Friday, September 20, 2024

Featured - The Best Sex Education Articles for Adults has the Best Sex Education Articles for Adults from an expert line up of certified sex experts.

Top sex education for adults featured posts and sexuality articles from our sex experts, sex coaches on everything from female orgasms, sexual pleasure, alternative lifestyle topics, couples sex advice and dating advice, masturbation and sexual empowerment, sexual health and wellness including men’s sexual problems like premature ejaculation and how to last longer in the bedroom.

Our Sex Ed featured articles include all the tips and techniques you need to know to make you a better lover such as the ultimate guide to anal sex, BDSM and kinky sex, oral sex, how to have the best orgasms, sexual relationship topics on how to spice up your love life, as well as female sexual anatomy and the erogenous zones including the clitoris, the cervix and cervical orgasm, all about the g spot, female ejaculation and g spot orgasms, the vagina and the vulva, penis facts and more. is an all-inclusive sex education site for adults and has many empowering articles on gender and sexuality, as well as articles for gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transgender, sissies, and alternative lifestyles including cuckold and hotwife relationships, threesomes, polyamory and swinging. See our sacred sexuality topics including Tantra sex, yoni yoga, sexy goddess rituals, energy orgasms and more.

Explore sexpert articles from our top sex educators including Dr. Ava Cadell, Erika, Jordan, Anka Radakovich, Domina Doll, Carrie Borillo, Ralph Greco, Sunny Megatron, Tatyannah King, Dr. Hernando Chaves, Elle Chase, Debra Shade, Holly Bradshaw, and many more.

Mindful Masturbation

What is Mindful Masturbation?

We all know what masturbation is, but what is mindful masturbation? Sounds like some kind of woo-woo, esoteric thing.

Mindful masturbation (or conscious masturbation) is bringing mindfulness into your masturbation or self-pleasure experience using all your senses. It is an exploration of your body and your pleasure that is designed to increase your awareness, while encouraging an intentional approach to solo sex.

What is Mindfulness?

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Merriam-Webster defines mindfulness as:

“The practice of maintaining a nonjudgmental state of heightened or complete awareness of one’s thoughts, emotions, or experiences on a moment-to-moment basis; also :  such a state of awareness”. (Source)

Mindfulness is simply the art of being present in your body in this exact time and place. Being in the NOW.

Mindful masturbation means observing your sensory experience (in this case pleasure) attentively, in the moment as it arises, without judgment, and to feel into it with great attention. No judgement, no goal, simple become embodied, feel and allow. Overtime, this allows you to tap into the magic of arousal, to feel pleasure more fully, more deeply and in the moment as it transpires. Not only that, but you can reprogram (or rewire) your brain’s neuro-pathways to create new pathways to experience pleasure and orgasm.

Slow the-F Down

Photo by Craig Adderley from Pexels

Mindful masturbation reduces stress because it allows you to slow-the-fuck-down and just tune into your senses and enjoy the moment, something we all need to learn to do!

Instead of wham-bam-thank-you-ma’m and doing the usual thing you normally do to get off as if on autopilot, you take your time to explore different ways of masturbating and mindfulness together. It is about lovingly touching yourself, teasing yourself, experiencing pleasure (or whatever comes up), slowing down and actually connecting with yourself, your body and your pleasure. This allows you to break normal patterns (like needing to watch porn or use a sex toy to get off), and focus on what is, rather than what you think should be happening or your expectations. It is about approaching masturbation through the lens of mindfulness, exploration, curiosity, self-love and patience.

What is the Goal of Mindful Masturbation?

Photo by Nicolas Postiglioni from Pexels

The goal is not necessarily to have an orgasm, its about pleasure. If orgasm happens, great. But the goal is exploration and finding new ways to turn yourself on, to learn about your body, your pleasure potential, and your capacity for pleasure and orgasm. The goal is to get into your body (become embodied) and FEEL the sensation of pleasure without rushing through it to orgasm. This will help you to up-level all your sexual experiences.

Also, don’t go into this practice with any expectations of what should happen. Just allow whatever comes up to happen and roll with the flow. Try to stay neutral to the experience.

Mindful meditation is a form of self-love. So, be kind and loving to yourself as you practice this.

Why Learn How to Do Mindful Masturbation?

Photo by Danielle Pilon from Pexels

As we all know, masturbation and orgasm is good for your health, wellness and happiness. Mindful masturbation even goes further, as mindfulness (meditation) has been shown to reduce stress and cortisol levels, allows us to get in touch with your true authentic selves, improves cognitive function and memory, can lessen pain and fatigue, may protect us from mental health illnesses, gives you better control over processing pain and emotions, helps you sleep better, and makes you more focused and zen. It also helps us with body awareness, and self-awareness, while regulating both our attention and emotions. This continues to happen even after you’ve stopped meditating, so mindfulness has long reaching effects. (SOURCE)

How to Start a Mindful Masturbation Practice

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

The best way to begin is to just begin. Schedule a distraction-free time of about 10 minutes to an hour to devote yourself solely to self-love.

