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Monday, March 17, 2025

Featured - The Best Sex Education Articles for Adults

Sexpert.com has the Best Sex Education Articles for Adults from an expert line up of certified sex experts.

Top sex education for adults featured posts and sexuality articles from our sex experts, sex coaches on everything from female orgasms, sexual pleasure, alternative lifestyle topics, couples sex advice and dating advice, masturbation and sexual empowerment, sexual health and wellness including men’s sexual problems like premature ejaculation and how to last longer in the bedroom.

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Sexpert.com is an all-inclusive sex education site for adults and has many empowering articles on gender and sexuality, as well as articles for gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transgender, sissies, and alternative lifestyles including cuckold and hotwife relationships, threesomes, polyamory and swinging. See our sacred sexuality topics including Tantra sex, yoni yoga, sexy goddess rituals, energy orgasms and more.

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Baldo: Turn Your Balls Into A Sex Toy

What is a Balldo?

The Balldo is “The World’s First Ball-Dildo (or balls-mounted dildo, if you like)… that will allow you to penetrate your partner with your balls to have ballsex and even experience a ballgasm (aka an orgasm that is produced by ball stimulation while wearing a Balldo)…”– Paraphrased, according to the Balldo website.

The Invention of the Balldo: Prepare to be Amazed!

Recently launched as an Indiegogo campaign, the Balldo is the product of sextech developers Jerry Davies and Ellie Plasencia, who’ve created many other intriguing devices.

As its photos may not immediately explain how the Balldo’s operates, think of it kind-of, sort-of like a strap-on. But while that classic sex toy is a dildo supported by a strap-on harness, the Balldo allows the wearer to wear the dildo (or sleeve) over their balls, and the length does the same by using the wear’s testicles.

In this, it’s kissing kin to cock rings or similar ball-constructing sex toys. So, in addition to having a phallus freed from erection’s vagarities, the Balldo brings wearers that extra-level of sexual pleasure.

One of these the developers have named: a “ballgasm”–referring to the exciting sensation the wearer’s testicles receive when rubbing against their partner’s genitals.

To help the Balldo maintain the necessary tension for penetrative sex, along with its pain part, purchasers also receive a pair of “spacer rings” that can be placed behind the testicles—one or both to get the job done. The spacer rings make the testicles rigid enough for penetration.

Construction-wise, the Balldo’s a high-tech mix of flexibility and softness—as we’re talking about the testicles, after all—and firmness, which means whoever’s the user is playing with has an erection-like feeling. Made of ultra-soft platinum and body-safe silicone on the outside, with a super strong inner core to prevent collapse when trhusting.

How Put On the Baldo

As their Indiegogo says, the Balldo team recommends users begin by making their testicles as hair-free as they can, followed by the application of suitable lubrication. That accomplished, they next stretch the toy as needed to pass it around and behind the balls—and if needed, to create more tension by adding one or both of the spacers.

The public trimming, or removal, makes a lot of sense. As a cock ring fan, I know all too well how the unexpected plucking of a hair, or when they get painfully get caught in the ring, can be the polar opposite of pleasurable.

I also have to say that removing public hair can be on the tricky side—and would take another article to explore fully. Though I can state the (somewhat) obvious that before you make any attempt, for the sake of your balls, don’t get your razor out or—way, way, way worse—slather on this-or-that hair removal cream. So read up on how to do it safely and with as little pain or discomfort as possible before doing any removal.

The Balldo: A New Way to Have Penetrative Sex

I’d also like to mention that Balldo’s team doesn’t specifically mention using their product as a way for penis-equipped persons to reduce their anxiety regarding getting and keeping an erection. Instead, they focus on how their product, as they put it, helps to “unleash pleasure that you’ve never experienced before”—as it feels uniquely different than a flesh-and-blood member.

That it does exceptionally well according to the (giggle) testimonials provided by people who’ve taken it out for a test drive.

As a person with a penis stashed in their slacks, along with grey on the roof when I learned of the Balldo, my reaction was equal parts relief that here’s something that’ll potentially make penetrative sex less problematic and exciting to use.

How to Use the Balldo: Take it Slow With BallSex

As nothing is ever perfect, least of all sextech products, I’d need to say that since testicles aren’t exactly the most durable of body parts, users of the Balldo should take things slowly—and then, after gaining experience with how it acts and feels, trying to go all-vigorous with their penetrating.

So onto with how to use it. In that, back to the fragility of balls, you’ll probably need to modify or change your penetrative sex positions to avoid putting undue stress on them.

This in no way a slam against the Balldo’s creators, as it’s abundantly obvious they know their top-notch sextech stuff in how their product’s designed and manufactured.

Balls In Your Court: Balldo’s Unique Approach to Penetrative Sex

“Well, ya got trouble, my friend, right here, I say, trouble right here in River City, with a capital “E,” that stands for …. erection!”

Please excuse my paraphrasing of a classic show tune, but when I was first introduced to the new Balldo sextoy in a twisted way, I couldn’t not hear Professor Harold Hill’s musical warning about River City’s (fictitious) trouble.

