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Featured - The Best Sex Education Articles for Adults

Sexpert.com has the Best Sex Education Articles for Adults from an expert line up of certified sex experts.

Top sex education for adults featured posts and sexuality articles from our sex experts, sex coaches on everything from female orgasms, sexual pleasure, alternative lifestyle topics, couples sex advice and dating advice, masturbation and sexual empowerment, sexual health and wellness including men’s sexual problems like premature ejaculation and how to last longer in the bedroom.

Our Sex Ed featured articles include all the tips and techniques you need to know to make you a better lover such as the ultimate guide to anal sex, BDSM and kinky sex, oral sex, how to have the best orgasms, sexual relationship topics on how to spice up your love life, as well as female sexual anatomy and the erogenous zones including the clitoris, the cervix and cervical orgasm, all about the g spot, female ejaculation and g spot orgasms, the vagina and the vulva, penis facts and more.

Sexpert.com is an all-inclusive sex education site for adults and has many empowering articles on gender and sexuality, as well as articles for gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transgender, sissies, and alternative lifestyles including cuckold and hotwife relationships, threesomes, polyamory and swinging. See our sacred sexuality topics including Tantra sex, yoni yoga, sexy goddess rituals, energy orgasms and more.

Explore sexpert articles from our top sex educators.

Sexual Fantasizing

Photo by Pablo Heimplatz on Unsplash

Sexual fantasizing, what does it mean? It is the indulgence in daydreaming about something one desires. Fantasizing is done by men and women and it is totally normal. Boys and girls typically start to fantasize between 11 and 13 years of age, according to a study by the California State University.

WedMD has studied these activities also and found that women between 27 and 45 years of age had more intense sexual fantasies than other groups. More often than not, men will fantasize about a complete stranger whereas a woman tends to fantasize about someone she knows. For example, a man might fantasize about a woman he sees across the gym for the first time while a woman might fantasize about her gym trainer.

In this article we will be looking at the eight most common sexual fantasies and what percentage of men and women like which particular fantasies. After you read this, you should have a realization that you are more normal than you thought, no matter what society or culture says.

Photo by Lucas Filipe on Unsplash

Please keep in mind that all cultures, religions, and societies have different perspectives on these activities. What is not accepted in one part of the world may be totally normal and acceptable in another. With that in mind, it really is normal to have thoughts and feelings of fantasies.

This is why it can get tricky and cause problems if you let an individual make you feel like something is wrong with you. Do not do that. There is nothing further from the truth. It is important that one focuses on the fact that we are all humans at different stages in our lives and we will all be experiencing different desires.

In a Psychology Today article of November 18, 2019, Dr. Justin J. Lehmiller reported on research which discovered the Most Common Sexual Fantasies.

Photo by Artem Labunsky on Unsplash

8 Most Common Sexual Fantasies

Multi-Partner Sex Fantasies are reported by:

  • Men 95%
  • Women 87%

Multi-Partner might include the following:

  • Threesomes
  • Group Sex
  • Orgies
  • Gang Bangs

BDSM means Bondage, Discipline, Sadism, and Masochism Fantasies and are reported by:

  • Men 93%
  • Women 95%

BDSM might include the following:

  • Being Dominated
  • Dominating Someone
  • Bondage
  • Sensory Deprivation

Novelty, Adventure, and Variety Fantasies are reported by:

  • Men 97%
  • Women 97%

Novelty, Adventure, and Variety might include the following:

  • Sex in Public
  • Sex in an Uncommon Location
  • Sex with a Celebrity
  • Sex with a Stranger
  • Role Play
  • Cosplay

Sexual Taboo Culturally Forbidden Fantasies are reported by:

  • Men 87%
  • Women 72%

Sexual Taboo Culturally Forbidden might include the following:

  • Oral Sex
  • Anal Sex
  • Sex with Someone Younger
  • Sex with Someone Older
  • Exhibitionism
  • Voyeurism

Passion, Romance, and Intimacy Fantasies are reported by:

  • Men 99%
  • Women 99%

Passion, Romance, and Intimacy might include the following:

  • Cuddling
  • Hand Holding
  • Spend Time Together
  • Masturbating
  • Penetration
  • Making Out or Kissing
  • Humping
  • Fingering or Hand Movements
  • Sexual Fetishism
  • Sex with Emotion
  • Sex with Trust
  • Sensual Massage
  • Sexual Massage

Non-Monogamous Fantasies are reported by:

  • Men 91%
  • Women 80%

Non-Monogamous Relationship might include the following:

