Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Featured - The Best Sex Education Articles for Adults has the Best Sex Education Articles for Adults from an expert line up of certified sex experts.

Top sex education for adults featured posts and sexuality articles from our sex experts, sex coaches on everything from female orgasms, sexual pleasure, alternative lifestyle topics, couples sex advice and dating advice, masturbation and sexual empowerment, sexual health and wellness including men’s sexual problems like premature ejaculation and how to last longer in the bedroom.

Our Sex Ed featured articles include all the tips and techniques you need to know to make you a better lover such as the ultimate guide to anal sex, BDSM and kinky sex, oral sex, how to have the best orgasms, sexual relationship topics on how to spice up your love life, as well as female sexual anatomy and the erogenous zones including the clitoris, the cervix and cervical orgasm, all about the g spot, female ejaculation and g spot orgasms, the vagina and the vulva, penis facts and more. is an all-inclusive sex education site for adults and has many empowering articles on gender and sexuality, as well as articles for gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transgender, sissies, and alternative lifestyles including cuckold and hotwife relationships, threesomes, polyamory and swinging. See our sacred sexuality topics including Tantra sex, yoni yoga, sexy goddess rituals, energy orgasms and more.

Explore sexpert articles from our top sex educators including Dr. Ava Cadell, Erika, Jordan, Anka Radakovich, Domina Doll, Carrie Borillo, Ralph Greco, Sunny Megatron, Tatyannah King, Dr. Hernando Chaves, Elle Chase, Debra Shade, Holly Bradshaw, and many more.

The Secrets of Everlasting Love & Successful Relationships

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels

The Power of Everlasting Love

Love is a give-give proposition, and everlasting love becomes 100% give on each side. The nature of love is to pour out, it wants to give. Love is being flexible. Couples who have achieved everlasting love don’t tuck each other away in an ivory tower until it is convenient to be together. I know of one sad pair who only made love at 4 o’clock on Sunday afternoons because it suited one spouse’s schedule. Do you think they stayed together?

Eventually one began to play around on the other until it looked as though infidelity broke up their marriage. When two people are bound by everlasting love, they care enough
to consider each other’s needs and bend a little. To paraphrase a well-known allegory, the trees that can bow with the strongest breeze will survive any storm.

What love is not.

Love is not handed to you on a silver platter. It is not automatic. If it were, it wouldn’t be love. The very nature of love is that we grow into it. Love has a high value because it is an investment.

Love is not to be taken for granted. All too many couples give up trying when they have won each other; that’s the very time to continue courting in new ways. Love is a precious gift that we earn, and anything we earn is all the more dear to us. You would not take a new car for granted; no, you keep up the maintenance for as long as the car lasts. Your everlasting love will need the same upkeep if you don’t want to lose it.

Love is not a fleeting moment. It is not something you have one day and lose the next. We quest so for love because of its enduring quality and its ability to grow if nourished.

The Ingredients of Everlasting Love.

Like a good soup, love is made of many ingredients that blend just right. No one single element can serve as the whole meal. And it’s hard to find a good soup recipe, isn’t it? It needs special spices and maybe an unusual ingredient or two, like lotus root or exotic mushrooms. Even everyday potato soup has carrots, onions, garlic, salt; just the
right seasonings.

Let’s look at the ingredients in our love-potion soup. If you went to a sorcerer to help you find everlasting love, you would ask the magician to cook up the following:


If you cannot rely on the person you love, then that person is not worthy of your love. And if your partner cannot count on you, you are not in everlasting love. Friendship means being able to say anything to your partner because you have that ease of “best buddies”. Best friends never take advantage of each other; they are there to help one another.
Any good partnership includes the same love you have for a best friend.


I am fond of an old — and trusted — axiom, that goes like this: “People who cannot trust should not be trusted”.

Distrusting people are often deceitful. I have found this to be a reliable measuring stick on the trust issue. But my rule-of-thumb is to give people the benefit of the doubt unless they prove otherwise. You cannot truly be connected to someone you cannot trust. That warm, mellow feeling we experience when we trust each other is a large part of everlasting love. Peace-of-mind in a relationship is vital to its stamina. And trust, like anything worthwhile, is something we earn over time, gradually.


As with trust, respect must be earned as well. It isn’t automatic, although the seedlings of it may be there in the beginning of your relationship. Whether it can grow and blossom will determine the depth of your involvement. Respect can also diminish over time, and it is one of the most common reasons for ending a relationship. You must also respect yourself
before someone else will respect you.


Yes, that all-consuming feeling of pure lust, euphoric, overwhelming, distracting, beautiful thing we call passion can be spontaneous or it can come on gradually, too. Passion either grows or it dissipates. Passion grows when you can be uninhibited with each other. And you break down any barriers by communicating. Passion fades when you have resentment,
anger or contempt for your partner. Once again, here is an area that cannot be neglected or taken for granted in a relationship. Keep it alive by constantly creating new and exciting things to do together.


You cannot feel safe in a relationship without communication. You have to know where you stand, and you owe it to your partner to tell him or her the same. Knowing each other is the prerequisite to happiness in all areas. Communication is like that magic spice that brings out the flavor of all the other ingredients. Hey, that includes sex! Let your partner know it is safe to talk about fantasies and to explore them. Good communication can unleash strong creative energy between you and your partner. And with good communication, you can let your hair down and talk about anything. Not only does it enhance your partnership, it takes a big chunk out of everyday stress.