Because here’s a product that uniquely addresses something that I consider to be a far too prevalent and far too long-lasting misconception regarding sexual pleasure sex: that it’s only and ever about erections.

The Stress of Getting and Maintaining an Erection: Let’s Liberate Sex

I’ll explain my comment above—and why I think this toy could be a life-saver for the penis-equipped.

As someone equipped with one, I can personally testify that while they can certainly be enjoyable to play with, one thing that’s not brought up often enough is how fickle erections can be.

The is especially true as their owner’s age—as when you’re a spritely young person, it’s often not so much a matter of gaining but preventing one. However, add a couple of decades, and the reverse is true: the struggle is to achieve and then subsequently maintain an erection.

What makes it more stressful is how penis-equipped people are often judged by this frequently unpredictable mechanism. Sometimes to the point where they consider themselves—to be or are treated by others—as no longer a sexual person.

Remaining on my teetering soapbox, I consider this measuring-sex-by-erection fixation, notably in Western Culture, a significant detriment towards understanding that the ability to insert part A into someone else’s part B is only a small part of what sexual pleasure is and can be. An expansive view that I wish more people would accept and explore.

Then there’s the depressing issue of how size is also unfortunately held against sexual partners. When the truth has always been, it’s not the measure of a person but what they do with what nature’s given them.

And what of the penis-equipped who get off on penetrative sex though may have issues with erections, or simply want to try out a new way to do the same, but without their own … parts?

Well, that’s where Balldo comes in.

It gives you more options than only penis penetrative sex.

Let’s Expand on What Sex is and Can Be

Going back to the hard (giggle) realities of erections, I want to round things up by rallying again against exclusively considering sexual activity with the penis-equipped to be limited to hardness.

A portion of it certainly can be, but that’s not the whole enchilada. So rather than looking at penetrative sex as the most important, with everything from oral sex to mutual masturbation and all points beyond as somehow less than, let’s work to changing our sexual perspectives, so it’s merely just a small portion of the vast sexual dessert.

And how when you do want to do it, products like the Balldo isn’t a replacement for a penis but a brand new, and perhaps hotter way to enjoy penetrative sex—and one that, for those with them, can be a great way to fuck without worrying if you won’t be able to measure up.


Naughty Memoirs; Erring On The Side Of Discretion

Photo by Ekaterina Belinskaya from Pexels

The subject I am tackling in this installment can add up to quite the sticky wicket when it comes to erotic writing (and God knows, not everybody likes their wicket all that sticky). In one’s naughty scribbling, especially in the adult fiction one creates, one (be one lucky enough to have had some fun or have shelled out an inordinate amount of cash over the years) often plucks ideas from that which they have experienced as much as from what one fantasizes about.

But what happens when one takes their pen or flying fingers to an erotic memoir? How discreet should you be in making your real past into a story?

If you cover your shapely, possibly blushed posterior enough by changing names, places, and even tweaking action here and there, you can pretty much get away with masking real stories/memoirs. I’d recommend this, at least a little. Your exes usually don’t want to be outed, would probably rather there wasn’t a hint of them in your reiteration; discretion really is the better part of valor here.

But lots of writers want to stay as true to their experiences as they can, and charge full speed ahead by writing real names, specific places, and step-by-step saucy action into their memoirs. 

I’m talking less compromise here and more maturity.

Have you a care for an ex sex partner, a smidgen of good taste, and seeing as we are presently in the throes of rabid connections through social media, you might want to err on the side of not telling tales out of school even when you are telling ‘those’ kinds of tales.

I have been working on a memoir for a while now, a full account of some of my wild and woolly years of singledom, specifically as this time in my life relates to the kinks I have enjoyed with some wonderful ladies. But I’ve changed names, places, and shifted times, as well as also writing this book under a pseudonym. I don’t feel I’m compromising myself in any way and truly feel in my heart that the only way I can get this story told (and I do want to tell it) is to do all I can to hide identities.

As I always say here, you do you.

Proceed as you feel best. In fiction, you’ll certainly have more opportunities to distract your reader off the scent of a real person, place, or time. And while you can do the same in a memoir, I feel the trick when spinning as true an account as you want to (or dare) is to try and stay as close to the truth as you can while still maintaining discretion.

Remember, there are lots of naughty stories to read, write, tell, and Jill and Jack-off to in this great big world of ours. If you are contributing in any way to the erotica of the world, no matter what it is you are writing, please consider discretion.

The ass you keep from getting kicked could be your own. 


Valentine’s Test: How To Find Out If You Have A Keeper This Valentine’s Day

How do you know if the person you’re dating is a keeper?

I get this question all the time from clients, conference goers – even from friends. And when Valentine’s Day comes around, many people are drawn to evaluate their relationship compatibility and happiness.

There’s something about watching a sea of couples descend upon local restaurants, bars and bistros that makes you wonder, “Are they happy?” and then comes the inevitable, “Are we happy?”

