Friday, September 20, 2024

Featured - The Best Sex Education Articles for Adults has the Best Sex Education Articles for Adults from an expert line up of certified sex experts.

Top sex education for adults featured posts and sexuality articles from our sex experts, sex coaches on everything from female orgasms, sexual pleasure, alternative lifestyle topics, couples sex advice and dating advice, masturbation and sexual empowerment, sexual health and wellness including men’s sexual problems like premature ejaculation and how to last longer in the bedroom.

Our Sex Ed featured articles include all the tips and techniques you need to know to make you a better lover such as the ultimate guide to anal sex, BDSM and kinky sex, oral sex, how to have the best orgasms, sexual relationship topics on how to spice up your love life, as well as female sexual anatomy and the erogenous zones including the clitoris, the cervix and cervical orgasm, all about the g spot, female ejaculation and g spot orgasms, the vagina and the vulva, penis facts and more. is an all-inclusive sex education site for adults and has many empowering articles on gender and sexuality, as well as articles for gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transgender, sissies, and alternative lifestyles including cuckold and hotwife relationships, threesomes, polyamory and swinging. See our sacred sexuality topics including Tantra sex, yoni yoga, sexy goddess rituals, energy orgasms and more.

Explore sexpert articles from our top sex educators including Dr. Ava Cadell, Erika, Jordan, Anka Radakovich, Domina Doll, Carrie Borillo, Ralph Greco, Sunny Megatron, Tatyannah King, Dr. Hernando Chaves, Elle Chase, Debra Shade, Holly Bradshaw, and many more.



I had a session with a client this week and she told me she has difficulty climaxing with her partner. She could do it by herself in 5 minutes, but with him it almost never happened.

They have been married for about 8 years and on the surface everything seemed ok, so she was confused as to why this is so difficult for her. So we dove deeper.

When I asked her what is the absolutely first feeling that comes to your mind when you think pen!s? Pay close attention to how your body reacts to that word (our bodies never lie, we may censor our minds to a certain degree, but not our bodies)

After a moment she told me, “that’s so strange but the very first feeling that came to me was fear. I never realized it was there, it was so subtle.

I could see how her whole body contracted at this word, so subtly her shoulders slouched, it was closing off in a protective posture.

I asked her, have you ever been penetrated before you were ready? Or when you actually didn’t want to?

She said yes.

Most women I work with say yes.

I also said yes.

What about you?

If you answered yes, I feel you sister, I see you. You are not alone.

If this was a traumatic event for you, I am so sorry you went through that, there is healing and hope at the end of the tunnel. You are so loved.

However for those who still said yes, but don’t feel like there was a traumatic event, that’s where it can get tricky.

Sexual trauma doesn’t just happen in big traumatic events, it can happen in small, seemingly harmless ways.

When your husband, or partner really wants sex, and you just “give it to him” so that he stops annoying you.

You just give it to him so he doesn’t feel rejected, to protect his feelings.

You just give it to him because if you don’t he will find it elsewhere.

You just give it to him because you always have and it’s easier to continue this way instead of disturbing the status quo, possibly upsetting him and digging into all the mess that may come up.

You just give it to him so he doesn’t leave you.

Except our bodies know we are betraying them.

Our Yonis feel the subtle violence. Our wombs remember.

They remember our NO not being honored, not being important enough, our needs not being met. Ourselves censored.

And so they learn to associate the pen!s with the attacker, the invader who is going to come in without consent.

The one we need to bow to, when we don’t really want to, the one we need to tolerate to not hurt his feelings. The one we need to support if we want to keep the safety. Except it’s not really safe this way, is it?


When subconsciously, you associate pen!s with any form of resistance, even if it is just annoyance…

When your first thought and feeling when you think of a pen!s is not joy, love and pleasure…

It becomes incredibly difficult to open yourself up to receive pleasure from your partner, because for us to open ourselves up, we first and foremost need to feel safe to surrender and receive.

So what is the very first feeling that comes to you when you think of the word pen!s?

If you are feeling love and joy and pleasure then YES BABE! I am celebrating you! Keep rocking this!

However if you feel resistance, fear, trauma, panic, hate, annoyance, confusion, anger or resentment, if you feel a somatic response from your body of contraction, rigidity, tension, then there might be some more healing work that is asking to be done.

The first step though is gaining awareness! So congrats on this, if you read it this far, you probably already made that step.

We can’t realign and heal what we are not aware of what we are hiding from.

I truly believe we all can and deserve to live fulfilling sexual lives. To be fully expressed as humans in all aspects of our being, our sexuality being one of the deepest of them.

That our needs are worth being met, that we are still love-able in our NO and that pen!ses are amazing bringers of joy, and love and pleasure when we heal our relationships with them.

