Thursday, September 19, 2024

Featured - The Best Sex Education Articles for Adults has the Best Sex Education Articles for Adults from an expert line up of certified sex experts.

Top sex education for adults featured posts and sexuality articles from our sex experts, sex coaches on everything from female orgasms, sexual pleasure, alternative lifestyle topics, couples sex advice and dating advice, masturbation and sexual empowerment, sexual health and wellness including men’s sexual problems like premature ejaculation and how to last longer in the bedroom.

Our Sex Ed featured articles include all the tips and techniques you need to know to make you a better lover such as the ultimate guide to anal sex, BDSM and kinky sex, oral sex, how to have the best orgasms, sexual relationship topics on how to spice up your love life, as well as female sexual anatomy and the erogenous zones including the clitoris, the cervix and cervical orgasm, all about the g spot, female ejaculation and g spot orgasms, the vagina and the vulva, penis facts and more. is an all-inclusive sex education site for adults and has many empowering articles on gender and sexuality, as well as articles for gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transgender, sissies, and alternative lifestyles including cuckold and hotwife relationships, threesomes, polyamory and swinging. See our sacred sexuality topics including Tantra sex, yoni yoga, sexy goddess rituals, energy orgasms and more.

Explore sexpert articles from our top sex educators including Dr. Ava Cadell, Erika, Jordan, Anka Radakovich, Domina Doll, Carrie Borillo, Ralph Greco, Sunny Megatron, Tatyannah King, Dr. Hernando Chaves, Elle Chase, Debra Shade, Holly Bradshaw, and many more.

Distinguishing the Differences Between Rape Culture & Rape Fantasy

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

I had a follower on Twitter who said she would have shared one of my blog articles except “the page features (a) Glamour Mag Cover Woman smiling while her clothes are ripped off.”

Here is the “offending” photo:

AGWDM glamour brazil


For almost a year that picture has been on the right margin of my site (it links to an article, Saiba quais são os 100 melhores blogs de sexo do mundo (Which are the Top 100 Sex Blogs in the World). As No. 17, I think anyone can understand why I display it on the right margin of my post pages with pride. I never thought much about the cover except, “Hey, pretty cheeky. What woman wouldn’t want or fantasize about multiple men wanting a piece of her?” I never thought of it as violent or demeaning to women. The photo is obviously posed and the woman’s clothes aren’t actually being ripped off her body.

I explained what the photo link was on my site was all about and apologized if it was a trigger.

It turned out that it wasn’t a trigger for her but instead, “…more perpetration of rape culture. It’s a trip to see names I know would be opposed when clicking through,” she tweeted.

All I could think of saying in reply was:

“I think we need to do a better job of distinguishing rape, rape culture & mutual consensual rough sex (ie rape fantasy).”

So let that start with me.

Definition of Rape

Rape: As of Jan. 1, 2013, the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation considers rape to be: “Penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim.” (The full explanation is outlined here.) Keep in mind the key word is “consent”.

What is Rape Culture?

Rape Culture: Rape culture gets a little harder to officially define because those who define it, even at the academic research level, don’t uniformly define it. To me, rape culture persists among people (mostly men) who:

a. are angry at women who turn them down for sex and feel entitled to get what they are (supposedly) giving to other men.

b. see women as objects and commodities like actors in pornographic adult films and pictures, especially in themes and scenes when women appear to be forcibly used solely for male pleasure.

c. have a cultural belief that men are entitled to sex whether or not a woman wants it.

d. have a cultural belief that any woman who dresses or acts provocatively is “asking for it.”

e. believe acts like rough sex and BDSM are all about a man’s (usually) entitlement to hit, injure and physically and verbally abuse partners (usually female) than extreme mutual and consensual sensual, physical and psychological sexual play.

I take this stuff seriously. Dead seriously.

What is “Rape” Fantasy?

Now there are people who really get off on “rape fantasy”, which in actuality is consensual rough sex. This is done with pre-negotiation between both partners with an understanding that safe words are used and/or “no” means “no” no matter how far this kind of sex play goes. There is an understanding of the difference between non-consent and acting non-consensually, and furthermore, respect (if not love) between partners after the rough sex play pans out.

“Researchers from the University of North Texas[vii] found that 62% of women have rape fantasies. According to another study entitled “Women’s Rape Fantasies: An Empirical Evaluation of the Major Explanations[viii]”, women fantasize about rape as a form of “sexual blame avoidance”. The theory goes that socially women are taught not to be promiscuous, so “rape” fantasies allow them to not be responsible for their sexual desires, and therefore they can fantasize about hot sex guilt free.”–Domina Doll, Top 10 Women’s Secret Sexual Fantasies


My biggest piece of advice to those who are into rough sex/rape fantasy: choose your partner(s) wisely, preferably someone you trust and know well.

If you’ve paid attention, the words “consent” and “consensual” have come up 10 times before this paragraph. The only people who need to be concerned about consent are you and your partner. It’s nobody else’s business and it’s no uninvolved person’s place to say what is and isn’t acceptable for you and your partner to practice and enjoy, even people who say that they’re sex-positive advocates.