In order to help couples evaluate their relationships more easily this Valentine’s season, I’ve come up with a list of questions that will not only provide food for thought, but might even initiate a communication breakthrough. It always amazes me how couples can go for weeks, months, even years without diving deep and connecting on core values, beliefs and goals. I’ve even counseled newlyweds who are shocked to discover they don’t agree on whether or not to have kids.

You don’t need to barrage your lover with all 50 questions at once, but scan the list for the ones that stand out to you. For example, maybe you already know how your partner likes to relax, but you’d love to know when they last had a good cry, or what they consider their most prize possession.

This list is good for couples who have just started dating, or are in a relationship. Going through this list with your lover helps you learn more about each other, opens up communication and creates intimacy.

Explore these Valentine’s Day compatibility questions together:

  1. What is the worst thing a past date could say about you?
  2. What is your most precious possession?
  3. List the best qualities you have to bring to a relationship.
  4. Do you think you need to make any personal improvements? If so, what?
  5. What are your biggest fears about relationships?
  6. Who has been the most influential person in your life and why?
  7. Apart from your appearance, what is the first thing that people notice about you?
  8. What is one thing that people do not notice about you right away that you wish they would?
  9. What are 3 things that you cannot live without?
  10. What is your definition of intimacy?
  11. What was the most fun date you ever had?
  12. What is your favorite way to relax?
  13. What disgusts you?
  14. When was the last time you cried?
  15. What do you like to spend money on?
  16. How much money do you need a year to be comfortable?
  17. How would you describe a perfect date?
  18. What 3 qualities must your partner have?
  19. What is the worst habit that you have?
  20. What would you do if you and your partner had a mismatched sex drive?
  21. Describe yourself in one word.
  22. What makes you angry?
  23. Would you say that you are more dominant or submissive?
  24. Who or what do you love?
  25. What do you feel is the biggest success you have achieved in your life?
  26. How many times have you been in love?
  27. Would you rather your partner was funny, seductive, smart or nurturing?
  28. When do you feel most vulnerable?
  29. What lessons have you learned from past relationships?
  30. What is a relationship deal-breaker for you?
  31. What was your most embarrassing relationship moment?
  32. What is your favorite part of your body?
  33. What’s your favorite romantic, sensual or sexual activity?
  34. What makes you believe that you are ready for a relationship?
  35. What turns you on?
  36. What turns you off?
  37. What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received?
  38. What’s the most hurtful criticism you’ve ever received?
  39. Are you fanatical about anything?
  40. What is the biggest failure or drawback you have ever experienced?
  41. Can you overlook anything from your partner’s past?
  42. Do you have any inhibitions?
  43. What do you love about yourself the most?
  44. What are you not willing to change for a relationship?
  45. What do you think are the benefits of being in a relationship?
  46. Do you believe in monogamy?
  47. How do you feel about having kids?
  48. If we have kids, what would your parenting style be?
  49. What would you do if your partner became physically disabled?
  50. What scares you?

Try Self-Discovery Instead:

If you’re feeling nervous about launching into this kind of couples’ self-discovery, try answering the questions just for yourself at first, and see what comes up for you. Grab a journal and write down your answers to whichever questions pique your interest, and let your feelings flow freely, without judgment. Insight into your own opinions and personal choices can only help foster clarity within the relationship, plus you’ll be one step closer to opening up a mutual dialogue and taking your intimacy to new heights.

May all your Valentine’s wishes come true!

Major red flags when dating a divorced man

Photo by Alex Azabache from Pexels

Once you hit 30, it gets harder and harder to find one or the other: someone who has never been married and someone who doesn’t have children. But usually, it’s both. Everyone has kids nowadays; and sometime you might even feel like you might be missing out on someone who might be really good for you because they are a parent or are divorced. After all, not all parents come with baby mama/daddy drama and not all divorcees are pathetic. I say that you should go out on that date with the hot, divorced dad you met at the gym. BUT…if you see these red flags…girl, you better run.

He just got divorced

If the man you’re seeing is very recently divorce or is still in the process of finalizing the divorce, you may want to slow things down or stop seeing him because it’s probably not the best time for him to start a new relationship. It’s true that he may have been ready for a divorce for a long time and when it’s final, his feelings towards you won’t change. On the other hand, if it’s still very fresh, he most likely hasn’t had the closure that is needed to move on from something as serious as a marriage.

He won’t shut up about his ex

If he’s talking about his ex and his divorce all the time, he’s not ready for new love yet and instead, needs a friend with a patient ear, not a new relationship. Don’t worry about finding out all the details of her past life with him, her new life or intimate details about why they didn’t work out.

He stalks her social media

He may claim that he follows her on Instagram so he can see pictures of his children or because they parted in a friendly way. But he’s just checking up on her. If he gets emotional if anyone else is in her life or is suspicious of her activities and glaringly talks to you about them then you need to drop him asap. These are all things that no longer concern him. If you sense even the smallest amount of stalker behavior, where he’s following her online or in person excessively, you should gtfo.

