • How to pin-point your ideal niche that attracts your perfect clients.
  • How to start a new career, be your own boss, gain more free time and financial freedom living a ‘laptop lifestyle.’

    Meet Your Host

    Dr. Ava Cadell

    Love & Relationship Coach, Author, Public Speaker,  Media Therapist as seen on…

    Hello, I’m Dr. Ava Cadell, Love Guru, Media Therapist, Author and Worldwide Speaker.  As the founder of Loveology University® Online University of Love Coaching, I take on the role of mentor to share my vast 20 years+ knowledge with motivated students who will become successful Certified Relationship Coaches and Loveologists.

    I teach aspiring and experienced entrepreneurs like you how to become successful Certified Relationship Coaches and create an online business in 1 month or less.  Through my online Loveology University®, I help students launch their own Relationship and Love Coaching businesses from scratch so they can work in a rewarding career they love. As a successful Love Coach, it is my passion to help others create the career of their dreams and fast-track their success.

    Let me show you how to do the same!

    Click here to get access to all of my tips and strategies to launch your successful Relationship Coaching Business TODAY.