As for the Glamour Brasil photo link on my site, I’m not taking it down. If complied with the few individuals who have complained about photos or things I have written on my site, I wouldn’t be true to myself. In all, that might be a dozen people out of over a million page views on my site. I am by no means insensitive to those have negative triggers to some sexual acts. But to act upon someone who assumes how others may react negatively to content on my blog would be just catering to someone who is just hypersensitive and might need a little education in what sex-positivity is all about.

If you feel you’ve been raped or abused, call your local police department or rape or abuse hotlines. It may be an embarrassing, humiliating or even financially devastating thing to go through, but it’s the first step in recovery, healing and taking agency of your life and sexuality.


This article originally appeared on A Good Woman’s Dirty Mind.

So, just how liberal is Germany?

Photo by Dainis Graveris from Pexels

When looking at how liberal a country is, attitudes to immigration, homosexuality, same-sex marriage and sex itself are fairly reliable indicators. Germany has a reputation as being ‘liberal’, particularly in comparison to other countries worldwide and even across Europe, but just how liberal, is liberal?

Germany’s attitude to homosexuality was first touched upon publicly when the first gay journal in the world, Der Eigene (“The Self-Owning”), began publishing in Germany in 1896. This pioneering journal would discuss topics such as philosophy and liberal democracy at a time when the rest of the world had extremely victorian views of both homosexuality and sex.

The journal published regularly until 1932 when it was closed down during WW2. Several other magazines took the place of Der Engine and, at the time of writing, there are eleven national and regional gay magazines.

In terms of modern-day German politics, there are several notable politicians who are openly gay and interestingly, not all of whom are left-wing. The far-right AfD leader, Alice Weidel is married to a woman of colour and a former mayor of Berlin gloriously outed himself by declaring “Ich bin schwul – und das ist auch gut so!” [“I am gay – and that’s a good thing!”].

In general, homosexuality is widely tolerated and is indeed celebrated – Berlin isn’t known as the queer capital of Europe for nothing.

Considering Germans have such a liberal attitude to homosexuality, (the first gay district also opened in 1920 in Berlin) they were pretty late to the party for same-sex marriage.

Although same-sex partnerships were recognised in 2001, it wasn’t until July 2017 that Germany signed the bill to approve same-sex marriage – sixteen years after The Netherlands. However, despite the time-lag, a study by Germany’s Anti-Discrimination Agency showed that the vast majority of Germans surveyed (83%) are supportive of same-sex marriage.


Fetish, foot fetish, kink, bdsm, liberal attitude

On the subject of sex, both hetero and non, the Germans are well-known for their love of kink, sex and nudity.

Prostitution is legal and some 40,000 sex workers are registered for taxes, pensions and other state benefits. The industry is stringently regulated and it generates a seriously impressive £15 billion a year – and it’s predicted to grow.

Across the country there’s a smorgasbord of options for those want to get off – everything from a super-brothel in Cologne with seven floors catering to all tastes, to roadside ‘sex boxes’ with nothing inside bar a panic button. You can even buy access to flat-rate ‘all you can fuck’ brothels for £50 – £100 in some cities.

It’s certainly a contrast to other parts of Europe, namely Sweden who adopted the so-called ‘Nordic’ model around the same time as Germany legalised prostitution. The Nordic model can harm sex workers rights and put them at a disadvantage and encourages lower standards for those working in the industry.
In a move which could certainly be seen as non-liberal, in November 2019 there was talk of Germany taking on the Nordic model themselves, however, a number of protests were held across the country and at present, it doesn’t look likely to happen.

Outside of prostitution, sex is everywhere and nudism is commonplace. Nudism or naturism is particularly popular in the East in rural areas and on beaches and there are dedicated nude towns for those who want to live without the restriction of pants.

When it comes to getting down, major cities all play host to a wide variety of sex clubs, ranging from the plain old vanilla to uber kinky BDSM dungeon venues. Fetish and kink are widely catered for by clubs such as Fetish 69 and Berlin also hosted one of the (sadly now discontinued) largest techno festivals in the world, Love Parade.

Domination, BDSM, Dungeon sex, alternative sex, LGBTQ+

Love Parade may have been titled ‘the biggest techno festival in the world’, however, it’s far more widely known for sex and specifically, public sex as security was told to hold off and let party-goers do their thing in the streets of Berlin. It’s safe to say people like sex in Germany and certainly aren’t prudes about it.

Germany’s liberal attitude also extends to immigration. In 2018 there were 10.9 million immigrants and migrants, which made up 13% of the entire population. When asked, most Germans didn’t have strong positive or negative views on immigration and many saw the possible benefits to their own economy, indicating that immigration is widely accepted.

By 2021, refugees are set to contribute more to the German economy than they cost, which could be part of the reason why so many Germans hold such liberal views on the subject.

It certainly appears that Germany lives up to the liberal tag – Movehub ranked them in 13th place in their ‘most liberal places in the world list, perhaps they deserve to be bumped up a few places?

Originally published on

The Clitastic Clitoris

The love button, rosebud, the bean … the clitoris is proof that women are sexual creatures. Its sole purpose is for sexual pleasure.