They communicate A LOT

During a divorce, there may be reasons for him to get in touch with his ex-wife to finalize the details of the split. But, unless they had the world’s most amicable breakup and ALL of the chemistry is gone, he shouldn’t be all that involved in her life after the divorce. If either of them depends on the other for help with personal problems, they haven’t moved on yet. If they have children, they will need to stay in contact, but other than that, there’s no need for them to hang out together and be always available for each other. HOWEVER, if they are talking 24/7 and he always says it’s about the kids, it might be a huge fucking stretch. If he leaves you hanging often and blames the kids for that, too, then you might as well drop him before you start resenting his kids because of his lies.

He feels he “needs to date”

Even if a guy knows that he is not ready to start dating again, he may still want to get laid. Or, his friends might be pressuring him into it. After a divorce, he might be looking just for a quick fling, want to enjoy his freedom as a single guy, and not be quite ready to settle down again. Is he hard on love, relationships, and marriage? Does he sound bitter when he talks about true love or finding a partner to stay with? Those are signs that he’s really not ready for the long haul yet, and he’s just on the rebound, looking for someone temporary to cheer him up and boost his damaged pride. Or, if you detect his heart’s not in it, he’s not listening to what you’re saying, or he’s hardly talking, it may be possible that he’s just not ready to date again. Give him time to heal first and maybe later on you can both try again.

He’s always sad or complaining

It’s natural that he might get a bit down when talking about his divorce or former marriage but it’s not okay for him to be constantly sad or pissed off about it. If he’s moping around, living in the past, he’s not ready for a relationship. If he’s always complaining to you about her and bringing up old arguments and issues between them, maybe he didn’t learn anything from his past relationship: a sign that he’s not ready for a new one.

He’s dating a few women

If you’re not the only one he’s dating, then he’s not ready to be in a relationship again. He may be in a stage where he just wants to get out there and have a good time and that’s okay as long as you are aware of what is going on and don’t mind. Not sure whether he’s dating others? If he has a hard time committing to dates or can’t really make long-term plans, he’s likely not only dating you

He doesn’t know what’s next in his life

Has he decided where he wants to live if he’s the one that’s moving out, or is he still living somewhere temporary until he decides what to do? If he has children, has he moved into a set pattern of when he will see them and what he does when they are together? If he’s still confused, you gotta be okay with being there for him every step of the way if he needs it and tbh, in a new relationship, that is simply too much. Let him figure his shit out and rejoin him in his “starting over yet again” phase. Trust me, that phase is a lot more fun.

If any of these red flags are present, proceed with caution and avoid falling for him, cuz he aint gonna catch you.

Don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten about my male readers! Men, if you run into any of these women, esp number 10… avoid them at all costs! Trust me, you’ll thank the lovely Ms. Erika Jordan later.


Previously Published at http://lovecoachadvice.com/major-red-flags-when-dating-a-divorced-man/

Erogenous Zones: Hot-Spots that Will Drive Him Wild!

Photo by Daniel Torobekov from Pexels

Erogenous Zones: Hot-Spots that Will Drive Him Wild!

So, you have performed oral, rode them crazy and handled the penis like a stick shift. What else is there to do? Much!

Adding some fresh, new moves can spruce up what you have tried and tested before. The penis born body has so many erotic points to be explored. These zones cause arousal and extends, expands and enlighten additional methods to orgasm. From the sides and back of the neck, armpits, chest, inner arms and thighs, a tickle, a stroke or a lick uses the sensory of anticipation to create a sexual response. Within sex, you can get to know a person by stimulating their erogenous zones.

Where there is less hair, it is reported to have more sensitivity. You can blindfold or use lube for any action you do on the body. Be mindful that anticipation is the key. Be prepared for any reaction and follow the lead of the person as you go ahead and experiment.

Tease Him

Let me tell you what you can do with the rest of that delicious body. Use your imagination and theirs. Let them have some time to consider your touch before your fingers arrive on their skin. The ultimate tease. Just pretend like you’re sexting and say those things to them in real life. The base of the spine can send tingles throughout the body that can be felt in the toes. You can do temperature play in this area and send them over the edge.

His Mouth

The tips of their fingers have many nerves and respond to even the lightest of touches. Placing your finger or fingers into their mouth and massage the inner jaws, tongue, roof of the mouth, without reaching to far back to cause them to gag. Pull their fingers into your mouth much as you would a penis. Use saliva to create a wetness while rolling your tongue over and around the fingers.

His Armpits

The erogenous zone of the armpits is a very individualized sensitivity experience. If you use intense and suspenseful touches and strokes, you should elicit some arousal. Don’t go too light as to tickle them. The softer skin of the inner arm and the crease that is the mid-arm bend are very sensitive to hand, feet or mouth manipulation. Vigorous kneading and light kisses can induce erection or ejaculation without touching the penis.


Shrimpin’ anyone? Yes, this is what it’s called when you suck on your partner’s toes. This is so erotic because feet are a nonconventional hotbed of sensation just waiting for some stimulation.