  • Open Relationship
  • Swinging
  • Polyamory

Alternative Sexual Behaviors Fantasies are reported by:

  • Men 59%
  • Women 49%

Alternative Sexual Behaviors might include the following:

  • Gender-Bending
  • Homoeroticism
  • Cross dressing
  • Becoming the Other Sex
  • Sex with a Transgender Partner
  • Gender Swap
  • Pegging

Heterosexual and Homoeroticism Fantasies are reported by:

  • Men 26%
  • Women 59%

Heterosexual and Homoeroticism might include the following:

  • Heterosexuals desiring same sex activities
  • Gay Pornography
Photo by Yohann LIBOT on Unsplash

Fantasizing can and often will change with your age and desires. Sometimes what we wanted in our twenties is different than what we want in our forties.

Another factor is health. It has been proven that when a human, or robot, physically touches our heart or our brain, it can cause changes in our personality. That change can be as simple as no longer liking a certain food, but it can also be as complex as to change your sexual desires.

Fantasizing is not talked about openly and when it is, a lot of times the topic is met with hostility. This is because to the individuals talking, it is a taboo subject and they think it is wrong, even though they are likely partaking in some of the same fantasies. In reality, there is nothing wrong with you. It is simply normal human behaviors. As always, have fun and keep it consensual.

How Has Intimate Communication Evolved Over Time?

Photo by pawel szvmanski on Unsplash

How Has Intimate Communication Evolved Over Time?

Intimate forms of communication have transformed drastically over the centuries. The ways in which people interact and connect intimately have evolved, from letters to lovers to modern day phone sex services. These changes in intimate communication can be put down to many factors, whether that be advancements in technology or changes in social norms. The way in which we express our desires has shifted from tangible communications to digital communications, showing that our interactions have adapted to technology and the online tools at our disposal.

Handwritten Letters to Telephone Intimacy:

It’s true that back in the 18th and 19th centuries handwritten letters were the primary method of intimate communication. Without telephones and modern day technology, lovers would write deeply personal letters to one another, from expressing their emotions to describing physical touch. These letters formed a tangible connection in relationships and helped to bridge the gap in relationships where distance, coupled with the lack of today’s instant messaging, could have caused a disconnect. 

So, what changed you might ask? The 19th century marked a significant turning point in intimate communication due to the release of the telephone. All of a sudden people could communicate over long distances. There was no longer any need to add ink to paper and sponteaneous, real time interactions became normality. This allowed for a different kind of intimacy. Lovers could express their feelings and desires directly, however, there were still restrictions due to practicality, cost, social norms and the constraints of the technology.

Advancements in Technology:

Over time, especially towards the late 20th century, there were significant technological advancements. This further transformed intimate communications due to mobile technology, whereby erotic phone calls were a new form of intimacy. Erotic calls provided lovers with a way to engage in intimate, often explicit conversations that wouldn’t have been possible in earlier centuries. This innovation created privacy that the landline phone lacked, along with convenience.

As time progressed, social stigma’s around intimacy and sexuality have also changed, meaning that conversations that might have once been seen as taboo, are now socially accepted. The introduction of social networks and other platforms have also helped to form new methods of intimate communication, from online dating to virtual relationships.

The Future of Intimate Communication:

As much as intimacy has developed due to advancements in technology so drastically already, if we look forward, the evolution of intimate communication is likely to be influenced further by emerging technologies such as the introduction of AI and virtual reality.

These technologies will inevitably transform intimate communications. From phone sex services, online chat rooms, dating apps and instant messaging, these services, like their predecessors, will likely become outdated in the near future. Artificial intelligence and virtual reality will provide more intimacy, more personalization and immersive experiences for both couples and individuals.

The journey from love letters to erotic telephone conversations highlights how technology has adapted our behavior when it comes to intimacy. With every phase of technological advancement, our social norms reflect a change in behavioural pattern. It’s clear to see that as technology progresses, the ways in which we communicate will also progress to a more technology focused relationship.

Intimate relationships are now more accessible than ever, versatile and instant. This means that people can share an intimate conversation before even meeting in person. As technology advances, our relationships will reflect the ever changing digital capabilities.  

Erotic Phone Calls


Press Release: Summer Sexcapades Spark Testing Plea

Photo taken from: https://www.basisdx.org/product/pro-13-at-home-std-test/

Press Release:  Summer Sexcapades Spark Testing Plea from STI Experts, BasisDx.

Photo from: https://www.basisdx.org/product/basic-3-at-home-std-test/

Silicon Valley, Tuesday 13th August 2024: BasisDx, the leading U.S. provider of at-home STI testing kits, warns Americans who enjoy a vacation romance to get a full panel STI test, as the worldwide STI epidemic surges.