Now I know that this is a very vulnerable subject, so not everyone might be daring enough to share how this shows up in their life, (if you are I would love to hear from you), but if this resonated, drop me a 💖 below

If you want to to explore this and other topics in a safe community of women and get more support, I would love to welcome you to my facebook group.

Keep shining your beautiful light!

Photo by Dainis Graveris from Pexels

What really is a fetish?

Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels

ABCs of Fetishes

As I write my weekly blogs, I try to relate them to my weekly guest. When I sat down in our Hollywood studio with LA Kink Shrink, and spoke with Dr. Tom Murray a couple of weeks prior and then Dr. Lee Phillips whose episode will be released soon, I really got to thinking what other fetishes are out there that I am unaware of.

I know writing a blog on every single fetish would be a very long entry, but I thought I would touch on the more common fetish requests I receive as a webcam model and content creator and what they are. I will then break down some of these in detail in future entries as to some of the possible reasons some may choose to enjoy a particular fetish.

Age Play:

This is when either just one partner or both take on roleplaying a different age. A big one is the daddy/daughter or mommy/son. When this request comes to me as a webcam performer, I do require my “customer” to roleplay as legal age stepson with me, however, I do get requests of customers wanting to roleplay as a child which I choose not to do in my shows. However, age play can be fun when two consenting adults agree to take on a different age and play out a scenario.


Cuckolding is normally when the female half of a partnership either humiliates her partner by sleeping with another person in front of him or can even go and have sexual relations and come back and share their experience in a humiliating manner. This kink isn’t only for heterosexual couples—people of all genders and orientations can enjoy cuckolding. You can explore this kink through dirty talk or virtual sex with a third party.

Impact Play:

Impact play requires communication and consent from both partners. Almost any household item can be used for impact play, paddles, whips, wooden spoons really anything to “hit” the body, even your hand for erotic spanking. Stick to areas that are fatty and avoid where organs reside. Always begin this type of play and any other slowly. Establish a safe word if it is too painful and you need your partner to ease off.

Foot Fetishism

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Foot fetish is just as it sounds, someone who is turned on by feet. Anything from thinking about feet, touching, smelling, and even tasting feet. One-half of the partner will want to engage in foot worship, in which they desire to pamper their partner’s feet by kissing, caressing, and massaging them. The other side of a foot fetish is humiliation. The desire to want feet shoved in their face and mouth, or to have their partner walk all over them.


The most common example of humiliation is name-calling and verbal abuse. It is important to communicate with your partner how far to take the humiliation. For example, maybe behind closed doors, your partner wants to be told she is your naughty little slut but she will not tolerate the word “cunt”. You must together know boundaries. Then some men enjoy small penis humiliation. Being told they can never satisfy anyone with their small penis and they are not worthy. Always make sure you know your limits and communicate them.


This is the actual term for what many of us know as watersports or golden showers. This is Urine play. The most common way to enjoy pee play is to give or receive golden showers. Some say it is the warmth of the urine and others incorporate this fetish into humiliation play.

As with all fetishes, and trust me there are many many more, establish your limits, boundaries, and desires you want from engaging in the fetish. You know the saying, “Don’t knock it till you try it”.

Till next time,

Coralyn Jewel

The Great Public Pubic Debate

There’s hardly a porn or erotic photo or video that gets posted on the ’Net of a woman that isn’t completely free of pubic hair. Sure, there are a few women that keep their bush very neatly trimmed or sport a decorative strip of hair. Going totally natural is almost unseen these days.

Lately, there’s been a big debate over the “pressure” for women to go bald … and it’s getting louder.

Personally, I don’t feel pressured. I completely shave from time to time, but my pubic hair is so coarse that I get a 5 o’clock shadow (and the stubble) by 9:05 a.m., so I keep the hair on my lips trimmed neat and short and completely shave the rest.  As much as I love the velvety softness of my labia right after I shave, I’m really self-conscious about my partner’s soft lips brushing up against the Brillo pad of my lower lips. On the other hand, I don’t want him getting a mouthful of hair … or having it poking out of my bathing suit or a pair of pretty panties.

Waxing? No thanks. I’m not a masochist, and I really don’t like the idea of a salon pro handling my lady parts.

Laser hair removal? I just don’t have that kind of cash.

Sorry if that’s a really drawn-out way of explaining my personal preference. There are just so many reasons behind it.

But that’s what it is — a preference – and one that belongs to each individual woman.

What I find most odd is that the pressure to go totally bare often comes from men, many of whom would never think of taking a razor to their family jewels or think going pubeless doesn’t look manly. My opinion: what’s good for the goose is good for the gander.  We ladies don’t like getting the short curlies stuck in our teeth any more than you. At least take out a pair of manicure scissors every once in a while if you’re going to get vociferous about a preference mandate.