His Bottom

Striking their butt cheek, even lightly, tends to stimulate the whole area. Think of it like a slow vibration flowing through their insides. If your mate is open to a little spank play, this is great to do while they are on top of you in any variation of missionary.


Oil or other wet substances in the sex act is a fetish. Most call it sloshing. Place towels or an additional sheet on the bed/surface and generously pour baby oil on your entire front and their entire body. Use your body to massage theirs.

His Lips

The lips in general are one of the most sensitive parts of the body. Take your time while kissing. There’s a reason why nibbling and variation in pressure can drive you over the edge when done correctly. Keeping the lower lip inside yours, magnifies the sensation. It’ll feel as if electric currents are shooting from your lips straight to their genitals.

His Neck

The Adam’s apple is an erogenous zone, thought behind this stems from how the thyroid is closely linked to the sex organs. The clavicle area and the back of the neck have sensitive nerve endings that can be stroked or licked to arousal. Keep your tongue flat and light, not too much pressure! For all individuals you can massage the area with wide circular motions to ensure you’re hitting that T-spot of the thyroid.

Mmm Nipples!

Nipples are even more sensitive than other body parts since for some, they may not be used to having them touched so often. Touch them, however, and you’ll send shock waves of pleasure radiating throughout the body. Concentrated attention to the nipple may result in an increase of oxytocin and prolactin that causes a significant amount of arousal, specifically in the genitals.

His Earlobes

Playing with the earlobes can send shivers down the spine. Kiss your partner across their shoulder, up the neck, and stopping right before you hit the ear. Do this to both sides. Do these things and you will find yourself giving the best orgasms ever.

Erotic Hypnosis for Amazing Orgasms

Photo by Alan Cabello from Pexels

What is Erotic Hypnosis?

Erotic hypnosis is the practice of hypnotizing someone for the purposes of sexual arousal, erotic stimulation, and even to achieve orgasm (or mindgasms or hands free orgasms), by creating extremely intense erotic experiences of pleasure inside the mind without the stimulation of the physical body. While erotic hypnosis is not generally designed to be therapeutic, it certainly can be. Erotic hypnosis can also be used as a guided masturbation journey aka: “jerk off instructions”.

Wikipedia says that, “Some erotic hypnosis is practiced in the context of BDSM relationships and communities, and is an example of a sexual fetish or paraphilia.” —Wikipedia

What are the Advantage of Erotic Hypnosis?

Believe it or not, erotic hypnosis has many benefits and can be therapeutic, as mentioned above. Erotic hypnosis can:

  • Help you unwind and relax the body and the mind
  • Relieve stress and clear your mind of unwanted clutter
  • The more relaxed you are the easier it is to open to pleasure and experience more pleasure
  • Get into altered states of consciousness
  • Reprogram your subconscious to remove limiting beliefs
  • Give you pleasure and erotic stimulation
  • Help raise your libido
  • Activate new erotic experiences
  • Play out a fantasy
  • Used as an erotic tool in BDSM and partner play.

The Benefits of Erotic Hypnosis for Men

What are the benefits of Erotic Hypnosis for Men? Everyone enjoys getting turned on.

Becoming hypnotized and suggestible is a wonderful way for a listener to hyperdrive his libido. Those who enjoy drifting into hypnotic trance discover just how effective it is in clearing the mind of those cluttering runaway thoughts and letting your mind just follow the directions of the hypnotist.

Hypnosis and hypnotherapy are excellent ways to rid the subconscious mind of blocks and obstacles placed within it during childhood or difficult life experiences enabling the listener to change undesirable attitudes and habits into desirable ones.  But, what about the use of hypnosis as a tool to encourage and stimulate arousal, to experience the mind’s capabilities under hypnosis for sexual experiences and discovery?

Yes, it can be as good as it sounds and there is an ever-growing community who enjoy drifting into the sleepy surrender of hypnosis to find what turns them on and to discover their “hypnokinks”.

So, You Might be Thinking What’s the Point?

I’ll watch a little porn, toss one off and go to bed.  But what if you opened your mind a little bit, gave up some of your usual control and listened without expectation to a voice and dialogue designed to arouse you? Falling into a hypnotic trance can activate specific reactions deep inside of you and you wake to discover just how horny you have become during the process.

The Journey into Erotic Trance is Very Good for You

Life is challenging and stressful.  The ever-expanding abilities of technology increase our daily workloads and more is expected to be completed in the average workday.  In addition, we are bombarded with news and opinions from our ever-growing link with social media.  To remain healthy and balanced, it is important to find a quiet space, let it all go, to learn to quiet the mind and enjoy a little relief from the daily heightened stimulation and negativity.  Hypnosis is similar to meditation in that the goal is to quiet the mind enabling it to release thoughts and simply slow down and become clear, to focus on the speaker and journey inward for a while.  A wonderful byproduct of clearing the mind is the body becomes relaxed.

The eventual goal of the hypnotist is to bypass the conscious mind and speak directly to the subconscious mind and discover your individual “sexy” and build upon it.