To begin, create a comfortable space. Light candles, dim the lights, put on some soothing meditation music (or not if you find that distracting), add some sensual oils to your body, have the massage oil handy, create a cozy pillow oasis in your bed and prop yourself up if needed to make sure you are in the most comfortable position.

Put away extra masturbation helpers such as sex toys, porn and even fantasy. However, you can set up a mirror if you like! The goal is to focus on you, your bodies sensations, how you feel (emotions), and to get out of the mind and into the body (somatic experience).

How to Get Out of Your Head and Into Your Body

Mindfulness doesn’t mean you try to suppress your thoughts. That would be impossible anyway. It is perfectly possible to be mindful and still have stream of consciousness thoughts without engaging in them. If you find yourself thinking or getting caught up in the mind, use the meditation technique to simply let those thoughts float by and gently bring your attention back to your body’s sensations.

You don’t need to quiet your mind or thoughts, just try to focus on what you are feeling, instead of letting the unwanted thoughts distract you. This is a practice, so don’t worry. There is no way to do it wrong. What counts is that you try.

You can also use your breath to ground you and help focus, by purposely breathing deeply and focusing on that to bring you back to the body. Try starting with a deep breathing exercise, just focusing on the breath at first before you begin touching yourself. Set an intention to simply explore what comes up without judgement.

How to Master Mindful Masturbation

Set a timer for 10-20 minutes (or an hour if you like!) and slowly begin to explore your body in a sensual way starting with your face, neck, arms, etc… Don’t go to the genitals right away!

Tune into any sensations of pleasure. Allow your attention to linger there. If it feels good, continue to explore it. If it doesn’t feel good, move on to something different, another kind of stroke, pressure, or touch, or new part of your body.

When you finally get to the genitals, avoid going to your usual way of masturbating. Again, explore different sensations that you’ve never explored before. You can pretend that you are exploring someone else’s body and learning what turns them on.

Dr. Ava’s Tips on How to Create a Self-Pleasure Practice

Photo by Chermiti Mohamed from Pexels

“In my masturbation course I encourage my students and clients to masturbate because orgasms have tremendous health benefits to body and mind. I believe that regular masturbation will produce certain emotional and physical health benefits.

Its long been established that there are myriad of health benefits related to sexual activity.  This awareness has been recorded in our culture for centuries in the form of old wives tales such as “Use it, or lose it.”  Just as if you don’t use your common household appliances regularly, they will become rusty.

Masturbation is a freedom of expression that allows you to pleasure yourself on your own terms, can help you figure out how you feel about sex, allows you to explore your sexual fantasies and is an acceptable selfish act. You never need to make excuses about why you do it. It is a gift you have just for yourself.”–Dr. Ava Cadell

10 Steps to Mindful Masturbation

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels
  1. Make sure you are in a comfortable and safe place where you can relax.
  2. Close your eyes and empty your mind of worries.
  3. Breathe deeply and slowly.
  4. Explore your body with your hands and fingers.
  5. Add some lube for a silkier sensation.
  6. Release sounds of pleasure.
  7. Try using your other hand to change it up.
  8. Focus your touch all over the body, not just your primary erogenous zone.
  9. Try something new.
  10. Let yourself go and surrender your mind and body to pleasure.

Giving this precious gift of self-love and self-acceptance to yourself is key to living a healthy sexual life, whether you are single or in a relationship.

Photo by Anna Nekrashevich from Pexels

If you really want to take your mindful masturbation practice to the next level, check out our Month-long Masturbation Challenge!


Masturbation is Good For Your Health

10 Reasons Why You Should Masturbate- Because It’s Good For Your Health!

Why Masturbate? It’s Good for Your Health!

Did you know that masturbation is actually good for you? According to a 2010 research report: the National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior (NSSHB); 92% of American men and 76% of American women report solo masturbation, and many sexologists agree that masturbation has many health benefits for both men and women.

Image by lisa runnels from Pixabay

So, what are you waiting for? As Woody Allen so eloquently stated: “Don’t knock masturbation – its sex with someone I love”.

Safer Sex

1. Masturbation is the safest sex there is as you don’t have to worry about wearing a condom, getting an STD or getting pregnant.

Relieves Stress

2. Masturbation is a great stress reliever, a natural sleep sedative and releases feel good mood boosting endorphins to help fight off depression.

Image by Mihai Paraschiv from Pixabay

Good For Healthy Prostate

3. For men, masturbation is good for your prostate gland. In fact, studies have reported that regular masturbation may lower a man’s risk of prostate cancer, and those who jerked off more than 5 times a week are 1/3 less likely to get prostate cancer. Not only that, but men who masturbate at least 3 times a week (and orgasm) can lower their chances of heart attacks and strokes by as much as 50 %!

Female Health

4. For women, “paddling the pink canoe” can build resistance to yeast infections, relieve menstrual cramps, tension, migraine headaches and chronic back pain by releasing the amino acid oxytocin, the hormone of “love”.