Clits are Bigger Than You Think

A woman’s clit is much bigger than what we actually see and feel. It’s made up of many different parts — the clitoral head, the hood, the clitoral shaft, the urethral sponge, erectile tissue, glands, vestibular bulbs and the crura (or the clitoral legs). What we see is about ¼ of the clitoris, if that much.

Way More Nerve Endings Than a Penis

In some ways, the tip of the clitoris is a lot like the tip of a penis, only much smaller and packed with a lot more nerve endings – about 8,000. That’s twice as many as there are in the glans of a penis, and more than the fingertips, lips or tongue. Only a small part of the clitoris peeks outside of the body. Its powerful sensations can spread across a woman’s pelvic area by affecting 15,000 other nerve endings. The rest of the clitoris is inside the body.

Different Clits for Different Folks

Not all clits look alike and some can be hard to find. Some are small as a grain of rice while others are big as a lima bean stick out like a small penis when they’re aroused. (Talk about flicking the bean!) Each little love bud is as unique as the woman attached to it.

Clits Get Erections Too

Like penises, clits get hard and erect during arousal. Some are very shy and rarely peek out of the hood, and others are big show-offs. Some disappear into the hood once they’re aroused, and others pop out when a woman is turned on. Some increase in size when aroused, and others hide under the hood.

Clits Keep Getting Bigger

The clitoris actually grows during a woman’s lifetime. No, it doesn’t get stretched out from too much sexy fun. The growth occurs as a result of hormonal changes in the body. When a girl’s puberty begins, the clitoris will start increasing in size. By the time puberty ends, the clitoris will be about 1.8 times larger. By the time a woman is 32 years old, the clitoris will be almost four times as big as it was at the onset of puberty. After menopause, the clitoris will be about seven times larger than it was at birth. Don’t freak out – this is still a very small area, so the change in size won’t be very noticeable. It might help to explain why older women often report having really hot sex. Once it’s mature, the clitoris remains at the peak of its power for the rest of a woman’s life. A woman has the same orgasmic capacity (and many swear increasing pleasure) at 95 years old as she did as a teenager.

Because not all clits are alike, don’t be afraid to masturbate or take time to understand your partner’s clit. Here are some great ways to find, explore and just plain fun ways to have a hell of a good time.

How to Turn on Your/Her Clit

Sex tips: Because the clitoris is so extremely sensitive to touch, diving in and honing in on the clitoris at the get-go might not be the best plan of attack for some women. Caress the areas on either side of her clitoris, including her labia, before gently making the first contact. A lot of women may find direct pressure uncomfortable, so try aiming just below or just above the clitoris and make small circular movements.

• Aside from rubbing the clit, use two fingers in a “V” shape and slide them down either side of the clit with fingertips towards the vagina, then slide towards and away. This moves the clitoral hood to and fro which gets her going in the same way as easing a man’s penis foreskin back and forth to turn him on.

• If you’re looking to move past the basic flick and swirl of the tongue during oral sex, try creating a bit of suction by taking her clitoris into your mouth with some gentle sucking or pulling away when she’s close to orgasm. Then gently blow on it to heighten her sensation and prolong the pleasure. A warming or cooling lube (like one with peppermint, a natural cooling and tingling ingredient) are fun ways to tease and tantalize the clit.

• Because the clitoris is so extremely sensitive to touch, diving in and honing in on the clitoris to start with might not be the best plan of attack for some women. Stroke her thighs on your way and caress the areas on either side of her clitoris, including her labia, before gently making the first contact. A lot of women may find direct pressure uncomfortable, so try aiming just below or just above her clitoris and making small circular movements.

• Before penetration, have your woman lay on her back with her legs clamped together tightly and slide your penis between her legs right where they meet with her pelvis. Moving back and forth in this position lets your penis rub between her labia and, more importantly, directly over her clitoris. Having her straddled on top and rubbing the penis up and down works well, too. Not only do these tricks feel great for both of you, but it’s sure to heighten collective arousal and result in possible orgasms for both of you.

• The clit doesn’t have to be ignored during penetration. Good intercourse positions for climaxing with clit stimulation are woman on top (she can reach down), rear entry (he or she can reach down), or for a man to put his weight on her in the missionary position and move up and down so his pubic bone is giving friction to her clit. Having a man on his knees and a woman on her back with her legs up in the air or straddling on his shoulders (a love sling is a great way to make this position easy and comfortable) is way awesome, too.

• Guys, while you’re going deep down into your woman, use a vibrating cock ring. The little bullet vibrator that rubs against her clit while you’re pressing the front of your pelvis against her is as fun for you as it is for her.

• There are lots of other great sex toys that are designed for clit play, too. There’s a reason why rabbit vibrators are some of the most popular sex toys for two-for-one fun. Some vibrators are made just for the clit. For those who like to mix and merge their pleasure with pain, there are also clit clamps.

• For extra sensation, try using a clitoral pump to increase blood flow and increase skin tension. Note that whatever the adverts and product descriptions claim, like the equivalent for his penis, such pumps won’t increase clit size permanently.