The Difference Between Erotic Hypnosis and Clinical Hypnosis

Erotic hypnosis differs from clinical hypnosis in that the restrictions of sentence structure in clinical hypnosis do not exist.  We erotic hypnotists can just say what we want, straight speak, without worry of using negative words such as can’t, don’t, won’t.  The hard rules of hypnotherapy’s use of language are disregarded in the creation of erotic hypnosis.

Erotic hypnosis is not generally designed to be therapeutic (although it can be).  It’s enjoyed to reach a state of euphoria and feel really good afterward or to be aroused.  Depending on the suggestibility of the listener, the level of arousal can be extremely intense and can create experiences of pleasure inside the mind without the stimulation of the physical body.

Erotic Hypnosis for Hands-Free Orgasms!

There is a phenomenon known as a “hands-free” orgasm in which the listener experiences a pleasurable mind-produced orgasm (a mindgasm) and some are able to experience this mental orgasm complete with ejaculation.  All of this is accomplished through the use of suggestion.  The subconscious mind is extremely powerful and a good hypnotist can make you come with words alone, but you must let it happen and be open and receptive to the idea.

No one can make you do anything you don’t want to do or think you can’t do, even if you’ve seen it happen on television.

Ejaculation is Necessary for Good Sexual Health

Have you ever thought about a sexy hypnotist telling you exactly how to do it?  Another genre used in erotic hypnosis is the acronym JOI which stands for “jerk off instructions” otherwise known as guided masturbation.  An erotic hypnotist can elevate your arousal level using the increased suggestibility found in a hypnotic trance state.  The suggestions to heighten your physical response during masturbation are extremely effective under hypnosis and you simply respond more intensely.  Many individuals have trained their minds to stay inside the hypnotic trance even after ejaculation.

Your Increased Suggestibility Leads to More Intense Orgasms

Another popular use of erotic hypnosis is to increase the listener’s arousal level so when one exits hypnosis, your arousal switch has been flipped on.  “You are getting very horny” simplifies this type of suggestion, but, erotic hypnosis sessions can definitely create a heightened arousal level for you to discover when you wake again.

Want to Get Turned on Before Partner Sex?

This is an excellent way to make it happen.  Or even better yet, learn how to hypnotize your partner and engage in this very intimate exchange together.  Hypnosis makes for great sex.

Many Subjects Become Aroused by Simply Being Hypnotized

A “hypnofetishist” is an individual whose kink is being hypnotized deeply.  There is great freedom in surrendering yourself to a hypnotist for a period of time and the experience itself can be highly arousing to certain individuals.  Deep trance feels good and enjoying a space in time where nobody has demands on you can be very relaxing, de-stressing and arousing.  Listening to a sexy voice doesn’t hurt the libido either.  Just let go and see what pops up!

Find A Certified Erotic Hypnotist

There are many educated, knowledgeable erotic hypnotists out there catering to many different erotic tastes and styles.  If erotic hypnosis sounds like fun to you, go out there and see what’s available.  Have fun and find that one hypnotist that attracts or resonates with you.  But, find someone you can trust with your mind.  It’s not something you want to give away freely.  Do your homework.  Read the reviews.  Check out their credentials.

Go get horny by hypnosis, but be safe in doing so!

Listen Now to This Erotic Hypnosis

Enjoy trancing!

Mistress Carol


Enjoy a FREE Erotic Hypnosis Session at Mistress Carol’s Site Here!

Mistress Carol Credentials:  Mistress Carol is a certified hypnotist and clinical hypnotherapist.  She has been creating erotic hypnosis sessions for nine years.  She is known for her erotic creativity and professionalism, sexy voice and her natural seductive style. In addition to creating erotic hypnosis recordings, Mistress Carol is also a practicing hypnotherapist in her community. Listen to her sexy erotic hypnosis sessions at EroticHypnosisForMen.com.

How Do You Create Naughty Characters?

Photo by Vickie Intili from Pexels

My answer to the question I asked in the title here is simple: damned if I know! The people who come to populate my fiction, plays, poems and lyrics, be they naughty men, women, robots or alien lifeforms (or not) are as much amalgamations of the wide range of folks near and dear to me as they create themselves whole cloth. Where they come from, if they have been hiding out in my brain for some time, or if the action of my story births them, I have no idea. But without my characters, I know there wouldn’t be much reason to read my work.


Alice Walker, author of The Color Purple, among other wonderful works, claims that her characters come to her, reveal themselves as she writes. The equally wonderful writer Ursula K. Le Guin pretty much said the same about her fictional people; they came and told her their story, she simply reported it. Notice neither lady says to just wait around for inspiration to strike; their characters came and told them who they were and what they were about as Walker and Le Guin set about writing, a crucial point, I feel. These fantastic writers (and they are both fantastic) saw their characters, with their story, settings, and themes come flowing out of their brains as they did their work. 


As I have been saying all along: to write, you have to, well, um…get to writing!