Image by Helle-belle on Flicker

PC Muscles

5. For both sexes, masturbation helps build a stronger pelvic floor (your PC muscle) which leads to better pleasure, control and orgasms.

Masturbation is Good For Mental Health

6. If you don’t have a partner (or even if you do), loving yourself via solo sex has healthy emotional and psychological benefits. Many sexologists agree that masturbation is natural, and to censor or repress it can be harmful, resulting in destructive obsessions, low self-esteem, and can even lead to intimacy problems.

Image by Angie Sage from Pixabay

Improves Relationships & Sex

7. For couples, masturbation can improve your sexual relationships. Although masturbation may seem contrary to partner sex, women who masturbation can learn about their sexual response and how to pleasure themselves and communicate that to their partner, so both partners benefit from a more fulfilling sex life.

Boosts Self-Esteem

8. Masturbation aids in sexual functioning, helps boost your confidence and self-esteem, improves body image and is empowering and can help to make you a better lover.

Better Immune Function

9. Masturbation improves the immune system’s function, by increasing testosterone into the body to help the flow of the hormone DHEA, which reportedly helps reduce the signs of aging, reduces symptoms of menopause, reduces obesity, and may help reduce the risk of osteoporosis in older women by increasing bone mass.

Even Animals Masturbate!

10. Finally, masturbation IS natural. Even animals do it: chimpanzees, monkeys, dogs, cats, whales, elephants and rats and even penguins, lizards and bats! Sexologists recognize that masturbation is a normal, natural act that promotes vitality and health.

Featured Image by M Jurcevic from Pixabay

How to Celebrate National Masturbation Month

Photo by Andre Moura from Pexels

Brief History of Masturbation Month

National Masturbation Month got its start in San Francisco in 1995 after former U.S. Surgeon General Jocelyn Elders told the audience at the United Nations Worlds AIDS Day in 1994 that masturbation had the potential to discourage early sexual activity. She was also forced to resign for telling the audience that “(Masturbation) is something that is part of human sexuality and a part of something that perhaps should be taught.”

If you plan on celebrating National Masturbation Month, here are handy tips to truly make it a party for one.

For the ladies …

The Three-Way

Use a small vibrator while flicking your clit with one hand and teasing my teasing your anus with the other hand.

The Tennis Ball

Lie on your stomach and place the ball between your legs and press it against your clitoris. Cross your legs tightly at the ankles. Squeeze your inner thighs together and work the ball in a humping motion so that it is pressing against your clitoris. As you climax, continue to squeeze with your thighs.

String of Pearls

Take a long synthetic pearl necklace and string it between the backs of two chairs suspended at crotch height. Step across, position the cord along your vulva and walk backward and forward. Soft rope or cord works well for this, too.

Flo-Rida (Floor Rider)

Strip down and lie on the floor face down. Press your pubic bone into the floor as hard as you can and rock your body like you are trying to crawl but don’t work hard enough to actually move from the spot. The flesh on your pubis will be alternately pulled tight and made slack. This transmits to your clitoris through the outer lips and feels great after a minute or two. The extra bonus is that it’s a good exercise for your waist too.

For the men …

The Cold Climax

Masturbate as you normally would, but when you feel the sensation of ejaculation coming on, grab hold of some ice cubes or crushed ice with the other hand, then continue masturbating to completion. The feeling of cold in one hand, heat in the other, and the sensation of ejaculating will enhance the experience.

Ring Around the Penis

Cover both your hands with lube, and form a ring with your thumb and forefinger. Place it around the base of your penis. Slide the ring up to the base of the glans (where the head starts). Now form a ring with the fingers on your other hand and do the same thing. Keep stroking with one ring at a time until you climax.

The Palm Rubber

As soon as you’re erect, place some lube on the inside of one hand. Rather than rub your penis with your hand, keep rubbing the tip of your penis against the palm of your hand until you orgasm.

The Ball Holder

The next time you’re masturbating and feel like you’re just about to ejaculate, put your other hand over your scrotum and lightly squeeze and pull it down (or more aggressively, if you like that sort of thing). That way, you get to feel your semen traveling through your body, making its way to the exit.

Screw Your Hand

While standing, twist your lubed-up hand (whichever you’re most comfortable using) so that your thumb is against your belly button. Wrap your hand around your penis and rather than stroke with your hand, move your pelvis to pump in and out of your hand. It’ll make you feel like you’re actually penetrating a vagina. Okay, maybe kinda, sorta.

This article was previously published at-

Pegging: A Guide To Strap-on Sex for Beginners

Are you Reading to Learn Pegging & Strap-on Sex?

Okay. Let’s go!

A 2011 sex survey found that 14.8% of men had used a strap-on in the bedroom, and a further 21.3% would like to try it.

That was nearly 10 years ago.

In modern times, heterosexual men are becoming more open to the idea of butt play – after all, the male G-spot (prostate) is up there for a reason.

You might have heard of “pegging” in women’s magazines, where it’s deemed the most outrageous and kinky thing to ever grace the earth.

I’m JC Way from The Sex Toy Collective, and I’m here to give you the lowdown on pegging and strap-on sex.