Keep in mind that some women may not like clitoral stimulation because it’s too intense or distracting. I know this might disappoint some people, but I’ve heard some women say having their clitoris toyed and played with feels like they’re being tickled. There’s no fun in that. If that’s the case, move on to some other sensually sensitive parts of the female genitalia like the G-spot or the labia minora. The clitoris isn’t the only ride in the amusement park of a woman’s genitalia.

And did you know …

• Upon conception, all babies have the exact same genital tissue. At about 12 weeks, each baby’s genitalia begin to differentiate into a penis or labia. So, in a sense, the clitoris and penis are the same materials put together in a different way. The clitoris even swells when it’s aroused.

• Clitorises have mood swings, too. What’s too much on Monday may feel just right on Wednesday. It’s a matter of experimenting — on yourself or your partner — until you find what works.

Previously Published at:

Cutting It Up With Renee Olstead

Playmate Pickup Podcast

Catch brunch with a child star, a singer, a OnlyFans star, a late night star and couple of psychology students. All wrapped up in a couple of multi talented gals trying to get by in a fractionated world. Listen in on a conversation between Erika Jordan and Renee Olstead.

Instagram: XORenee

OnlyFans: XOReneeVIP

For more hot talk go back to the beginning with Erika Jordan and the birth of the Playmate Pickup Podcast.

Come find me at My six week course, Playmate Pickup is available with personalized guidance at Acquire the skills to approach women with confidence and get them to want you!


Tantra Sex Positions to Open Your Chakras

If you are looking for more intimacy and connection during sex with your partner, as well as balance your chakras, try these Tantra Sex Positions to enhance and integrate your divine feminine and masculine energies.

Tantra Sex Positions

Make a ritual to do these at least once a week with your lover and focus especially on weak or closed Chakras.

Rooted: Sit opposite your lover on the floor with legs crossed at the ankles, hold hands and look at each other as you tell your lover what makes you feel safe, grounded and confident.

Sexual Chakra: Sit opposite your lover on the floor with legs crossed at the ankles, lean in, hold hands and look at each other. Take turns speaking and listening as you share the following. When do you feel creative, sexually open and uninhibited?

Chakra Hug: Get into Yab Yum position; one lover in the other’s lap and press as many of your Chakras into each other as you can. Close your eyes and listen to each others breath for 2 minutes. Then discuss how this experience made you feel.

Intuition: Lean in, touch noses, join brows (third eye Chakras) and look into each others eyes until they appear to merge. Share an intuitive thought you’re having right now with your lover: “I love you and my intuition tells me that …. (finish the sentence)”.

Chakra Caress: Ask your lover to lie down and you kneel beside him/her. Gently caress each one of your lover’s charkas with your fingertips and express your adoration for each one.

Chakra Tune Up: Sit facing each other, ask your lover to close their eyes and take a deep breath. Ask your lover to respond to the following question for each of the following Chakras. Are you feeling strong or weak about your crown Chakra? Third Eye? Throat? Heart? Solar Plexis? Sacral? Root? Now alternate.

Confidence: Kneel in front of each other, hold hands and eye-gaze as you tell your lover what makes you feel confident and powerful.

Open Heart: Stand facing each other, heart to heart with arms around each other and take turns telling each other when you feel loving and compassionate.

Self Expression: Sit in a comfortable position facing each other, hold hands and eye-gaze. In two or three sentences, describe how you want other people to see and hear you.

Wisdom: Look at your lover in whatever position you are in, hold hands as you express one life lesson that you have learned.

Hip Circles: This exercise will open up your solar plexus, sacral and root Chakras. Stand up and face each other. With your knees bent slightly, push your pelvis forward; hands on hips. Now rotate your pelvis in large circles clock-wise 10 times and then counter-clock wise 10 times. Keep your head and feet still while moving only your pelvis area. Focus on opening up your sensuality.

Mind Over Matter: This stretching exercise will open up your crown, third eye and throat Chakras. Lie down flat on your back on a hard surface like the floor with your feet touching. Then raise your head, shoulders and back to a seated position. Place your hands on your hips or on the floor if you need support and tip your head back looking up to the sky. Breathe deeply through your nose and exhale through your mouth five times. Focus on opening up your mind.

Love Talk: Put your hand on your lover’s heart Chakra and tell him/her what you love most about them.

What is A Braingasm & How to Have One

Photo by Lucas Pezeta from Pexels

The BrainGasm

The BrainGasm concept is to slowly build the mental and emotional intensity between partners. Sex starts between the ears as your brain influences the kind of sex you want to have – romantic, playful, sensual, intimate, erotic or wild. By concentrating on the
interconnection you share on the deepest level, a firecracker turns into a full sky of explosive fireworks.

1. With millions of nerve endings in the brain devoted to the lips, passionate kissing is essential to achieving a BrainGasm. During a long wet make-out kiss, adrenaline makes your heart race while the nucleus accumbens controls the release of dopamine (a craving signal) from the reward center of your brain.

2. Once the juices are flowing, focus on your partner with your full attention by looking deep into their eyes to release oxytocin, the bonding chemical that increases desire and
establishes a greater sense of intimacy.