I have an inkling that erotica might just be slightly different than other forms of writing when it comes to character creation (actually, in my opinion, erotica is different in very many ways from other forms of writing). Sometimes we naughty scribblers create folks we really wish we could meet or rabidly fantasize about. Sometimes they are created to invest other (naughtier) qualities into the folks we might be fucking in real life.


Given the nature of what it is, the more extremes of particular human qualities sometimes play across erotica characters, and not everybody we know has these extremes. Then again, some of the very best erotica I have ever read, even written, has featured characters who display their motivations and emotions in very subtle ways. I’d venture to say that a story where characters move through space and time in a socially acceptable down-to-earth manner can be just as steamy as those where we get characters revealing their highly kinky needs in a pornographic-like interplay.


From fantasizing, mix-and-matching real character studies or Willy Wonka’s favorite, ‘pure imagination’, the creating of the folks who populate our worlds can be as magical as Walker and LeGuin allude to (while doing the work!) You might find somebody forming across your page or screen via dialogue and action that you’ve never considered before. (And to alert you to some great work on this score, have a peek at Roger Zelazny’s Amber Chronicles for the very best example I have ever read of an author fleshing out characters via dialogue… fuck it, read Zelazny anyway, he is a GOD!). The people of your fictions, plays, narrator’s of your lyrics, wise old sages of your prose poems come upon you when you least expect them, and it’s your job as a writer to make them count.


From a Hannibal Lecter to a Huck Finn to Little Women’s Jo March, characters drive story because of how close, or sometimes how far away, from the reader and writer they happen to be. And while I can’t rightly tell you how to create yours (other than to sit down and start writing), I can say you really can’t have worthwhile readable stuff, dirty stuff or clean, without good characters.



Check Our Ralph Greco’s new book:

No Whip, No Problem

Ralph Greco, Jr.Jan 2021

Pink Flamingo Media


A rousing spanking sets things straight between this couple in, After, the Coffee, then in John’s Very Last Hurdle he’s already had his cock-caged for who weeks, now she wants him to what? Suck another man’s cock! In Packing, a group of 30-something ladies out for the night sport secret strap-ons under their clothes looking for willing male recipients to take it in the ass. And What Cindy Might See turns into a whole new sexual world for her, while watching the writhing Bruce being dominated by his playful girlfriend. It’s good clean consensual fun when a woman takes charge and plays the Dominant to men willing to submit to their naughty sex games. The woman in question doesn’t even need to wield a whip to make her intention plain.


Sexpert Panel: COVID: Love, Relationships and Sex

Join Loveology University’s Sexpert Panel–COVID: Love, Relationships and Sex

The Sexpert Panel will talk candidly, as if you were meeting face to face over drinks and discuss fully and openly the most intimate details of topics you are interested in.

Best of all, renowned Sexperts will share their wisdom to help ease your concerns, lower your inhibitions and transport you to sexual empowerment.

Just in time for Valentine’s Day, give yourself the gift of love with a special panel in February 2021. 

Playmate Pickup PodcastMODERATOR Erika Jordan, Host of Playmate Pickup Podcast
is an internationally published relationship expert, who has a web series answering sex and dating questions which has been running for 10 years.

She is a Certified Relationship Coach, Master Sexpert and Love Coach, as well as an NLP Practitioner and ACE Certified Health Coach and Fitness Trainer.

Erika is currently in the process of getting her Masters in Clinical Psychology.

Meet Tamara Bell who was one of the first Loveology University graduates in 2008, now she’s the Student Ambassador & Mentor, ready to help coach you to a successful career! Tamara is also a master networker and an industry leader helping grow positive businesses. She founded The Home Pleasure Party Plan Association (HPPPA) in January 2005 to establish a network between pleasure party company owners, distributors and manufacturers. Tamara said, “Our goal it is to be one voice to our distributors and manufacturers and continue to be viewed as a strong entity in this growing industry.”  Now a Certified Loveologist & Love Coach working with couples, singles and business owners in developing positive relationship enhancement techniques, Tamara is loved and admired by all who work with her.

Dr. Hernando Chaves is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with a clinical focus on individuals, couples, or families of unique erotic/sexual communities such as LGBTQQI, QUILTBAG, kinky, fetishistic, alternative sexual expression, unique identity and orientations, and members of non-traditional erotic communities.
He also works clinically with sex therapy concerns focusing on anxiety reduction, mindfulness, challenging sexual comfort, sensate focus, pleasure education, using insight-oriented psychotherapy methods for a variety of sexual concerns such as anorgasmia, vaginismus, low desire, early & inhibited ejaculation, erectile concerns, dyspareunia, performance anxiety, intimacy difficulties, partner communication, & partner relational difficulties.

Viloshni Moodley is a Certified Sexpert practicing as an Online Intimacy Coach. She is the founder and owner of Ultimacy Online, since leaving her over 25 years of management experience within Corporate. Her passion for empowering individuals with positive sex education and breaking the cycle of negative conditioning has influenced her change in career path. She believes relationships are the most important factor to overall wellbeing, and thus passionate about making a change to ensure people have more fulfilling relationships. Having a happy, healthy relationship provides balance in individuals and couples. Her work specializes in coaching individuals or couples who wish to achieve certain goals in the bedroom and short courses in different areas of sexuality.