What is Pegging?

Put simply, pegging is when a woman uses a strap-on dildo to anally penetrate a man.

Of course, any gender can use a strap-on to have sex with any gender, but pegging almost exclusively covers cis women fucking cis men in the ass with a strap-on, so that’s what we’ll be mainly focusing on here.

Pegging usually happens as part of a male-female relationship when the couple decides to experiment and switch things up in the bedroom.

Why is Pegging Pleasurable?

So why would a woman want to fuck a guy with a strap-on anyway? Why would he like it if he’s straight?


  • The anus is full of sensitive nerve endings
  • The prostate (male G-spot) is 2-3 inches inside your butt
  • Power exchange and role reversal
  • A more passive or submissive role


  • Many strap-ons have bullet vibrator pouches for clitoral pleasure
  • Some strap-ons are designed for internal female pleasure
  • Power exchange and role reversal
  • Seeing their partner’s vulnerable reactions

For a lot of male-female couples, pegging is a way for men to feel less “in charge” in the bedroom and submit to the woman. It’s also a great way to introduce Power Exchange into the bedroom, one of the tenets of BDSM surrounding submission and domination.

Of course, I’m generalizing here. You might already be a dominant femdom with a submissive boyfriend, but most couples aren’t like that.

What’s Pegging Like For Women?

Here are some quotes from a Reddit post about why women like pegging their guys:

“The best part is knowing how good, awesome, hot, and amazing they’re feeling because you’re giving it to them. It’s really intense, intimate, and it makes me super wet and turned on.”

“What I love about it is how it affects my husband…it changes the power dynamic of sex, I love to hear him beg for my ‘dick’.”

“The faces they make when I hit the prostate. Dear lord. Typically guys don’t make these vulnerable, sexy expressions when they’re the ones pounding me so when I see it on them it’s so unexpected and hot.”

Which Strap-on Should I Buy?

If you wanna try pegging, there are 4 different types of strap-ons you can buy.

1. Harness & Dildo – the most common and versatile type, you often see “harness and dildo kits” on sites like LoveHoney and SheVibe. These harnesses are adjustable to all waist sizes and usually come with 1 or more “O-rings”. These O-rings sit near the crotch and hold the dildo in place.

  • Versatile – fit people of all sizes
  • Often come with different dildo sizes
  • Work with any suitable flared-base dildo
  • Easy to use
  1. Vac-u-Lock – manufactured by sex toy company Doc Johnson, Vac-u-Lock strap-on kits are designed to be ultra-secure and stable, giving you the most rock-solid pegging penis. Vac-u-lock kits use a unique plug-like attachment to hold the dildo onto the harness firmly. Vac-u-lock dildos need to be used with a compatible vac-u-lock harness.
  • Ideal for pegging
  • Very strong and stable
  • Expensive
  • Harder to find
  1. Strapless Strap-on – “strapless strap-ons” like the Tantus Feeldoe are designed to be worn by people with vaginas. They’re held in place by a “bulb” or “pony” attachment using the same muscles that hold a tampon in place. Some use vibrations in the bulb to give the wearer pleasure, but these strap-ons are best reserved for lesbian couples.
  • Ideal for lesbians
  • No straps or harnesses
  • Pleasure for both partners
  • Not as strong or stable
  1. All-in-one Strap-on Kits – you can sometimes buy strap-on kits where the dildo is permanently attached to the harness and cannot be swapped out. These strap-ons are usually cheap, flimsy, and not ideal for pegging or anal sex.
  • Dildo permanently attached to harness
  • Cheap and low-quality
  • Flimsy
  • Not ideal for pegging

Which Strap-on Is Best For Anal Pegging?

Generally speaking, for a woman pegging a man in the bottom, I’d suggest a high-quality harness and dildo strap-on kit because you can easily experiment with different dildo sizes and work your way up over time.

Harnesses and dildo sets also have a high level of firmness and stability if used correctly – you need this for anal sex, as the butthole is much tighter than the vagina. The ass will put up more of a fight when you try to put stuff up there. Be prepared!

That segues us nicely into…

Lube, Douching, Fingering – How to Prepare for Pegging

Guys, if you’re reading this, I want you to know that anal sex feels great. As a man, it’s given me the best orgasms of my life. I have ejaculated from anal stimulation without touching my penis about 5 or 6 times. It’s insane.

But it ain’t no walk in the park, fellas.

You might want to consider anal douching before you go deep-diving down there.

Anal douching

The 2 types of douche I would recommend are bulb enemas (the classic squeezy design) and shower enema kits which use special shower attachment nozzles to clean out your butthole. Douching helps to flush poop out of your butthole, making it nice and clean with no nasty surprises.

However, if you eat a healthy diet and have very regular bowel movements, you might not need to douche, especially if you recently had a solid poop. In this case, a quick shower or wet wipe over the anus should suffice. The Sex Toy Collective’s anal douching guide goes into more detail.