3. Put your prominent hand on each other’s heart to light the emotional fire centers for a heart-mind-body connection. The amygdala induces sexual energy from the brain as balanced serotonin levels make you feel intense pleasure emotions, as if two hearts beat as one.

4. Whisper into your partner’s ear how you are going to sexually satisfy them, and take in their scent of arousal. Smell is the most primitive of all of our senses that comes from the
olfactory bulb, part of the brain’s limbic system, an area so closely connected with memory and emotion it’s often called the “Emotional Brain.”

5. Take your partner’s breath away by using your breath around their most sensitive erogenous zones from the top of their neck to the tip of their toes. When you blow your cool breath on the left side of your partner’s body, you are stimulating the right side of their brain. Watch your partner’s muscles contract with pleasure, controlled by the cerebellum.

6. Your partner should be begging you to touch them by now and with the first erotic touch on the nipples, toes or sexual organs, the brains sensory cortex region fires up. Neurons that are linked to your various erogenous zones communicate with the sensory cortex, to eventually activate the brain regions that produce orgasm. You may be interested to know that the toes are located next to the clitoris in the sensory cortex of the female brain.

7. Make love to activate the hippocampus, a region of the brain that evokes mind-blowing sensations, while the frontal cortex induces erotic fantasies and the cerebellum triggers
body-melting sexual tension – this can all result in an earth shattering, energy melting, all-embracing BrainGasm.


Since the brain is the most erotic organ in the body, it should be no surprise that you can think your way to orgasm. Sexual thoughts can activate the brain just like sexual touching does. If you’ve ever enjoyed looking at porn, you’ll know what I’m talking about. Visuals of people having sex can automatically trigger your body into a state of arousal, making women wet and giving men erections. If you continued to watch erotica without touching yourself, you could still experience a full-blown orgasm. Even if you’re not into porn, you can achieve a mind over body orgasm by tapping into all of your five senses.

Sexologist and Professor Emerita at Rutgers University Dr. Beverly Whipple is often referred to as “the inventor of the G-spot” based on a book she co-authored in 1982 entitled The G-Spot and Other Recent Discoveries About Human Sexuality. Through her work, Dr.
Whipple has documented that some women can achieve orgasm from visual stimulation alone, without touch. She states, “The point is that women can experience orgasms and sexual pleasure from many forms of stimuli. It does not have to be through genital stimulation.”

To begin your hands-free orgasm, use only your imagination to think about what your partner’s tongue would feel like between your legs and what he or she smells like when fully aroused. Visualize what they look like naked. Imagine touching, kissing, licking and tasting his or her body. Hear them moaning with pleasure. Become aware of your own feelings as you let your excitement build.

The trick here is not to touch yourself, but to let the ebb and fl ow of your orgasm take
you on a mental journey to sexual ecstasy. Th is can also be fun to do with a partner as a safe sex activity.

If He’s Said I Do, Here’s How to Say I Don’t: The Feminist Sexpert Guide to Rejecting Married Men

Photo by Monstera from Pexels



The Feminist Sexpert actively dislikes playing the drinking game Never Have I Ever, because–well–I never get to drink! I’ve pretty much tried everything on the sexual spectrum, and (as my icon Mae West phrases it) “Twice if it feels good!” But the one thing I’ve never done–and that I never plan to do–is have an affair with a married man.

Why? Well, I attribute this decision to a mixture of both modern and traditional values. Modern in the sense that–well–I’m the Feminist Sexpert damn it, and I refuse to break the Girl Code by dallying with somebody else’s man. Traditional in the sense that, the times that I’ve attended weddings, I take the ‘forsaking all others’ bit pretty darned seriously.  

But, some might ask: What if he’s in an open marriage? Nope. What if he isn’t legally married but is in a serious relationship? Nope. What if he’s really, really hot? Sigh, it physically wounds me to say this, but….No. Look, I’ve even surrendered crushes on favorite male models and adult actors once I found out they were hitched or seriously committed.

Is it always easy? No. I’ve turned down some major league hotties, with my clit and pussy screaming–no, make that wailing–a chorus of protest every step of the way–but at the end of the day, my heart and my mind stay good.

To any sisterfriends out there who have trouble resisting the charms of bewedded baes, here are a few tips that might help:

1. Get to know their spouses and families. If this isn’t possible, at least locate photos of them on social media. Once you see that smiling sisterfriend or that adorable kid, you wouldn’t dream of doing ’em dirty.

2. If you have to interact with Tommy Tempter at work or in a social group, be sure not ‘go to the barbecue hungry,’ if you catch my meaning. If you have a partner yourself, work with him/her/they to heat things up in the bedroom so that you don’t leave home unsatisfied. If you are happily self-partnered like myself, hit up your friends with bens, hire a male companion (my favorite remedy for just about any sexual issue–ride ’em Cowgirl!), attend a male strip show, buy a new toy and some porn, etc.

3. Avoid developing deep, close friendships with married men–unless they’re married to other men and are not tempted by female you, or bear such a strong likeness to Quasimodo on Quaaludes that you’re not even remotely tempted. A fun friendship date that seems like just a lunch or just a movie could become more. Restrict social messaging to work-related topics or quick hi/byes.