While lots of women are spending hundreds, if not thousands of dollars, on spa and medical hair removal, I’ve been seeing more and more articles pop up about women who are letting the ‘fro below grow. Even polished beauties like Gwyneth Paltrow and Ellen DeGeneres say they favor a bush gone wild.

This big backlash really burst a few years back around a survey conducted and released by the UK pharmacy chain Medix. The survey revealed that 51% of women don’t style or groom the hair in their nether regions, 45% can no longer be bothered to keep up the grooming, and 62% of them said their mate prefers the natural look.

Is it all for practical reasons? Perhaps. I know I already spend more time than I’d like every morning just on styling my hair and putting on makeup in addition to my shower and hygiene routine. Some of it is from feminine backlash that comes from the likes of Caitlin Moran and her book, How To Be A Woman. She claims that a lot of the pressure to shave down there comes from a society that watches too much porn.

I’ve also been hearing a lot of pro-pube advocacy from the medical community which says that pubic hair provides a cushion against friction and abrasions from a partner’s pubic hair. There are theories that suggest that pubic hair exists to keep genitals warm and to trap and release pheromones, those sexy scents that attract lovers and  heighten arousal. Plus, doctors and nurses say that pubic hair removal makes the skin susceptible to rashes, irritation and infections, especially antibiotic-resistant strep and staph infections and STIs. A warm, moist environment and sexual contact are breeding grounds for bacteria that make their way into cuts and open pores.

Perhaps the next sexual fashion trend is to go commando?

My take on the great pube debate is that we’re in a transitional waxing and waning period of what we consider to be sexually attractive. It’s been depicted in art and documented in history throughout the ages. Female pubic hair was depicted as painted triangles in Egyptian art. In medieval and classical European art, pubic hair was rarely shown. It’s been reported that European prostitutes shaved the cooch as proof that they weren’t harboring a crab farm or other questionable diseases and infections.  Francisco Goya’s La maja desnuda (The Naked Maja) painted sometime between 1797 and 1800 is  the European painting to show female pubic hair.

Cultures and religions have had their say in pubic standards. Pubic hair in the Middle East and Eastern Europe has been considered unclean for centuries. The Islamic prophet Mohammed is reported to have said that removing body hair is an act of fitrah, to be in a pure state. (The same goes for Islamic beliefs to practice circumcision.)

I remember my mother’s awkwardness when she gave me a can of Barbasol and my first Daisy razor when I hit puberty in the mid-70’s. She told me that I should shave my legs and armpits but didn’t show me how. She only told me that it was something that proper well-groomed ladies ladies did.

Of course my mother never mentioned anything about pubes. That dark growth sprouting between my legs absolutely horrified me. I couldn’t ask my her about it. She was already shamefully embarrassed to tell me that I had to shave my pits and legs.  I had no idea of what was “normal” for years.  Porn and erotic art just weren’t accessible and available in my world. It wasn’t until 1981 when a guy I was dating tried (and failed) to get it on with me by showing me my first stag film. In a herky jerky circa 1967 8 mm black and white short of a lame boss and secretary role play, I saw that the woman in the film had a thick dark bush much like mine. I felt relieved.

In the late ‘80’s and early ‘90’s the proliferation of porn on VHS tapes accelerated the demand for newer and edgier. Landing strips and shaved pussies were among first trends.  As porn became more accessible online in the past decade, young women and teens wanted to rock the porn star look. In doing my research for this post, I came across a message board in which teens were asking at which age they started shaving their pubes. Some of them said it was as early as 12.

Ask any woman over 45 these days whether they go hair or bare. The numbers are in favor of keeping the hair. Is it because it’s harder to teach an older doggie a new style or does age bring wisdom?

Regardless of whether you go sans hair or full blow bush (and everything in between) your pubic hair style should be your choice.

Love your vulva and Mound of Venus! <3


Featured Image by Image by Mario Battaglia from Pixabay

This article was previously published at:

Sexual Assault Awareness Month: Why I Can’t Support Rape Porn

OK, before I even start this blog I’d like to make some caveats. When I make reference to rape porn or erotica, I’m not referencing consensual bondage fantasies. I’m not slut- or kink-shaming anyone. And I am not calling for the illegalization of any pornography created by and for consenting adults, unless actual injury or the crossing of a performer’s boundaries occurred during the production. This column represents my views on this subject, nothing more.

The other day I was chatting with a friend of mine who works as a rape crisis counselor. She confided to me that several clients (whom she did not name) had come to her with a story about their assaults–a story that centered around another story.

“I told him I didn’t want him to get rough with me during sex. But he told me that he supposed I had rape fantasies, like all women did, and that I’d probably enjoyed 50 Shades of Grey,” the survivors revealed. “He told me that he knew I wanted it. Then he ignored me when I said no.”

“He raped me.”