Image from Broad City Pegging Episode: “Broad City” Knockoffs (TV Episode 2015)

Before pegging, apply a liberal amount of lube to the butthole and the dildo. I’d suggest lubing up the outside of the anus and also fingering it a little with a lubed-up finger.

Use a high-quality water-based lube, especially if using a silicone dildo.

DO NOT use silicone-based lube with a silicone dildo – it will destroy the toy.

Oil-based lubes and silicone-based lubes last the longest, but they can only be used with dildos made from stainless steel, glass, and wood.

Alas, you don’t find many wooden strap-ons.


Giphy Image from Broad City Pegging Episode: “Broad City” Knockoffs (TV Episode 2015)

Brokeback Mountain made it look easy, but you can’t just bite the pillow and go in dry.

Ladies, warm him up by fingering his butthole with a lubed-up finger. Let him get used to the sensation of you being inside him. Slowly work up to 2 (or 3) fingers if and when he feels comfortable. You don’t need to move your fingers too much – let him get used to the stretch. This is new territory for a lot of guys.

Guys, relax. Your body will want to clench, but relax your ass and fight the urge to tense up. Relax. Accept the vulnerable position you’re in. Chill out. It will get better. When you feel ready, ask her to use 2 fingers or use the strap-on. It will get easier and more comfortable as your body adjusts.

Best Sex Positions for Pegging

So, what’s the best position for pegging? Which is the most comfortable?

Here are 3 pegging positions to try:

1.  Doggy Style – an old classic, everyone knows how to do it doggy style. He gets on his hands and knees, she kneels behind him and slides the dildo into his bottom. Doggy style is the easiest position for pegging newcomers as it’s relatively comfortable and ladies can grab their partner’s hips for leverage. You might need pillows to get the right height.

2. Reverse Lap Dance – the woman sits down, with the dildo pointing up. Facing away from her, the man spreads his legs and “sits” onto the dildo, a bit like giving a lap dance while facing outwards. Gravity can help the male partner to get the strap-on inside his bottom more easily, and he also has to do most of the work with a position like this.

3. Anal Missionary – if the male partner is flexible, he can try lying on his back with his legs in the air. The woman then penetrates him with the dildo while his legs rest on her shoulders. This position is a great way to target the prostate (P-spot) and allow the partners to maintain eye contact.

These are 3 common pegging positions, but ultimately it’s down to you guys to decide what works best for you!


I hope you enjoyed this guide to pegging and strap-on sex for beginners! Remember to communicate, take your time, and build up to this over time.

Pegging is new territory for a lot of guys and gals, so it’s natural to be nervous at first. Relax and have fun!

Health Benefits Of Female Masturbation

Masturbation IS Good For You!–But We Already Knew That 😉

Here’s why…

Although most people think masturbation is some variety of nonsense that describes immaturity, experts, especially counselors and clinicians specializing in the area of gender and relationship therapy, say that women can learn about their own sexual responses through masturbation and even pass on what they know to their spouses. As such, it is not usually a common topic between girlfriends, but sometimes women compare notes in a discreet manner about vibrators and how they make them feel good. Aside from being a taboo in some societies, masturbation among women is valuable and is an integral component of healthy sexuality. Hence, here are some health benefits of female masturbation.

Natural infection fighter

It is noteworthy that women who masturbate on a regular basis develop higher resistance to cervical and vaginal infections. When a woman masturbates, her cervix contracts and thus allowing for the freeing of trapped and stagnant fluids that cause yeast and urinary tract infections. Moreover, it replenishes the cervix and the vagina with fresh fluids that promote the growth of healthy bacteria. Hence, to achieve the most out of the adventure it is important to avoid using saliva as this may contribute to the interference of vagina’s natural bacteria balance.

It improves a woman’s sex life

Statistics say that about 75% of women fail to reach orgasm during sex, thus masturbation is a good way of achieving sexual climax. Enjoying sex is essential in a healthy relationship and this goes a long way with the two partners getting satisfied, which implies that with a woman masturbating, she can identify her arousal points and make the partner aware. The partner can use that to the advantage of the woman achieving sexual climax during sexual intercourse which can boost their relationship.

Aids sleep and rest

Most women masturbate as a means of unwinding after a hectic day. Little do they know that it helps them to fall asleep at night. Basically, masturbation makes the body to trigger the production of dopamine, the “feel good” hormone, especially when there is an expectation of sexual climax. After orgasm, it is normal to experience a calming effect that is always attributed to the release of oxytocin and endorphin hormones that makes them warm and hence easy to fall asleep.

Improves a woman’s mood

The production of hormones in the body, such as dopamine and epinephrine during sexual arousal can help a great deal in boosting a woman’s mood. As well, it helps relieve stress since it gives a woman a moment to feel good, thus getting sexually gratified, feeling self-satisfied and improving the quality of life. Additionally, masturbation makes a woman become sexually satisfied without having the worry of getting pregnant and STDs. This can accord her with self-esteem necessary for her to stay strong, stress-free and happy at all times.