4. Seek some artistic inspiration.  See the Jill Clayburgh classic “An Unmarried Woman” to see the story of a woman who bravely survives her husband’s betrayal and abandonment. Or listen to the classic Shirley Murdock song “Husband.” The powerful lyrics include:

“My desire for you is strong, but I won’t do wrong. You’re that lady’s husband…

My decency prevails… Well I’m a lady with class and I know my desire will pass…

This cannot [be] because you are her husband.”

5. Think about what it would be like if the high heel was on the other foot. Imagine the pain and anger of finding out that the man of your heart was breaking yours–with the help of another woman.

6. Don’t believe his bunk. Of course he’s going to tell you his wife is so darned evil, she makes Maleficent look like Doris Day. What is he going to say? “My wife is a sweet, wonderful woman, which I’m sure will make you feel just wonderful about helping me betray her?” If she is indeed such an awful person, he needs to divorce her. But if his come on starts with the line, “My wife doesn’t understand me,” then the ultimate cool reply is, “Then the poor dear and I have something in common. Think I’ll call her up, and we’ll do coffee.”


A Friend to Eve: RIP Phil Harvey

Phil Harvey Adam & Eve Warehouse Expansion Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony

Once upon a time, a rather bashful but infinitely curious college girl and aspiring romance writer–one who thought she’d never care much for porn–saw an ad for a movie in Playgirl magazine that looked too good to resist. They used the man’s image to sell the movie–imagine that–and it actually looked romantic as well as smexy! The movie was released by Adam and Eve, and its title was Hardbound–a hardcore romantic comedy starring Nina Hartley and Dale Dabone, and written by Deborah Chinn.

When she ordered this film, she was told she she’d get a bonus motion picture entitled Party Girl Pick Up.

“Um, I don’t forsee myself enjoying Party Girl Pickup, somehow,” she informed the operator, who helped her find a classy couples feature more in line with what she would enjoy. That film was The Dinner Party, an erotic classic directed by Cameron Grant.

On many an evening, while up late studying, she sat on the phone line with A&E operators, asking for more good porn suggestions and regaling the patient ladies with endless suggestions about how to make better porn for women–all the while assuring them they were on the right track! She’s sure they were most relieved.

Under the leadership of Phil Harvey, who passed away Dec. 3, Adam and Eve was a signature creator and releaser of premiere films for women and couples; releasing Candida Royalle’s landmark masterworks of feminist porn, along with compilation tapes consisting of scenes that showcased the beauty of the male form, created especially for the female viewer. Now directors like Kay Brandt and Jacky St. James and writers like Selena Kitt helm Adam and Eve productions, We ladies owe a real debt of gratitude to Adam and Eve, for finally giving Eve something decent to watch pornwise!

Harvey was also a well-known warrior for free speech and AIDS awareness issues; and often, at the head of Adam and Eve tapes, one would see ceremonious adverts for the Free Speech Coalition, that featured dialogues regarding the importance of free speech–voiced over images of downtown Washington DC and some shots of the Lincoln monument. I often wondered how ol’ Abe would feel about being featured in a porn flick–who knows? He mighta liked it. 

Postscript: A little while later that gal evolved to become the Feminist Sexpert. Thank you, Mr. Phil Harvey.


BDSM Was Sexier Than I Had Expected



BDSM was the last thing on my mind when I met my husband.

Dave and I had been neighbours for ten years before we started dating. We had spoken on numerous occasions, but he was slow at asking me out.

In fact, he never did. When Dave needed a date for the prom, his mother came over to the house and asked me if I was interested. I wasn’t because Dave hadn’t asked himself.

We had a great time at the dance. I saw that he wanted to kiss me but was shy. He pecked my cheek when he walked me to the door, and he blushed. I wished I had gotten more.

Our wedding day was a year after we graduated from varsity. He admitted to me on our honeymoon that it was his first time. It was mine as well.

After being married for 23 years, I needed to spice up my life. We were 45 years old with no children and had missionary sex once a week.

Dave was an accountant since graduation, and I had resigned from the administration job eight years ago to be a housewife. The first week at home showed me that I was going to be bored out of my mind.

I took up several hobbies such as hiking and baking cookies, which Dave took to work and handed to colleagues. He bragged to his friends about my baking skills, but I wished that he had bragged to them about my bed performance.

Sex with my husband was like filing taxes – it had to be done and was dull like hell.

After running out of hobby ideas, I went online and joined a group on social media. Some of the events posted included speed dating, art exhibitions and wine tasting. I logged on after giving up hope on my sex life and saw that a member had advertised a BDSM party.

I couldn’t resist a smile. My cheeks felt flushed as I browsed the photos of their previous party. My erotic journey began with watching a couple have sex in the doggy style. Then, some of the recommended videos on the side were BDSM, which I couldn’t resist.

There was something about being tied up and not knowing the identity of my sex master that pressed my buttons. I couldn’t help but slide my hands over my abdomen and rub my pussy while the woman got spanked.

I always imagined being the woman in chains and a slave to a man who knew how to handle me. Something about the sound of a whip got me wet.