Although sickened and enraged by this story, I was far from shocked; especially not when, at the time of the release of 50 Shades of Grey, at least one sexual assault took place immediately after the perpetrator allegedly had seen the movie and directly copied its aspects–right down to use of a man’s fashion tie as a restraint. Not to mention countless instances in which rape survivors have reported being triggered and traumatized by works like 50 Shades, and the more recent 365 Days, which glamorizes both sex abuse and drugging and kidnapping.

From a high school classmate’s assertion that the fact 9 1/2 Weeks was written by a woman proved that “Women like that sort of thing,” to the countless times that online trolls have insisted that rape can’t be all that bad because women fantasize and enjoy books and films about it, a single unfortunate truth emerges: Men use rape fiction–and rape fantasies–as excuses to rape, or at the very least to show less empathy for rape victims.

Of course, at this point, we also must discuss other truths as well. The fact is that bad people will use just about anything as an excuse to blame the victim: from the length of the survivor’s skirt to the amount of alcohol consumed by the perpetrator or survivor before the attack, to films and TV shows. When a rapist rapes, it’s the fault of the rapist. Period.

I also find it interesting that, when men fantasize about being dominated by women, nobody accuses them of coveting a violent relationship in real life. Sure, countless men fantasized about Sharon Stone in Basic Instinct, and Kathleen Turner in Body Heat. But would they want to meet the business end of an icepick in real life? I hope not.

Many experts say that, instead of a desire to be threatened or harmed in real life, the core of the rape fantasy seems to be that women are afraid of acting on certain desires, for fear of being seen as slutty or promiscuous–so in their dreams, they fantasize about a man seizing control of them. My question is, though, why do we still feel ashamed to want and enjoy sex?

I was lucky enough to come to sexual maturity in the ’80s and ’90s, when fearless, openly sensual heroines ruled the book and screen. Jackie Collins filled the pages of her sexy potboilers (like “The Stud” and “The Bitch”) with strong women who demanded satisfaction, in the boardroom and the bedroom. Kathryn Harvey’s Butterfly took us inside the walls of a male bordello that catered to women, my friend Dara Joy took us to an erotic netherworld where the heroine rescues the chained up hottie hero, and Nancy Friday’s Women On Top explored the fantasies of the modern woman–which proved to be more feminist and assertive than in years past. Hence the title.

On the silver screen, we still saw stories of sexually repressed women pleasured and liberated by seductive rebel men–but they were seduced, not raped. In the 1983 film A Night in Heaven, repressed school teacher Faye Hanlon (the fantastic Lesley Ann Warren) succumbs to the temptation of a handsome college student (Christopher Atkins, arguably the male answer to Marilyn Monroe in terms of sex appeal).  Atkins’ Rick moonlights as a male stripper who, when spotting his teacher in the crowd of a strip show, tempts and teases her with a sultry lap dance and a soul kiss. Later, when he sees the married and still reluctant Faye in public, he tempts her further by praising her beauty, telling her that he enjoys erotic dreams about her, and presenting her with the old standby of a romantic red rose. Finally, when efforts to heat up her marriage fail, she joins Rick in a motel room for a heated session of lovemaking.   

In the movie Thief of Hearts, the delectable Steven Bauer plays a burglar who breaks into the home of a married couple, stealing the wife’s diaries and acting out the fantasies found within them. He pleasures Mickey, the subject of his desire (played by Barbara Williams, a smart and refreshingly real beauty), by praising and enlisting her talents as an interior designer–then, when she arrives on the job, luring her to his bedroom for some explosive sex. He tells her he’ll do anything she has ever wanted and imagined. Earlier in their courtship, he takes her for a romantic boat ride and makes a big and most impressive show of oiling up his perfect body before her hungry eyes. But later in the movie, when Mickey discovers her lover’s criminal past and he becomes overly aggressive and demanding, she leaves him and returns to her husband.

So what happened between then and now? Well again, as a proud Playgirl of the 90s and early 2000s (I even worked for the magazine and cable station), I saw what happened to women who bought Playgirl in public–they were laughed at and called desperate and sick. So were women who bought erotic romance novels with barechested hunks adorning the covers. I read a viewer’s review of A Night in Heaven stating that Faye’s husband should have murdered Faye and Rick over their affair–even though, ahem, her husband was cheating as well, with an old family friend.

And as someone who enjoys male revues, I have been told that I’m acting unladylike, that I’m allowing the dancers to wield sexual power over me, and that I should trade in male strip shows for Christian singles dances. I explain to them that I often exclaim, “Oh my GOD!” at regular intervals during lap dances.

I’m also aware of the fact that, due to the proliferation of free porn on the Internet, more young girls are seeing rough, cheap, male-directed porn at a far too young age–they grow up thinking that’s how it’s done, instead of demanding something better and more respectful.

So, in my opinion, there we have it. Women who tried novel and modernistic ways of expressing their sexuality were shoved back into the closet–and under the whip.