It’s a perfect pain reliever

Although masturbation has been said to sometimes cause migraine headache, it is also helpful in relieving it especially when orgasm is attained. It also helps in relieving menstrual cramps and premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms that include crankiness and irritability. In fact, scientists have come out to support the idea that there is a factor that is associated with orgasm that suppresses pain and even migraine process.

It strengthens the pelvic floor

Masturbation is a good pelvic exercise that keeps it strong and resistant to involuntary urinary incontinence. The reason is that the production of spasms during orgasm can help in getting the whole pelvic region keep fit and lifting its floor, which is an essential in experiencing better sex and guaranteeing an improved urinary health. Furthermore, it makes the pelvic muscles to be a bit tighter as a woman enjoys a moment of sexual satisfaction.

Masturbation boosts a woman’s immunity

There is a common belief that masturbation also has the ability of boosting a woman’s immunity. This is because it helps in flushing toxins that could have otherwise caused diseases out of the body system as well as improving blood flow and body organ functioning. Hence, women that masturbate become less vulnerable to attack by diseases that include cardiovascular diseases, headaches, cold, flu and even diabetes among other diseases.

In summary, masturbation in women is potentially helpful both mentally and physically and it is not harmful as most people think. Therefore, whether a woman will use her fingertips, dildo or vibrator, she can improve her well-being, relationships and health through regular masturbation.

So low the lights a little, light some candles, just relax in the hot tub and let the games begin.


This article was written by Brenda Panin and previously published at-

Change Up Your Masturbation Techniques

Getting bored with your masturbation routine? Try out some of these techniques. They’re sure to make you feel like your alone time is truly all about you.

For Women

• Get in the tub, light some scented candles, and pour yourself a glass of wine. As you soak in the warm water, your muscle tension will melt. You’ll be more responsive to touch when you’re relaxed. If you don’t have a waterproof sex toy, use a hand-held shower head. Vary the settings to find the right one to find a sensation that you can’t replicate with your fingers. If you don’t have a hand-held shower head, as the tub is filling, scrunch up close to the water as it pours out of the faucet.

• Borrow an oral sex tip from the guys: write the alphabet with your pinky on your clit or trace the number 8 over and over with a lubed fingertip on or around the clit and your inner labia.

• Use your index and ring fingers to hold open your labia. This frees up your middle finger to stroke the tip of your clitoris.

• Don’t have a clitoral stimulator? The back end (non-bristle) side of a battery-operated toothbrush works as a great, inexpensive stand-in. Just make sure that you keep in in your nightstand or wherever you store your sex toys so you won’t accidentally use it for what it’s intended.

For Men

• To keep your erection after ejaculating, stroke to the point that you are ready to ejaculate – but then do not touch your penis and relax all of your muscles. The orgasm will be less intense, but you will stay erect and can continue, and you will not lose the excitement in your body.

• Using both hands when you masturbate instead of just one, or grip your penis with one hand and lay face down on the bed, thrusting into your hand as you would if you were thrusting into a woman’s vagina. Using a good amount of lube can feel warm and wet, just like a vagina. By using your body to move your penis in and out of your hand (instead of the other way around), you’ll recreate the feeling of having sex rather than just jacking off.

• Another trick to recreate the feeling of a vagina during masturbation without using sex toys is to use a condom, lube and a warm, but not hot, towel. Squirt a generous amount of lube in the condom and then put the condom on your penis. (Using a condom that is a little larger than your penis may benefit you here.) Wrap a warm towel around your penis after you put the condom on, and grip the warm towel and move it back and forth when you masturbate.

• Using both hands, one at the bottom and one at the top of the penis, gently wring in opposite directions. Use the motion from bottom to top as if you were wringing out a cloth — squeeze the semen out, not in.

• On a comfortable surface like your bed, sit on your heels with each heel gently spreading your butt cheeks comfortably, don’t overstretch. Masturbate as you wish, using your favorite technique. When you are about to ejaculate, spread your cheeks and feel the deep orgasm stem from your perineum. There’s a pressure point in the center of the perineum that creates intense orgasms.

For Women and Men

• Can’t be together? Get a smartphone tripod to leave your hands free to do other things while you’re sharing some Skype time or Face Time and enjoy some sexy phone or video sex together long distance. You can even add new sex tech devices and toys that can be used remote across long distances.

• Know your lubes. Silicone lubes last longer than water-based lubes. However, because of their long-lasting properties, you’ll want to clean up with soap and water afterward. Also, don’t use silicone lube with silicone sex toys. Silicone lube will damage silicone sex toys. If you’re not sure what your sex toy is made of, stick with water-based lube.


This post was previously published at

Masturbation: How to Do a Yoni Massage

Genital massage not only aids in sexual stimulation, but it promotes blood flow to the vulva which is beneficial for genital health.  So by taking the time out to relax and give yourself a genital massage, you are doing your body as well as your sexual libido a favour!

How to Give Yourself a Yoni Massage

Find a quiet room and lock the door so you won’t be interrupted.  Put on music, light candles or incense to get you in the mood.