New data reveals that while 26% of the US population actively sought a summer fling, a staggering 17% of those looking for a one night stand while on vacation were in a partnered relationship. The familiar saying “what happens on vacation stays on vacation,” is not often the case as many travelers return with an STI.

“While sun, sea, and sex are a legendary combination, timely detection is vital in today’s global transmission landscape. You no longer need to schedule a blood draw and take more time off from work. Now bacterias, viruses and parasites can be quickly caught with a simple at-home collection kit,” – says Susan Bratton, Chief Advocacy Officer for BasisDx.

With Syphilis cases at a level not witnessed since the 1950’s, and the global STI epidemic continuing unabated, renowned infectious disease expert Andreas M. Kogelnik, MD, PhD, CEO and Chief Scientific Officer at BasisDx, makes an urgent appeal to those returning from vacation to get tested two weeks after vacation.

“I’m not one for scaremongering, but I’ve been studying infectious diseases for more than two decades, and I have never been as concerned as I am right now”, Dr. Kogelnik warned.

“We’re witnessing unprecedented surges of infections that once plagued our great grandparents. Syphilis cases increased by 68% between 2018 and 2022 and this trend continues, meanwhile it also becomes more challenging to treat some infections: multi-drug resistant gonorrhea (or super gonorrhea) cases have been increasingly reported globally. It’s not just an epidemic of the young, STIs are spreading across all demographics particularly in the over 50’s age group.

“As the summer is ending and people start returning from vacation, it’s a crucial step for one’s personal and public sexual health to test for STIs if you had sex with a new partner on holiday. Many STIs have an incubation period of about two weeks, so it’s recommended to wait this period of time after sexual activity to make sure your test results are accurate. However, if you experience any symptoms earlier, an in-clinic visit is necessary as soon as possible.”

For those looking for the easiest and most discreet STI testing option, the next generation of at-home collection STI testing kits like those from BasisDx provide an easy and efficient solution. Technology has advanced to the point where a home-collection kit can accurately detect HIV 1&2,  Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, Hepatitis C, Trichomoniasis, Mycoplasma genitalium, Gardnerella and HSV 1 & 2.

With a results turnaround between 24-48 hours and a high level of precision, BasisDx’s testing kits range in price from $58.00 – $199.00 with follow-up telemedicine appointments available.

Sexist Namecalling: A Sign of Fear and Desperation in Insecure Men by The Childless Cat Lady Feminist Sexpert

Sexist Name-calling: A Sign of Fear and Desperation in Insecure Men by The Childless Cat Lady Feminist Sexpert

The Feminist Sexpert has observed that, in instances in which sexist, backward thinking individuals are intimidated by and out and out frightened of powerful women, they often use name-calling as a pathetic tool of attempted domination. In an effort to put women back in their place–i.e., back into the kitchen–they try to shame and humiliate them through the use of vapid, obnoxious and singularly uncreative nicknames.

I first learned this in school, when Junior Feminist Sexpert was repeatedly attacked with the label of Feminazi–a nasty moniker first conceptualized by conservative commentator Rush Limbaugh. It seemed that, whenever a bully failed to come up with an intelligent counterarguement to feminist beliefs, they would sputter out nonsensical nicknames such as ‘feminazi’ because–frankly–they had nothing better or wiser to say.

Years later, when I edited the memoir of a Holocaust survivor for very little pay, empowering this amazing gentleman to tell his story, I wondered just how much of a Nazi I was. 

Then, while serving as the proud president (aka Possemeister) of the Playgirl Posse, the official fan club of Playgirl magazine and PlaygirlTV,  one of my member’s husbands felt that I deserved a professional moniker apart from Possemeister.

“My husband says that you’re a morally depraved single woman,” she informed me with a smirk.

Translation: This woman is encouraging my wife to enjoy and demand more from her sexuality, and to admire photos of naked men who are, in total, far hotter than I am. She must be destroyed in short order.

I asked my friend to pass along my thanks to her husband for my cool new nickname, and wondered aloud if the phrase would fit on a T-shirt.

Well years later, I am still standing. Still fighting for women’s freedoms, including their sexual freedoms. And because of ultra conservative politicians who have stripped us of our bodily freedoms and still deny us basics such as equal work for equal pay, we all have to fight harder than ever to maintain our equality and autonomy.

One of these peeps, in point of fact, has decried women in power as ‘childless cat ladies’ who have no stake in our nation’s future.