I know that some women would disagree, saying that–after a long day of wielding power in the boardroom–they just like to safely surrender for a while in the bedroom. Understood! But some of today’s books and films–and, sadly, real life sexual relationships–are crossing the line between voluntary bondage into intimidation, the misuse of alcohol to weaken a woman’s defenses, physical pain–and, sometimes, rape. And no matter how you look at it, that ain’t cool.

The National Sexual Assault Hotline is 1-800-656-4673.


Featured image by- Photo by Kat Jayne from Pexels

Cutting It Up With Renee Olstead

Playmate Pickup Podcast

Catch brunch with a child star, a singer, a OnlyFans star, a late night star and couple of psychology students. All wrapped up in a couple of multi talented gals trying to get by in a fractionated world. Listen in on a conversation between Erika Jordan and Renee Olstead.

Instagram: XORenee

OnlyFans: XOReneeVIP

For more hot talk go back to the beginning with Erika Jordan and the birth of the Playmate Pickup Podcast.

Come find me at My six week course, Playmate Pickup is available with personalized guidance at Acquire the skills to approach women with confidence and get them to want you!


Figuring What You Are Worth, and Sticking To It

In quite a few of these sex writing columns, I’ve either skirted past what a writer should charge for his or her time and work, tried to wax poetic while giving salient advice, or have skipped over the subject entirely. And while you can find plenty of formulas for calculating your time, what this or that website advises this or that kind of writing might be worth in the marketplace presently, knowing what to charge and sticking with what you charge, needs to be taken on a case-by-case basis.

Not just from one writer to another but even from the same writer considering one job over another.

Let me give you a recent example of something that was proposed to me:

An agent I had worked with a while ago, somebody who hits me up across Skype every so often or I’ll send a “Hey, how you doin’?” to every couple of months, left me a message that he has a new job for which he thinks I might be suitable. I had worked about a year-and-a half on a massive project for this guy where I had to employ six other writers to handle the workload. I made some good money, got to spread a little cash around to some writers I knew who could use it, and had some fun traveling a bit for the job. It also made me crazy in that I was locked at the computer all the time and, quite frankly, was scrambling to produce more content than was probably healthy for me to do, all because I was being paid so little I had to make it up in volume.

Hey, I had signed up. I knew what I was getting myself into, and at the time, I needed the dough badly.

The new job the guy is presenting? Well, the price for the work is, again, way too low. But these days, ten years on from the last job I did for this dude, my circumstances are a bit better (or maybe I just give less of a shit and really don’t want to aggravate myself now). These days I can choose to be slightly more picky with the work I may take (slightly) and once again, the price the agent quoted me is so low I can’t see clear to expending the time and energy on this job. I countered with a ‘family-and-friends,’ rate but I doubt the client will come up as much as I need them to… and believe me, I’m being very reasonable. I really would like to help the agent and a few more jingles in my old coin purse would not hurt, but I can’t take steps backwards.

But even when you are desperate for work, or know what you’ll be doing might be kinda fun (this new job would be writing dirty evergreen articles, a job that’s right up my back alley, so to speak) there are just some jobs that are not going to be right for you.

Working as hard as I have over these years I have found what I feel I am worth and generally I try and stick to this price quote. Assuredly this calculation wasn’t easily come by and making it for yourself will be one of the harder aspects of the freelance writing life you’ll come to. Like I mentioned, you can rely on formulas and calculations, or even simply assume what you’re worth, but you could come to price yourself out of jobs well before you have the skills or experience to handle them. Or you could quote yourself too low.

I’ve done both.

Consider how long you have been at this, what your unique skills are, and what the job will entail. Think hard on the job presented, will it require you to bend to a learning curve, or is it something you could jump right into? Has the time come now for you to up your quote? Have you just completed a bunch of work that you feel has really increased your skills and even your reputation? Or are you feeling the bite of a tough personal economy and think it might be prudent to adjust your quote, at least for a little while?

Get what you think what you are worth my dear fellow writers but always think hard on what that might be.


Featured Image by Photo by maitree rimthong from Pexels


This event has passed, but you can watch the replay below!

Don’t miss the latest Sexpert Panel on Sexual Healing, hosted by and sponsored by CalExotics Pleasure Products with their new line SheOlogy and TheyOlogy.

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And one lucky attendee will be chosen to win an adult toy gift basket, but you must be registered and in attendance to win.

I will be giving away my video Sexycises By Sexperts: Yin Yang Yoga for Intimacy. Top experts in sexual health and pleasure demonstrate how to stay connected on the journey to sexual fitness and satisfaction, using the blended energies of yin and yang.

We have an amazing panel of Sexperts, including my friend Sexologist and Author Dr. Sadie Allison, who has created a CBD lubricant with her partner John Renko, to help women suffering from panful intercourse. She is giving all attendees one of her bestselling eBooks on the Mystery of the Undercover Clitoris.