Lie down in a comfortable position, propping yourself up with pillows beneath your back and letting your legs hang loosely open, or try lying on your stomach to aid in accessing the genitals easier.  Immerse yourself in erotic thoughts or simply concentration on your body’s sensations.  Breathe deeply, for this increases the flow of blood to the genitals and helps you to relax.

Next, use a mirror to explore the beauty of your own vulva, opening the labia lips and finding the clitoris as your massage yourself.  Betty Dodson recommends trimming or shaving beforehand for a heightened sense of awareness, but that is totally up to you.

Your hands should be clean and nails should be trimmed or kept away from soft tissues by using the pads of the fingers.  Begin with a very light touch on the genitals, using one hand for stimulation and the other to hold your labia lips open.  Some women find direct stimulation of the clitoris painful, or ticklish, so slowly increase the amount of pressure only as you become more aroused.  Use a lube, which enhances all sexual activities by making the genitals slick and slippery.

Rest the heel of your hand on the pubis mons, where the pubic hair begins.  You can begin by stimulating the labia lips with your fingers, using light rubbing and tickling techniques.  You can gently grasp the shaft of the clitoris and slide the hood back and forth or gently move the tissue under your finger around in small circles.

Gradually, you can increase the stimulation and may be able to apply pressure to the clit itself by tapping it lightly.  Many women find that the top, right side of their clitoris is more sensitive than other areas.  You can work around the clit in a circular motion as well.  You can try inserting a finger or two into the vagina and using your palm to stimulate the clit. Experiment with different strokes or speeds to see what feels best, building a repetitive rhythm.

Other techniques include:

Womb drumming: where you lightly drum over your womb area, thighs and labia with the palms of your hands to stimulate blood flow.

Pussy Petting:  This technique uses both hands to alternately stroke up the vulva in a slow, rhythmic motion, warming up the tissue to get the blood flowing.

The Squeeze Tease:  This technique involves softly pinching the outer labia together, working up and down the lips.

Outer and Inner Labia Massage: This method involves opening the labia and squeezing along each side of the outer lips.  This is then repeated with the inner labia.

The purpose of Yoni Massage is to awaken your libido, get to know your beautiful pussy in a more intimate and loving manner, to explore your genitals slow and sensually and to find new ways to stimulate yourself (especially if you rely on a vibrator for masturbation).

Try to just enjoy the experience of getting to know your Yoni/Vulva/Pussy better, and maybe even learn new ways to give yourself pleasure!

How do I cheat on my husband/wife?

how do i cheat on my husband

The first time I heard the term “affair dating” was back in 2015 when the Ashley Madison website was hacked and over 60 gigabytes of personal data was released. Soon, people began poring over the details of information released in hopes of finding celebrity or politician profiles. Most people had never heard of Ashley Madison and were shocked that there was a site dedicated to helping married people have successful affairs.

The truth is, there will always be married people who cheat.

As long as marriage exists, so will cheating.

It may be controversial to say this, but cheating on your significant other doesn’t mean you don’t love them. It means you need more than what you’re receiving at the moment.
Getting caught doesn’t mean you don’t love your spouse, it means you’re a careless idiot.

So what do I deem a successful affair? If the affair ends and no one got an std, got pregnant, caught feelings or got caught in the act, then congratulations, you are successfully affair dating!

1. If you find yourself obsessing over one person in particular, then it’s time to take a step back and re-evaluate what is it you are looking for and what you can handle. Just because you would love to have a sexy dip on the side doesn’t mean that you should go out and get one, especially if you are someone who finds it hard to keep things casual and light. Relax…this is supposed to be fun, remember? Learn to go with the flow because you never know where something will take you. If you find that it is too stressful, then you know that affair dating is not for you.

Focus on having temporary fun, and the rest will follow.

2. If you are in the midst of affair dating, then your marriage is obviously lacking something. So don’t limit yourself to your usual “type” of person you go for. In other words, don’t be a doppel-banger! See who else is out there and experiment while you can. Don’t start an affair with someone who is just like your spouse. What the fuck is the fun in that?

3. You need to approach affair dating as something temporary and have clear boundaries from the start. Are you looking to have fun on the side or are you looking to blow up your marriage? Be honest with yourself. Once you know for sure that you are only seeking temporary fun, then always remind yourself about that. Don’t fucking fall in love or lust! Always remind yourself that this is temporary fun and you are not to begin an actual relationship. What if you meet someone that you would leave your partner for? You better be sure that you are truly unhappy in your relationship and not just basking in the glow of infatuation.

Would I suggest having an affair with a friend or joining an affair dating website?

When the Ashley Madison breach occurred, not only was 60 gigs of personal date compromised, but other information slowly came out as profiles and emails were more thoroughly looked into.

Annalee Newitz, editor-in-chief of Gizmodo, analyzed the leaked data. She initially found that only roughly 12,000 of the 5.5 million registered female accounts were used on a regular basis, equal to 3 in every 1000, or less than 1%. The remaining were used only one time, the day they were registered. She also found that a very high number of the women’s accounts were created from the same IP address, suggesting there were many fake accounts.