So in divine celebration of these amazing women, let’s take a look at some famous Childless Cat Ladies from the annals of popular culture.

Catwoman: As played through the years by Eartha Kitt, Julie Newmar, Halle Berry, Lee Meriwether, Anne Hathaway, and so many others, Catwoman reigned as one of the first female superheroines and–when one thinks about it–was the ultimate Cat Lady, giving Batman a run for his money as she exerted her formidable power.

Ripley, Alien: Aside from ranking among the most powerful heroines in scifi history, Warrant Officer Ellen Ripley is a proud cat mama, to Jonesy–a fierce feline who stays faithful and loyal by the side of this intergalactic warrior woman.

Captain Marvel: The unbeatable superheroine Captain Marvel possesses many superpowers–furthermore, the same can be said for the adorable Goose, her able partner in global domination.

We also could reference any number of real life Childless Cat Ladies who have changed the world–including Betty White, Dolly Parton, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Taylor Swift. And while Kamala Harris is indeed incredible, ‘Momala’ is not childless–she is the proud stepmom to two kids. As for The Feminist Sexpert, I have no natural born children–or even cats, for that matter–though I am a proud aunt to both human and animal children of all varieties. I’m also a community reporter whose news stories have generated thousands of dollars in donation for charities that feed, clothe and educate children.

And while I am always happy to pet an adorable pussy, I’d never grab one.

The Golden Path to Swinging: Navigating the Do’s and Don’ts

Photo by Mike Scheid on Unsplash

The Golden Path to Swinging: Navigating the Do’s and Don’ts

The world of swinging is an enticing and adventurous realm where consenting adults explore their sexuality in a shared space. It’s a lifestyle that has evolved over the years, offering a variety of experiences from soft swaps to full exchanges. For those ready to take the plunge or for seasoned swingers looking to refine their experiences, let illuminate the path to a fulfilling swinging journey.

A World Beyond Monogamy

Swinging, often referred to as “the lifestyle,” is a non-monogamous activity that couples and singles engage in to add spice to their sex lives. It can range from watching and being watched to full sexual intercourse with others. Understanding the different levels of swinging is crucial:

Soft Swap: Involves everything but sexual intercourse, such as kissing, fondling, and oral sex with someone other than your partner.

Full Swap: Engaging in sexual intercourse with another couple or individual, with the consent and often the participation of your partner.

Communication is Key: The Heart of Swinging Etiquette

The cornerstone of any successful swinging experience is open and honest communication. It’s vital to discuss your desires, boundaries, and expectations with your partner and any potential playmates. Here are some essential communication strategies:

Be Clear About Your Limit*: Before engaging in any swinging activity, have a candid conversation about what is and isn’t acceptable for both you and your partner.  

Check-In Regularly: Consent is not a one-time conversation. It’s important to check in with each other throughout the experience to ensure everyone is comfortable and enjoying themselves.

Use Safe Words: Establish a safe word or signal that can be used to indicate discomfort or the desire to stop an activity immediately.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Swinging

To ensure a respectful and pleasurable experience, adhere to the following guidelines:


Respect Boundaries: Always honor the boundaries set by others, as well as your own.
Practice Good Hygiene: Personal cleanliness is a must in any intimate encounter.
*Be Discreet: Respect the privacy of others in the lifestyle. What happens in the swinging community should stay there.
Engage in Safe Sex: Protect yourself and others by using protection and getting regularly tested for STIs.


Don’t Pressure Others: Swinging is about mutual consent. Never coerce someone into an activity they’re not comfortable with.
Don’t Overindulge: Excessive drinking or drug use can impair judgment and consent.
Don’t Be Disrespectful: Always treat others with kindness and respect, regardless of whether you’re interested in playing with them.

Navigating Swinging Events and Venues:

Swinging can take place in various settings, from private parties to exclusive clubs. Here’s how to navigate these spaces:

Dress to Impress: Many venues have dress codes, so make sure to adhere to them. Dressing well can also make a great first impression.
Be Social: Swinging events are an excellent opportunity to meet like-minded individuals. Be friendly and open to conversations.
Understand the House Rules: Each venue or event will have its own set of rules. Make sure you’re familiar with them to avoid any misunderstandings.

Conclusion:  Embrace the Adventure with Care and Respect

Swinging can be a thrilling addition to your love life, offering new experiences and deepening connections with your partner. By following the do’s and don’ts outlined in this guide, you can ensure that your adventures in swinging are both exciting and respectful. Remember, the key to a successful swinging experience is communication, consent, and consideration for everyone involved.