Dr. Diana Wiley is a certified Sex Therapist and licensed MFT for more than 30 years.

As a licensed marriage & family therapist and board-certified Sex Therapist, she provides counseling services for couples and individual adults to help them with relationship and sexuality issues. She is also the author of “Love in the Time of Corona: Advice from a Sex Therapist for Couples in Quarantine” (C4C, 2020, available as a paperback or e-book on Amazon). The book covers ten of my most useful strategies for couples to explore a more sensual and sexual connection with their partners to relieve stress and strengthen their relationship. She also writes the online advice column “Dear Dr. Diana” and has a weekly podcast, Love, Lust and Laughter. Dr. Diana has graciously bestowed her book to Loveology University students and alumni, so we thank her very much!

Last but not least, Dr. Ava Cadell, is a Clinical Sexologist, past faculty at the Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality, AASECT Certified Sex Counselor, Author, global speaker and Founder of Loveology University. “My mission is to contribute to the betterment of human rights in the world through my work and to promote the benefits of sexual health and pleasure.”

The Sexpert Panel will have new participants with new topics to edify and entertain you, so be sure to join us in March for Open Relationships and in April for Sexual Healing.

Register for the event below:

Why You Need a Ginger

I was raised with old-fashioned values so in an attempt to keep my numbers down I had a ginger. I’m going to tell you what a ginger is and why you need one..

No, I’m not talking about a redhead! I’m talking about the ginger you eat in between sushi rolls to cleanse your palette!

Your relationship ends you’re dealing with sadness, disappointment, anger. After some time goes by you know you’re not entirely ready to fall in love but you’re lonely and horny. After a relationship ended I had a guy I called and he knew damn well to break into the “I’m sorry it didn’t work out. You need a drink”. We would go on a trip together and have amazing passionate sex and then go back to our respective lives. It doesn’t become a thing it is what it is. I call it a ginger because it’s like cleansing the pallet between entrees.

For me I found that it helps to prevent some of the issues from the previous relationship to follow you into the next. If you go straight into your next relationship you’re likely to be triggered by things that remind you of your ex and occasionally have trouble separating this new person from your last. It might not be for everyone but it’s definitely worked out for me.

For life on the wild side check out Erika Jordan with Carol and David on the Playmate Pickup Podcast.

Acquire the skills to approach women with confidence, and get them to want you!!!! Come find me at PlaymatePickup.com My six week course, Playmate Pickup is available with personalized guidance at PlaymatePickup.com. Acquire the skills to approach women with confidence and get them to want you!

What Did You Say?-Making Money Via Audio Books

Photo by YURI MANEI from Pexels

Just as eBook came to print, audio comes to eBook (and yes, print) as both another way to enjoy a story or 300-page tome and as a separate revenue stream for a writer. And the beauty of audiobooks, at least so far in my experience (albeit I’m not the kind of a writer where a publisher is signing me exclusively or wants to gobble up all my output), is that in many cases, the writer can set a separate deal for an audio version of his or her book that doesn’t impinge on the deal he or she has on the print or eBook version.

Yes, many a publishing house does it all, but there are plenty that only publish eBooks (especially in the erotica field) as there are lots now that are trying to carve out a niche only in audiobooks. As I have said time and again, if you can manage to grab a publisher interested in your naughty little tales and they only will publish you in eBook and print-on-demand (which is mainly how my deals are set up with the publishers I have books with) but give you free reign to scout out and scare up an audiobook publisher for the same book, I say take those freaking reins and go get another deal for the same book!

The publishers I work with see no harm in ‘spreading the wealth’ this way, as I have mentioned in previous columns. The overall thought here (and one I agree with) is that the more of my titles that are out there, in any way that they are out there, the better my chances are that one person will stumble across an erotic audiobook version of one of my books, enjoy it, and not only go a’searching for more audiobooks from yours truly, but might stumble across other titles of mine, from other publishers, and even if not audiobooks, might give one or two of my written or eBooks a try. Or somebody comes to one of my audiobooks from the reverse kind of searching, having read me in print or eBook first. 

Especially with erotica, many people find a whole new way to enjoy what I have scribbled when it is read by some professional who can breathe life into my words and scenarios, providing a thrill in a manner just reading the written word can’t. So, yes, audiobooks indeed work for me.

One of the people I work with in the audiobook world (although they publish print-on-demand and eBook) is WORDWOOZE (here is their submissions page). I was just alerted, via their CEO, to a podcast they have been running, having recorded 172 episodes this year alone. You can find them here: Audiobook Test Drive • A podcast on Anchor. I’m letting you in on this podcast, less to sell my wares as to conclude this column assuring you that audiobooks are out there, a viable way to get your stuff published (and heard), and could provide another way for you to sell your book even if you have that book already published in eBook or print form.

So, go out and get your stuff heard!