She found women checked email messages very infrequently: for every 1 time a woman checked her email, 13,585 men checked theirs. Only 9,700 of the 5 million female account had ever replied to a message, compared to the 5.9 million men who would do the same.

She concluded that, “The women’s accounts show so little activity that they might as well not be there”. In a subsequent article the following week Newitz acknowledged that she had “misunderstood the evidence” in her previous article, and that her conclusion that there were few females active on the site had actually been based on data recording “bot” activities in contacting members. She notes that “we have absolutely no data recording human activity at all in the Ashley Madison database dump from Impact Team. All we can see is when fake humans contacted real ones.”

Claire Brownell suggested that the Turing test could possibly be passed by the women-imitating chatbots that fooled millions of men into buying special accounts.

Equipped with the knowledge of what many dating sites are capable of in order to attract customers (it is a business, after all) I would say to steer clear of affair dating sites.

If you can’t pull your side honey in person, then you don’t really deserve one, do you?

Have you been cheated on and are trying to figure out if they are worth keeping? 


This article originally appeared on Love Coach Advice

Tantric Masturbation: Sex Magic for One

Photo by John from Pexels

Welcome to May–Masturbation Month! This is the start of a series of articles celebrating sexual self love!

The goal of Tantra is to explore sacred sexuality as a spiritual act of love and pleasure, to undergo personal transformation, and to find the balance within through mystical consciousness or connection with the divine. Again, this is not goal-orientated, at least to begin with, but more about exploration. Go slow and just enjoy giving yourself pleasure.

How to Do Tantra for One

Lay comfortably on your back, arms at sides, palms pressed lightly against the floor.  Close your eyes and breathe deeply from the stomach and chest, feeling the tension flow out of you with each exhale.  Your breathing should be slow, rhythmic and peaceful, not forced or unnatural.  Feel yourself grounding into the earth and connecting with earth energy.

Practice conscious breathing by placing the heels of your hands to the sides of your rib cage, against the bottom ribs.  Become aware of your breath for a moment, and allow it to become slow and rhythmic. As you breathe slowly through the nose, concentrate quietly on how the ribs move in and out, pressing your hands in gently into the ribs and then release with the exhale.

One you have practiced this, continue to breathe, making your breath circular: Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth making the breathing completely “circular” with no pauses between inhales and exhales.  This type of breathing is especially good when trying to cycle orgasmic energy through your body.

Begin to stimulate yourself through masturbation until you reach the edge of the plateau stage, the point of no return or last possible moment that you can abstain from orgasm.  At this point, stop stimulating yourself and breath very slowly and deeply until the desire to orgasm fades.  This is called sexual “edging”. Continue to do this several times, each time reaching the edge of orgasm, then pulling back and not allowing yourself to climax.  This technique takes practice, so don’t worry if you go over the edge the first couple of tries.  Through practice you will be able to slow down stimulation, rather than stopping completely and continue to build this heightened state of awareness.

Continuous Orgasm

You can learn to have long continuous whole-body orgasms via Tantra masturbation. Continue to edge your orgasm and while doing so, contract your PC muscles and move your hips, imagining as you do that the orgasmic energy is circulating through your body with the breath.

When you do finally orgasm see if you can keep the orgasm going, continuing to stimulate, and ride the orgasm out in longer and longer waves.


Sometimes You Do Get A Check, And Sometimes You Don’t Know Why

Photo by Nadi Lindsay from Pexels

Freelance writers usually know when their payments are coming in, spend an inordinate amount of time chasing those that are supposed to come in, and worry insistently about trying to get them to come in. Although I am terrible with anything that has to do with numbers, rest assured I try to keep up on those numbers that mean cash in my pocket. So, you can assume I was damn surprised today when I received a check from a rather reputable publication that I was not expecting for a piece of writing I can’t recall.

Yes, I do write a lot of erotica. I’d say more than half of my output is naughty writing, either article, blogs, or fiction. But I also write for mainstream clients and attempt to get fiction or little humor essays into those inoffensive old mags that have been around forever. It was from one of these magazines, that the check came from, for… well… for whatever it was.

I went on the magazine’s website to search, to no avail, and just emailed a letter to their editor, thanking him and asking, ‘Hey, by the way, can you tell me what this is for?’ I’d at least like to grab a couple of copies of the magazine to throw around as I don’t get to do this all that often when I get some piece of erotica published. Old aunt Tessie is a sweet lady, but she won’t take well to logging onto some porn site to read my latest on the best positions for spanking.

Don’t think for a minute I’m complaining! I love getting money, and I love that it seems a venerable old magazine has published me. I just have no idea what the piece was! But you might find this happening to you a time or two. Lots of places have online templates to plug your writing into. In the case of what I am assuming was published here, I probably scribbled off a little humor piece of 100 words and sent it off. I’m sure I didn’t even save the few paragraphs, figuring, hey, if they can use it, great, if not, no skin off my apple.

I guess the lesson to be learned here is, just keep sending stuff, throw your writing out and about, even if it’s little quips or a short-short. You never know who might publish you, and when you might see a check, you were not expecting.