Embark on this journey with an open mind and a respectful heart, and you’ll find that the swinging lifestyle can open doors to a world of pleasure and exploration. Happy swinging!

The Vital Role of Sex Therapy in Body Image and Intimacy

Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

The Vital Role of Sex Therapy in Body Image and Intimacy


As a clinical sexologist, I’ve encountered countless individuals who grapple with the intricate web of body image concerns and the impact these have on their sexual well-being. In a society that often reduces sexuality to mere physical attributes, it’s crucial to recognize the profound influence that our perceptions of self have on our intimate lives.

There is the transformative power of professional counseling and therapy in addressing body image issues, the importance of understanding sexual anatomy and function, and the essential role partners play in fostering a supportive and communicative sexual relationship.

Photo by Alexander Krivitskiy on Unsplash

Body image is a multifaceted construct that encompasses our thoughts, feelings, and perceptions about our own bodies. It’s influenced by a myriad of factors, including cultural standards, personal experiences, and societal messaging.

When it comes to sexuality, body image plays a pivotal role in how we relate to ourselves and our partners during intimate encounters. Negative body image can lead to feelings of inadequacy, anxiety, and even avoidance of sexual activity, which can strain relationships and diminish overall quality of life.

Professional counseling and therapy offer a safe and confidential space for individuals to explore and address their body image concerns. A clinical sexologist can provide specialized guidance that combines psychotherapy with sex therapy techniques, tailored to the unique needs of each client.

Through this process, clients can:

  • Unpack and Challenge Negative Beliefs: by examining the origins of their body image issues, clients can begin to dismantle harmful thought patterns and replace them with more affirming narratives.
  • Cultivate Self-Compassion: learning to treat oneself with kindness and understanding is a critical step in healing one’s relationship with one’s body.
  • Enhance Sexual Confidence: through various therapeutic interventions, clients can build confidence in their sexual desirability and capabilities, independent of societal ideals.
  • Develop Coping Strategies: therapy equips clients with practical tools to manage anxiety and self-consciousness both in and out of the bedroom.

A cornerstone of sexual well-being is the knowledge and appreciation of one’s sexual anatomy and its functions. This understanding can empower individuals to make informed decisions about their sexual health and pleasure.

In therapy, clients are encouraged to:

  • Learn About Their Bodies: through education and exploration, clients gain insight into the intricacies of their sexual responses, arousal patterns, and pleasure pathways.
  • Communicate Preferences and Boundaries: knowledge of one’s own body equips individuals to articulate their desires and limits to their partners effectively.
  • Embrace Variability: recognizing that sexual anatomy and function vary widely can help normalize diverse sexual expressions and experiences.

Partners play a critical role in creating an environment where open communication and emotional support are prioritized. In the context of body image concerns, partners can:

  • Offer Validation and Reassurance: regular affirmations of attractiveness and worth can help counteract negative self-perceptions.
  • Practice Active Listening: being present and attentive during discussions about body image can foster a deeper connection and understanding between partners.
  • Engage in Empathetic Dialogue: encouraging conversations about insecurities and fears can bridge the gap between partners and promote mutual support.
  • Collaborate on Solutions: working together to find strategies that enhance comfort and pleasure during sex can strengthen the relationship and benefit both partners.
Photo by Velizar Ivanov on Unsplash

Body image issues can cast a long shadow over one’s sexual self-esteem and intimate relationships. However, through the guidance of a clinical sexologist and the unwavering support of a partner, individuals can embark on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and empowerment.

Therapy not only provides the tools to navigate these complex issues but also illuminates the path to a fulfilling and joyous sexual life.

Remember, the essence of our erotic selves transcends physical form; it is rooted in our capacity to connect, to pleasure, and to love—ourselves and others.

If you or someone you know is struggling with body image and its impact on their sexuality, seek professional help. The path to self-acceptance and sexual liberation is within reach, and the rewards of this journey are boundless.

Embrace your erotic blueprint and let the light of understanding and compassion guide you toward a life of sexual fulfillment and intimate connection. I stand at the ready! (debrashade.youcanbook.me) #shadesoasis #pleasure