You’ll also meet Dr. Cat Meyer, Sex Therapist, PhyD, Global Speaker and Yoga Therapist who I have worked with when we created a Feminine Healing Retreat in Thailand.

Dr. Cat and I also worked together on Sexycises by Sexperts, where you will see her beautiful partner yoga demonstrations. She is gifting everyone her Audio Guide on How to Discover Your Inner Sex Kitten.

Laurie Handlers is a Tantra Teacher, Intimacy Coach and Spiritual Leader who is sharing her fantastic book with all attendees on Sex & Happiness: The Tantric Laws of Intimacy. We both gave seminars at The Hedonism 11 Resort in Jamaica to a fun group and she’s a dynamic speaker and healer.

One of Love Univ’s graduates is Jacqui Rubinoff, who is a Certified Love Coach and Entrepreneur with a line of pheromones that can help people to connect with each other. We worked together developing pheromone infused jewelry that is available on her Eye of Love website and she’s going to give away a pheromone infused necklace to one lucky raffle winner.

I’m excited to announce that one of the panelists is going to be Heather Montgomery, Founder and CEO of PleazeMe, a powerful and passionate Sexpert who is taking the largest sex positive platform by storm with her innovators and educators of sexual wellness.

A panel on Sexual Healing wouldn’t be complete without a Sexological Body Worker, Sabrina Jackson is also a Certified Love Coach and Certified Massage Therapist, who dedicates her work to helping people through trauma with holistic her healing solutions. She is giving away a 45-minute virtual session on breathwork for healing to one lucky raffle winner.

Alina Vegara is also a graduate of Love Univ and works as a Certified Love Coach through her professional website Ace of Hearts, which is founded to help people find and maintain love. She is also a professional matchmaker and is giving away a Free Coaching Consultation to a lucky raffle winner.

Our moderator will be Tamara Bell, Love Univ’s Student Ambassador and Mentor, founder of HPPPA and Certified Love Coach since 2008. She’s excited about moderating this panel of Sexperts and will have some great questions to ask the panelists, but you can also send your questions in advance by signing up to register now to get fabulous FREE gifts!


Look Alive, Guys! Time to Seduce Your Lady

A few years ago, while appearing as a guest on a feminist radio show, I bristled a bit when another guest opined, “It’s OK for a wife or girlfriend to play sexy for her man, being his whore, as long as he still respects and appreciates her.”

“I agree with the substance of what you’re saying,” I said, being more judicious than I am–like, ever. “My question is, Why is it the women who are always expected to dress and act sexy for her man–and never the reverse?”

The hostess of the show immediately concurred, “It seems the women are always supposed to put on the show. All the men have to do is buy tickets and take a seat.”

….And it’s been this way since time immemorial. Back in the ’50s, magazine articles taught shy wives how to undress for their husbands. In the ’60s, the hit song “Wives and Lovers” warned wives that they’d better have that blasted makeup on and curlers off when their man walked through that door, or she would drive him over the edge of fidelity and force him to cheat with a ‘girl at the office.’ Those pesky girls at the office. Drat them.

Common advice dished out to women seeking to please their man often includes, “Act like his hooker, his secretary, his schoolgirl.” Could you ever imagine telling a man, “Act Like her gigolo, her hot assistant, her schoolboy?”

Now, I’m not suggesting that a woman shouldn’t dress up and vamp to please her man–but my point (and I do have one–two, in fact) is that she shouldn’t feel coerced into doing something she’s uncomfortable with for fear that her man will cheat.

For example: a woman who might have been sexually abused as a child might feel very uncomfortable dressing as a schoolgirl, and might prefer instead to play a dominatrix in a hot pleather bustier–calling him Darling instead of Daddy. A woman with body image issues might feel more comfortable in a long, figure-flattering white silk nightgown than a skimpy negligee.

And at the same time, a man can do lots of things to repay the favor: teasing and seducing his hardworking wife, so she doesn’t dally with those boys at the office.

Now I do realize that certain men’s magazines offer features on how guys can spice things up in the bedroom. Yet I’ve read these features and the suggestions they offer range from the creepy (“Tell her that you’re a skin magazine photographer and you want to shoot her photos”–um, do they not realize that this is how several infamous serial killers lured victims to their deaths?) to the sad (Buy her some new sexy underwear? That’s fulfilling his fantasy, not hers) to the all too obvious (Do the dishes one night after dinner. That’s not fantasy fulfillment, it’s an everyday responsibility).