Every time I watched a woman get shackled to the wall and spread her legs, I couldn’t resist masturbating. I would’ve given anything to be in her position.

On Tuesday, Dave told me that he was leaving on Friday to his monthly, out-of-town business meeting. The party was on Saturday. It won’t hurt if I call and find out what happens.

I had expected a pervert with a creepy voice to answer, but a lady with a soft tone told me that the environment was safe, and their members were from various backgrounds.

I considered inviting Eva to come with me, but I changed my mind since she would’ve told everyone about it.

My heartbeat sped up as the cursor hovered over the confirm button. I wanted to back out, but my finger pressed the mouse. It was the desire to explore the unknown that drove me to do it.

I had a Brazilian and a massage on Saturday morning because not knowing what to expect at the party made my shoulders tense up.

“What’s your weekend plans, Shannon?” asked the masseuse.

I figured that if anybody would understand my curiosity, she would. “I’m actually checking out a BDSM party.”

“I’ve been to one,” she said.

“You’re kidding?”

“It was great. Everybody was so welcoming, and they teach you the ropes if you’re a beginner. Excuse the pun.”

We giggled. She got me excited and aroused.

I went home and masturbated. After taking a shower, I watched a BDSM video to get myself in the mood. I put on a skirt that reached just above my knees and a blouse that revealed my back.

My heart raced, and I gulped after I parked my car in front of the house. I looked in the mirror.

“You can do this. Just relax. Nobody is going to judge you. They’re there for the same reason as you, and everybody will be friendly.”

My shoulders slumped as I exhaled after ringing the bell. A woman in a long dress and with tied hair answered. See? Everybody here is normal as you.

“Hi, I’m Shannon.”

“I’m Jackie. Wonderful to meet you.”

She was the organiser, and she showed me the way to the dressing room. Candles replaced the lights in the Victorian mansion that had Renaissance art on the wall and rose pebbles sprinkled on the furniture and the floor.

‘Whoosh.’ ‘Whoosh.’ The whipping sound pervaded down the corridor. I got horny.

The women wore ballroom masks, and the men had leather ski masks.

“The men are limited to wearing a leather speedo and masks, and the women have to be in lingerie,” said Jackie.

Butterflies flew around my stomach at the thought of exposing so much skin in front of strangers.

My ass and breasts were sticking out when I looked at myself in the mirror, but I didn’t care. Feeling free to express myself sexually for the first time felt empowering.

Jackie said that I looked great before stepping into the corridor so I could have privacy. I needed a moment to gather my thoughts. Can’t believe I’m at a BDSM party. I put the mask on but forgot to read the rules on the pamphlet that Jackie had given me.

Jackie smiled at me as I stepped out of the room and grabbed my hand before escorting me to the master bedroom. A man was standing next to the bed and holding a whip.

“This is Jinxx,” said Jackie. “He’s been a regular for five years, and he just recently got promoted to bondage master.

I liked the sound of that. “Hi, I’m -.”

“No real names,” interrupted Jackie. “Our members value discretion. It’s on the pamphlet I gave you.”

“Sorry. I’m Mystery.”

Jackie closed the door on her way out. Jinxx pointed at the wooden board on the wall. I leaned my back against it so that Jinxx could shackle me. He spread my legs and rubbed them, then stood up and squeezed my tits.

Oh, God. Wonder what Dave would think of me. How could I let a stranger fondle me like that? Those thoughts vanished when Jinxx whipped the wall. I flinched.

“Is this your first time at a BDSM party?” he asked. I nodded. “I’m gonna show you a good time.” Please do.

He smacked me twice and grabbed my crotch. I smiled. Then, he chocked me and licked my face. Jinxx grabbed my tits and ravaged my chest. I loved every second of it.

After clutching my hair, he snapped my head back and shoved his tongue into my mouth. He took a smaller whip off the bed and pressed it against my face.

“Lick it,” he said.

He smacked me as I licked the whip, then unshackled me and pushed me onto the bed. He flipped me onto my stomach and cuffed my hands behind my back.

My feet touched the floor as I bent over the bed, and Jinxx spanked my ass with the whip.

“You like that?” he asked.


“Yes, what?”

“Yes…bondage master.”

“I’ll show you BDSM, you little skank,” he said and pressed my head into the pillow to suffocate me.

He pulled my hair to permit me to breathe before dunking my head into the pillow. I was out of breath after he did that about ten times.

After smacking my ass, he pressed his boner against it. I was ashamed of desiring it to be inside me.

As Jinxx ripped off my lingerie and stuck his fingers inside my pussy, I said, “Wait. I’m married. I shouldn’t be doing this.”

He flipped me onto my back and opened my legs before he said, “The hell with your husband. Tonight, I’m the only man in your life.”

My eyes closed, and I moaned as he stuck his dick inside me and rode me like I had never felt before. He choked me while hovering over me and smacked me a few times.

I flipped onto my stomach after he instructed me, and he stuck his dick into my ass. The stretching forced me to clench my teeth and emit a few grunts. The corners of my eyes creased, and I screamed as he thrust. After he banged me for fifteen minutes without easing up, Jinxx squirted his load onto my back. I turned around and saw him pant.