Beducated Featured in Cosmopolitan

Photo from Beducated.com
Beducated Featured in Cosmopolitan as Top Edporn Site for Women
(Los Angeles, CA / July 17, 2024) — Leading sex-ed platform Beducated has been named among the top “35 Porn Sites for Women That Are Safe, Ethical and Extremely Hot”, according to a new article from Cosmopolitan magazine.
Beducated’s featuring Sex School, an edporn series of video courses from renowned Sex Educators, is singled out by Cosmo authors Rachel Varina and Sophie Saint Thomas for its informative topics such as ‘Redefine Erectile Dysfunction’, ‘Oral Sex in Action’, ‘Threesomes’, ‘Pleasure Mapping’, ‘Sexting’, ‘Hookups’ and ‘(Re)Discover Self Pleasure’, aimed at confronting social taboos and breaking cultural conventions in order to achieve a healthy and satisfying sex life.
Beducated co-founder Mariah Freya also explains the concept of ethical porn to Cosmo readers, which “is made consensually, treats performers with respect, and pays performers and filmmakers fairly for their work… it also often portrays more authentic representations of sex, featuring diverse body types, queer relationships, and genuine female pleasure.
“It’s important to do your research by checking if the production really values principles like consent, fair treatment of performers, and authentic representation. Look for reviews or endorsements from reputable sources within the adult industry or advocacy groups focused on ethical production practices.”
To read the story “35 Porn Sites for Women That Are Safe, Ethical and Extremely Hot”, go to Cosmopolitan.com.
Visit Beducated.com to discover an insightful censor-free variety of 100+ pleasure-based sex education courses covering everything from self-pleasure to kink exploration, with subscriptions starting at $9.99 a month for an annual pass. Non-subscribers can also explore the service with a 24-hour free trial.
Beducated is the biggest pleasure-based sex education platform on the internet, with 100+ courses covering everything from self-pleasure to kink exploration. The library hosts thousands of lessons and extensive learning materials curated by world-class sex educators, coaches, and experts.
Founded by Mariah Freya and Phil Steinweber in 2018, Beducated began as a “Netflix for sexual education,” offering online access to sex and sexuality master classes via subscription. Their latest venture, the AI Sex Coach, is a comprehensive ‘intimacy assistant’ that provides detailed advice on sex and relationships, leveraging extensive training from thousands of sex education lessons and materials to foster an environment of shame-free sexual exploration. To learn more, visit Beducated.com.
# # #
Press and media contact: Brian S. Gross | BSG PR | 818.340.4422 | brian@bsgpr.com | @bsgpr

Sex Magic

Photo by Almos Bechtold on Unsplash

When reading this article, keep an open mind. Here are a couple of questions that will be addressed: What is sex magic? Can anyone practice it? You can experience this with the love of your life or by yourself.

The important thing to take away is sex magic helps you connect with the universe. Adding some science to sex magic, something to remember is we all are made from star dust. We are merely adding our energy to the star dust out there.

What is Manifestation?

Before we talk about sex magic, we have to make sure you are aware of a few basic terms. One major factor involved in any magic is manifestation. What do we mean by ‘manifestation’?

Many of you are familiar with the Law of Attraction, which combines desire, intention, and emotion to produce a manifestation. An example of something you may want to manifest might be a partner. So, do you want a male, female, trans, or bi? Do you want love, kindness, and gentleness? Tall, dark, and handsome or sexy, leggy, and sultry.  Remember, we only want to manifest positive things.

  • To expand on the example mentioned above, consider you are looking for a mate.
  • Begin by deciding exactly what you want (tall, short, kind, generous, etc.).
  • Visualize that individual and the relationship you want to have with them.
  • Write all this down with pen and paper.
  • Be as explicit as possible.
  • Having something physical regarding these desires will help keep you on track and strengthen the power of your desires.
  • Now you want to ‘embody’ this desire.  That is, live as though you have this individual in your life.
  • Align your actions to be ready to accept this new person into your life.
  • Do not obsess, just accept that it will happen.

In fact, that is the next step, accepting that the universe will provide. Remember, this is just an example. You can use sex magic to help manifest anything in your life.

Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

Why use Sex Magic?

Let us begin by stating that creative energy and sexual energy are deeply connected and sexual energy can intensify creative energy and passion. We are talking about how one can go about harnessing that energy. In the physical world, sex can create a human being, a physical object.

In the world of magic, sex can create a manifestation – the ‘birth’ of an idea on a spiritual plane. Sex magic is the transforming of your sexual energy into the manifestation of your desire. You do sex magic to cause something you desire to happen. You might want healing, attract money, have a greater spiritual clarification. When you add sexual energy to manifestation you increase the magic spell.

Sex magic is a blending of male and female energies and regardless of gender, we each have both masculine and feminine energies. You can do this by yourself; you do not need a physical partner to perform sex magic. Self-pleasuring is a good way to practice before you start working with a partner. You can call upon the universe to be a partner with you.