It’s time that a woman taught men how to seduce their ladies. So pay ample heed, Boys, as the Feminist Sexpert is only going to say this once:

 1. Roleplaying.

The sexy leading man Hugh Jackman has said that his kickass wife Deborra Lee Furness often asks him to bring costumes home from his movie sets, so she can feel as though as she’s having affairs with the heroes he portrays. And while filming Magic Mike, Channing Tatum said he put on private shows for then wife Jenna Dewan. And while every man might not be a professional actor with a full wardrobe filled with sexy costumes at his disposal, what he can do is pay the occasional trip to a men’s wear store to buy some G-strings or sexy thongs, or to a costume store–renting the pirate’s costume, the kilt, the policeman’s uniform, or the Marine whites that will really drive her wild.

Or just get a nice haircut, throw on a new suit, and appear at the house in the role of a seductive stranger–someone who’s been admiring her from afar, and who is there to entice her away from her husband. Or simply throw on a thong or some sexy shorts, and play the role of the seductive poolboy. Even if you don’t happen to have a pool. Believe me, she won’t care.

2. Fantasy fulfillment.

Some women may say that they don’t have sexual fantasies, or they’re too bashful to say them aloud. Yet the curious husband can sneak a peek at her favorite romance novels, soap operas, or romantic films to get an idea of her innermost intimate thoughts. Or you might even buy her an empowering erotic book and offer to act out its scenes. I’ve heard those are widely available.

3. Couples porn.

Yeah, I know. If you have to listen to that bloody sax music or to some sculpted couple talking at length about their predestined love for one another… but if you feel that way about couples porn, imagine how she feels about watching the 58th edition of Banging the Baby-sitter or Kiki Does Kansas.

You can still watch these flicks, alone or with your buddies. When you’re with her, try a title by Bright Desire, Strawberry Seductress, Lust Films, Sweet Sinner, Anna Span, Playgirl, Adam and Eve, or Femme. As far as couples porn, some of my favorites include the sprawling historical romance Immortal Desire, Hardbound (directed and written by the husband and wife team of Bob and Deborah Chinn) and Candida Royalle’s My Surrender. I’ve also heard that Marriage 2.0 is a towering achievement in adult cinema, even–haven’t seen that one yet, but the presence of Ryan friggin’ Driller in the cast guarantees that I will someday.


4. Massage.

Who doesn’t love an invigorating massage, performed with some essential oils? Don’t forget the candles, the low lights, and the dirty talk!

5. Indulging her crushes.

No matter how much you love your wife, no doubt you entertain fantasies about a certain supermodel, porn star or centerfold. So if she seems infatuated with a soap star, rock star or film or TV actor, don’t scoff at the TV screen and say, “I bet he’s GAY!” Instead buy her a CD or DVD that features his work or a magazine that features his likeness–or park her in front of the TV and slip out of the room when his show is on, letting her enjoy her fantasy date. Why should you do this? Because he makes her horny. And, at the end of the evening, it’s you that benefits. 

6. Striptease.

You don’t have to have the moves of Channing Tatum to pull off a most effective striptease. A hot costume and a basic body roll will get you far in life–and with your wife. And, again, I’ve heard there are books on the subject.

In dishing out this advice, I offer the same qualifier that I would to the ladies. Don’t do anything that makes you uncomfortable. Yet in the event that you do elect to do this stuff, you get more sex–and, in the long run, a very happy lady. You’re welcome.


Featured image by- Image by S. Hermann & F. Richter from Pixabay

Should I date my best friend?

should i date my best friend
Featured image from Elle Hughes- Pexels

Isn’t friendship the same as love sans the sex? We learn more and more about the complexities of friendship everyday. Moreover, researches show that romantic relations based on friendship are usually the happiest and strongest.

The longer you know someone, the more they become attractive to you. Have you ever been around someone that you initially blew off as not your type but the longer you were around them, the more they appealed to you?

All relationships really need the foundations of a strong friendship in order to withstand everything that life throws at couples, including acts of god and the shit that we put each other through.

The most long-lasting and satisfying romantic relationships are the ones that are about more than sexual chemistry. I mean, it doesn’t hurt… but you can only have sex so many times a day. What happens when he can’t get it up anymore? A fun friendship with an attractive person can make you feel dumb for even questioning whether you should date or not.

Usually, something big needs to happen in order for one of you to finally take that step. A move to a different state, an engagement, something that is changing your lives forever anyway so if, the reaction isn’t what you expected, there’s nothing to lose.

So, how else do you know when it’s time approach your friend about your feelings?

1. The awkwardness is gone

He has seen you at your best: dolled up and how you want the world to see you. And at your worst: no makeup, baggy clothes, crying your eyes out. He knows that you feel comfortable with him and is well aware of your likes, dislikes, quirks and pet peeves. You are sure by now that he will not judge or criticize you.

3. You always have plans.

As buddies, you spend a lot of time together and do a lot of activities. As your friendship grows, you discover common interests and already know which activities you both enjoy. The beauty of this is that when you start dating, you simply continue the routine. You do not have to adapt to the interests of a new person in your life or change tastes once you are together.