My face was covered in sweat, so I raised my mask to wipe it off my forehead, not realising that I had broken rule number 1.

Jinxx’s eyes widened, and he gaped. “Shannon.”

Oh, my God. That’s it. Everybody at the church is going to know that I went to a BDSM party. My life is ruined.

Jinxx removed his mask.


6 Tips Boost Your Confidence This Summer

Photo by Calvin Lupiya
You’ve spent all winter (and spring) saying you were going to get back in the gym to ensure you could show off your body all summer… yet here we are… a few days into Summer, and the only workout you’ve done was 15 reps of lifting that spoonful of ice cream to your mouth.
It’s ok! Don’t be so hard on yourself. Life has changed drastically for all of us over the past couple of years.
We were thrown into a world of social isolation, remote working, and future uncertainty resulting from the unexpected pandemic caused by COVID. For the past two years, you’ve binged on snacks and unhealthy eating habits that pulled you further and further away from #bodygoals. You were adamant that you would get it together “soon” because you have so many cute outfits and swimsuits you haven’t been able to wear, and you HAVE to show them off this year. And with more people getting vaccinated daily, we knew the world would open up again by summertime. Now that time has come, you’ve got your vacation getaways all lined up, and you and your friends are ready to catch flights and not feelings all hot girl summer… BUT… now you’re feeling a little conscious about your body, and you’re trying to figure out how to lose weight and whip your body into shape like yesterday, right?
You aren’t alone.
Body confidence may be difficult to achieve, regardless of size. It’s so simple to compare ourselves to others while becoming progressively dissatisfied with the portions of our bodies we despise the most. Of course, this lowers our self-esteem even further and might influence our closest relationships while also ruining vacation mood.
Stop sweating yourself! You do NOT have to be a “Negative Nancy” or “Bitter Betty,” I’ve got you covered.
Here are 6 tips boost your confidence this summer:

1) Get to know, love, and appreciate your body. Avoiding the mirror and trying not to glance down in the shower will just make the situation worse down the line. Instead, spend some time looking in the mirror at your naked self. Really take a good, long look at your body. Take your time exploring and admiring every curve and crevice in the mirror.

Every day, mention something good about a part of your body. Begin by verbally emphasizing what you love and appreciate. When you get to the sections you don’t like, try to think of anything positive about them. If you can’t think of anything, you’ll need to figure out why you dislike that area so much and make a note of it so you can start acting to change your thoughts on those parts.
This will begin to alter the way your mind perceives your body. Remember that you are your own worst critic, and things aren’t always as bad as they appear to you.

2) Dress the part. You will gain confidence by putting effort into your appearance. When you’re happy, it shows in the way you carry yourself. Wear lingerie or clothing that makes you feel sexy. Not sure how to find something sexy you’re confident wearing? Trying to focus on pieces that flatter your figure or highlight the parts that you do love.

3) Get up and get moving. Health is wealth. What are you doing for your health? Exercising for as little as 30 minutes a day builds endurance, improves stamina, and — you guessed it, can improve your mood, energy, make you feel lighter. If you have gym anxiety, you can dance around the house, walk through your neighborhood, play outdoors with the kids, or indoors with your partner (wink). Overall, you will not only feel better, but you will also begin to feel more confident.
4) Celebrate more than your physical self. It’s difficult to remove yourself from judgment in a society when looking like an IG model and being shaped like a coke bottle appears to be the new standard, and photo likes on social media are how popularity is calculated.
This is why we should also focus on the non-physical aspects of ourselves. Are you artistic or crafty? Do you know how to yodel? Are you excellent with money? What about style? Maybe you’re incredibly hilarious. Whatever you are or can achieve, remember that you are more than a physical body, and your value extends far beyond a scale (or that skimpy 2-piece bikini you’ve been holding on to as motivation). Whether we realize it or not, these factors have a significant impact on our level of confidence.
5) Talk to your friends. It’s easy to believe that we’re the only ones who are unhappy with our bodies. However, you’d be amazed how many of your friends struggle with body image issues as well. You would also be surprised at where their insecurities lie, especially if it’s something you believed they were fully confident about.
Connecting with your friends on such intimate topics can strengthen your relationship with them, and just talking about these matters can help boost your confidence.
6) Stop comparing yourself to others. When we look at others, we often compare their best traits to our worst. We focus on their accomplishments while overlooking our own, leaving us feeling inferior. This is an unrealistic comparison that might exacerbate your anxieties and lack of self-confidence.
When you start comparing yourself to others, you take away your joy and confidence. Because of human nature, I realize this is easier said than done. Don’t be concerned with how others appear or what they own. Instead, concentrate on your self-worth and strive to improve yourself every day. Don’t hold yourself to the standards of others; rather, set your own. Be true to yourself. Accept yourself for who you are.
There is no such thing as a “perfect” summer body. In reality, the notion of a summer body was created as a way for advertising companies to sell weight-loss products, cosmetic surgeries, fashion and beauty items. Rise beyond the desire for self-criticism and accept yourself as the amazing person that you are.