Here is a compilation of steps as defined by a number of authors to achieve sex magic:

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

  1. Have a Clear Intention:  Your intentions are willed through manifestation
  2. Create Sacred Space:  Possibly a bedroom that is dedicated to magical lovemaking. Cleanse the space by burning sage. You can set a mood by burning incense, playing music, and lighting some candles. Think of your sacred space as your temple, where you can become one with yourself, or with a partner. This temple is a place where you can call on the universe to help you achieve your magical sex energies.
  3. Looking Into The Soul of Each Other:  Look into each other’s eyes This allows your hearts to connect soul to soul. There is no need to rush, just be. If you do not like the quiet you can state your intention aloud
  4. Connect with Breath, Sound and Movement:  Breath is important for the release of thought. This allows you to be fully in the moment, blending your energy together. You are aware of the sound and movement. The masculine and feminine realms are there for physical and sensual feeling. Put your hands on each other hearts. You breathe each other’s energy, making a circulation of energy between the two of you, merging into one. If you are doing this alone, start by placing your hand over your heart.
  5. Sensual Touch:  You are now combining breath, sound, and movement with both of your energies. Be thankful for each other, or yourself. Appreciate one another. This touch is a sensual and pleasurable touch. This touch will spread through the entire body, from head to toes. A very good position to use is for one partner to sit on top of the other partner’s crossed legs with their legs wrapped around the other’s body. This is a very easy way of connecting all chakras together. For an individual, sit cross legged with your hands discovering your body.
  6. Building the Sexual Energy:  This is where the manifestation comes into play. One can use tantric techniques to modify sexual energy. The goal is to no longer have a genital orgasm, but rather raise sexual energy into the higher consciousness. This is where you enable your loving making to last longer. A way to do this is to stop pleasuring before you climax. A ‘rinse and repeat method’, extending your time to climax. Continue this for as long as you like, slowly and steadily building intensity.
  7. Visualize at the Highest Point of Arousal:  When you are at highest level, envision what you are manifesting. The more intense your feelings, the faster you can attract what you desire.
  8. Seeding Your Vision:  Sex Magic is the release of the energy you have built up, keeping your vision in mind and feeling the pleasure of your manifestation come to life in the universe. Your magical ‘child’ has come to life in the ether.
  9. Let Go:  Now is the time to trust the universe; the magic has now been set into motion.

As you can see, anyone can use sex magic to strengthen their ability to manifest any goal. It adds extra energy to your manifestation. Always make certain to keep things positive. What you desire can come back to you threefold.

If you do this with a partner, it is a much better practice to do it with someone you care deeply about and who shares your basic ideas. You can work together on one goal or you can use your combined energy to strengthen the manifestation of separate goals. Just be sure you are both on the same page before you start.

One last thing to remember if you wish to use sexual magic, make it count. Every time you have a ‘one-night stand’ or masturbate without using all of the technique, you are wasting energy. As always, have fun and keep it consensual.              

Tamara Payton Bell Launches Consulting and Mentoring Firm

Photo by Christina @ wocintechchat.com on Unsplash

Tamara Payton Bell Launches Consulting and Mentoring Firm

This is to assist new businesses in the sexual wellness industry, Tamara Bell & Associates launched a new wave of consulting.  This innovative hub is designed for up-and-coming entrepreneurs ready to elevate their personal and business endeavors. The firm’s mission is to provide exceptional consulting services and mentoring that empower clients to achieve their goals.

Logo taken from: www.newattitudebc.com

Vision and Mission:

Tamara Bell founded New Attitude Business Consulting out of a deep-seated passion for helping businesses succeed. Observing a significant need for personalized, results-driven consulting services, she embarked on creating a company that not only meets but exceeds these needs. In an ever-changing wellness industry landscape, the demand for such a service has become increasingly evident, prompting her to respond with a solution tailored to the specific challenges and opportunities faced by new and growing businesses.  She developed a team of qualified coaches to fulfill the needs of the business owner.

The Team:

The strength of New Attitude Business Consulting lies in its diverse and highly qualified team of experts, each bringing unique skills and perspectives to the table:

  • Marjha Hunt, PsyD: A Black queer therapist and certified sexologist, Dr. Hunt specializes in LGBTQ+ issues, kink competency, various relationship types, sexual challenges, and multicultural issues. Her expertise provides invaluable insights into the complex dynamics of personal and sexual wellness.
  • Kristina Roberts: Known widely under her pen name, Zane, she is a New York Times bestselling author with more than three dozen titles. Her successful ventures include two top-rated cable series, a highly successful scripted podcast, and a number one box office film. Her creative and narrative expertise offers a unique edge to the consulting firm.
  • Chelsea Downs: A three-time XBIZ award winner and industry veteran, Chelsea is the owner and founder of New York Toy Collective, the world’s largest queer and transgender pleasure products company. Her entrepreneurial experience and industry knowledge are pivotal in guiding new businesses in the wellness sector.
  • Debra Shade: A clinical sexologist, Debra brings a deep understanding of sexual health and education, which is critical for businesses operating within this space.
  • Goody Howard: Known as the “Sex Ed Superhero” for over 17 years, Goody is renowned for her expertise in sexual education, adding another layer of comprehensive support for clients.
  • Angel Lowe:  Owner and founder of Angelic Pleasures, a home party expert.
  • Viloshni Moodley:  A clinical sexologist
  • Samantha Love:  A certified Life Coach

Services and Impact:

They offer a broad spectrum of services designed to support entrepreneurs at various stages of their journey. Whether clients need strategic business planning, market analysis, brand development, or mentorship, the firm is equipped to deliver exceptional guidance tailored to their specific needs.

The firm aims to create a supportive and empowering environment where entrepreneurs can thrive. By leveraging the combined expertise of its diverse team, they will help clients navigate the complexities of the business world, especially within the wellness and sexual health industries.


By launching New Attitude Business Consulting, they are set to make a significant impact on the entrepreneurial landscape. By addressing the specific needs of up-and-coming businesses and providing top-tier consulting and mentoring services, Tamara and her team are paving the way for a new era of empowered, successful entrepreneurs.

With a focus on personalized, results-driven support, the firm is well-positioned to help clients achieve their personal and business goals, fostering growth and innovation in the wellness industry and beyond.

Flesh for Fantasy: The Feminist Sexpert Remembers Flesh Gordon

Flesh for Fantasy: The Feminist Sexpert Remembers Flesh Gordon

The year 2024 marks the 50th anniversary of a seminal motion picture–the Feminist Sexpert never has been precisely certain as to what seminal means, but what the heck? It sounds impressive. The fact remains that the scifi epic known as Flesh Gordon is a one of a kind motion picture. And, all things considered, that’s probably a very good thing. Indeed.

Flesh Gordon, as one might expect, best can be described as a riotous porn parody of a science fiction masterpiece called…2001: A Space Odyssey! Nope, Flesh Gordon, of course, was the softcore version of Flash Gordon–one that essentially takes the time-honored comic book hero known and beloved throughout the generations and turns him right on his–um–ear?

Flesh Gordon is the warm, oh so sentimental tale of evil Emperor Wang, who targets the planet Earth with his sex rays. Hunky blond Flesh Gordon and beautiful adventuress Dale Ardor fly in to save the day, battling as they do a creature shaped like a certain male organ (and it sure ain’t a prostate) and assorted villains.

Although possessing of a sizable cult following, Flesh Gordon cannot in any way be considered femme porn. The film contains tasteless rape jokes and grossly stereotypical LGBT characters (Prince Precious? Really? And Dale Ardor is kidnapped by predatory lesbian aliens). Yet the picture is worthy of note to any femme porn historian, primarily because–much like its sequel, Flesh Gordon and the Cosmic Cheerleaders–the original Flesh Gordon is centered around a sexy, gorgeous male hero custom designed to appeal to women.

Leading man Jason Williams is described by IMDB as a handsome and charming blonde actor who starred in dirty exploitation flicks. It was quite a novelty of that time–or, really, any time–for the male body to be put on display in all its glory, as the visual centerpiece of a film. And Williams, said to be a kind and amiable gent in real life, also played the White Knight in the XXX musical fantasy version of Alice in Wonderland. 

It would have been easy for directors to morph Flesh Gordon into Felesha Gordon, staging a cut rate version of Barbarella in the process. Yet the narratives of both Flesh Gordon movies necessitated and called upon the total objectification of the male–with the delicious Vince Murdocco taking the title character to even riskier extremes in the sequel, Flesh Gordon and the Cosmic Cheerleaders, as he is abducted by said cheerleaders and also dominated by a BBW space queen. Interestingly enough, the actress playing the space queen is now a leading casting director in Hollywood, though I won’t mention her name.

Much like the Joan Collins/Oliver Tobias scorcher The Stud, Flesh Gordon (doncha just love these oh so subtle titles?) represents the rare and welcome exhibition of a gorgeous male form in a straight softcore movie. I’d love to see a reboot free of offensive jokes and stereotypes–but if viewed in just the right frame of mind (horny and maybe slightly intoxicated comes to mind), Flesh is a fun flick.