4. They knows your life + goals

When someone falls in love with their best friend, the friend is usually someone that’s been around since school or college. He saw you working hard at your first shit jobs, borrowing money from friends or siblings to pay the rent for the next month. Your friend knows about your past, as well as future plans, career ambitions, and goals. He always supports and gives you good advice. You won’t have any disagreements about life ambitions because he has been with you from the moment you started dreaming about what you want out of life and love. This kind of understanding and encouragement is important for your individual growth, professional development, and your future as a supportive couple.

5. It is comfortable and feels right

When you reach a certain amount of comfort in a relationship, there is no need to impress one another, or to hide any feelings because you are shy or indecisive. Thanks to your friendship, you have already reached the level of comfort that some couples have only after a long time living together. You can say goodbye to fears or uncertainties, and it allows your relationship to develop in a harmonious way.

Warning: Be prepared to lose your friend if things don’t go how you planned. Plan the reveal carefully and remember that you may not be seeing all the potential problems that could entail dating your friend because you have only seen them through the rosy, friendship filter. The romantic-partner filter is a bit more complicated. Sex really changes a friendship, and if it doesn’t work out then you risk losing them forever, but if you think the reward is worth the risk, then shoot your shot.

Change your mind about dating your friend but still need a boost in your dating and sex life? Why not sign up for a new dating site to see who else is (or isn’t) out there? With so many new dating sites and apps out there, how do you choose one? 

Make sure you read 6 things to look for in a new dating site to help you narrow the field! 


This article originally appeared on ElyShouldKnow


Sex Writing: How to Write Naughty Dialogue

sexy dialogue

The Art of Writing Dirty Dialogue for Erotica Writers

What somebody says can be just as interesting and downright disgustingly perverted (in a good way) as what they do. Or so I try to write in my fiction. Sure, there are those scenes where I have two or more people baring their pink parts for various tickles, touches, and teasing, in complete silence… save a moan or two. But lots of times, my characters talk a good bunch of the naughty before they get down, especially when one character is doming another and might want to mentally tease and taunt well before they do so physically.

So, writing naughty dialogue is very important to bring your characters to life and add a bit of sizzling foreplay to your scenes.

How to Write Naughty Dialogue

How do you do it then?


Ok, that’s not true. I do know. But as with everything else I have imparted so far in this series, how you write a few lines of back-and-forth banter or a long single-character diatribe should come organically from the scene you set up and how you believe your characters might sound.

Sure, there are those instances where somebody might be enacting a little role-play and therefore speaking in a manner they usually don’t (baby talk, stern master or mistress, maybe even with an accent they don’t actually have). But, as you do with all of your erotica, you should be searching for truth in your words, be they dialogue or description.

When a character opens their mouth, they should sound like themselves or the selves you have established along the way. Unless they are possessed or schizophrenic… or again, playing a role.

Masters of Written Word

One of the masters of the written word, Steven King (no slouch in the old writing department) makes a mention in his book On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft that he’s as cautious of the overuse of adjectives as he is with the ‘he said,’ ‘she moaned,’ ‘he admitted,’ kind of dialogue descriptors. He does have a point. That extra stuff added at the end of some dialogue can slow it down. I think once you have established who is speaking to who, then you can probably let go of the ‘he/she said’ stuff unless a character is doing something specific when speaking that you want to have your audience ‘hear.’

“So, you admit you’ve been a bad boy,” Juanita said, giving Tom’s tight testicles another flick with her belt.

That kind of a thing.

Dialoging Sounds

I have gone whole pages with just dialogue written, nothing else. I am also fond of letting loose with a “SMACK” or a “TITPAT” to describe the sounds a paddle makes on a pair of bare buttocks or just the drumming of fingers across the inside of a thigh. So, you might come to want to create dialogue as much as sound, and we all know, with erotica, there are many options for sound.

I mentioned the fantastic writer Roger Zelazny a few columns back and his masterful ability for writing dialogue so economically, but at the same time so chock-full of a character’s voice, I came to know the men and women who populate Zelazny’s infamous Amber Chronicles as much by their actions as from their repartee.

You can aspire to be as good as Zelazny, but good luck getting to his level… or Steven King, for that matter. These dudes are masters of the craft.

Do What You Do Best

Lastly, you don’t have to write dialogue at all. What you scribble forth is your baby, birth and nurture it the way you see fit. Or your dialogue could just be to get you from one heavy humping scene to another and not be all that interesting or informative.

It is all up to you. I am just saying if you feel dialogue is right for a particular story you are writing, stay true to the characters. Try to listen to how they speak (you can even read the dialogue out loud if you want, sometimes hearing it helps to determine its authenticity to your ears) and don’t get mired in having to hold your reader’s hand every step of the way with who is saying what when.