Growing with the power of love. Love heals. It can heal you, and it can heal your partner. Then the two of you together are like a new being, free to experience the present and future in all its possibilities, unhampered by the wounds of past relationships. Let’s take a closer look at three domains of love.

Self love.

The love of self is not conceit; conceit can be a lack of self-love or delusion about one’s self in relation to others. I like what spiritual author Deepak Chopra says about love, because it fits into the meaning of loving and valuing one’s self and self- worth: “You know that you have fully experienced love when you turn into love.” You become love by first loving yourself.

What we often don’t realize is that no reason exists for not loving yourself. It ultimately doesn’t matter what you were told as a child by others. You can work through your past and let go of it or you can hang on to it. But on your deathbed, it will be how much you have loved yourself and others that counts.

Self-love issues account for crime, misery, poverty. No one should be without his or her own love. You are first your own best friend and your own support. You couldn’t do anything without your own love and support to back you up.

It pays to take your needs seriously. Do special things for yourself that you may have postponed until you are in a relationship. Buy yourself candy or special treats. Give yourself a bubble bath each day, go to the beach, rent classic movies, or get a massage. Get to know you and how to pamper you. Any love you experience beyond that will only be greater. You must love and care enough about yourself to begin healing your own wounds.

Then the right partner can work together with you on bringing out more of your own love, just for you.

Loving your partner.

When you have invested in you and in loving yourself more, you have that commodity to bring to a relationship. Loving your partner is ongoing. Everlasting love means continuing to demonstrate your affection and devotion from day one until the end of time. Show each other that love is the meaning of life. One young man, a college student named Bob, said to his girlfriend Anne: “You know I love you, you shouldn’t have to be told.” To the contrary, you and your partner cannot tell each other often enough how much you care for each other. It has taken Bob a few months to realize that love is about expression: saying it, showing it, acting it out. One of the best ways to communicate love is through giving
emotional and appreciative compliments.

Loving each other.

Everlasting love is a give-give relationship. And two givers have to be two receivers, also. If two “takers” enter a union, they will only drag each other down and beat each other up. And a “taker/giver” union won’t last either. It may work for a while, but eventually the giver will run dry and resent not having his or her needs met as well. But two givers going into a relationship will have unity. They know the balance of giving and receiving. Take something as simple as giving a compliment. Compliments are vital in a relationship. It can make a world of difference in your day when your partner looks at you and says: “I desire you as much as the day I met you.”

And giving is an ongoing thing. For instance, it can be just as important to give each other trinkets, for no particular reason, than it is to lavish your partner on holidays, anniversaries or birthdays. People love to be surprised, especially with little things that mean so much. One friend of mine collects unusual rocks for a garden the way some people grow flowers. She loves it when her husband brings home a crystal or mineral for her collection, especially if he takes the time to learn something about it. Most important of all, giving of your time to each other has a priceless value on it. Our allotted time on this planet is so precious.

And when that time runs out and we are ready to move on to the next dimension, it is the memories we have created here on earth that we will be thinking about. It is never too late to begin creating more loving memories with the people we care most about. At the end
of your life, you won’t be thinking about your bank account, the stock market, or business competition. But you will want to hold loving relationships and their memories close to you.

How to Have Sex with Chronic Pain

Photo by Milada Vigerova on Unsplash

How to Have Sex with A, B and C

Arthritis, Back and Chronic Pain all have a significant impact on daily activities and the general enjoyment of life. The National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases reports that eight out of ten Americans will suffer from back pain at some point in their lives. So if you or your partner has arthritis, back pain or any kind of chronic pain, then it’s not surprising that your sex life is limited.

A new review by The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) researchers in Nature Reviews Neuroscience looks at recent research on pain and the brain. It suggests that chronic pain affects the anatomy of the brain and impairs certain nerve pathways, leading to a “negative feedback loop” that results in more pain and accompanying emotional and reasoning problems. What’s exciting about this discovery is that feedback loops can be mitigated by mindful meditation. Many people affected by
chronic pain are learning how the mind can control the body, and are adopting practices such as meditation and yoga to reduce stress and control pain.

Dr. Rick Hanson, a neuropsychologist and author of Buddha’s Brain: The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love and Wisdom says, “One of the enduring changes in the brain of those who routinely meditate is that the brain becomes thicker. In other words, those who routinely meditate build synapses, synaptic networks, and layers of capillaries (the tiny blood vessels that bring metabolic supplies such as glucose or oxygen to busy regions), which an MRI shows is measurably thicker in two major regions of the brain. One is in the pre-frontal cortex, located right behind the forehead. It’s involved in the executive control of attention – of deliberately paying attention to something. This change makes sense because that’s what you’re doing when you meditate or engage in a contemplative activity. The second brain area that gets bigger is a very important part called the insula.

The insula tracks both the interior state of the body and the feelings of other people, which is fundamental to empathy. So, people who routinely tune into their own bodies – through some kind of mindfulness practice – make their insula thicker, which helps them become more self-aware and empathic.” This is a good illustration of “neuroplasticity,” which is the idea that “as the mind changes, the brain changes,” or as Canadian psychologist Donald Hebb puts it, “neurons that fire together wire together.”

In her book, A Slice of the Beloved, Gurutej Kaur shares her forty years of yoga teachings, with exercises for singles and couples that can heal the mind and the body.


Quickly and powerfully move your hands, in front of your heart center, as if dusting them off. This will help bring calm and quiet. It is also great way to release a distressing thought or experience.


Sit across from each other on your heels or in a comfortable pose. Lean forward, placing your foreheads together. Place your hands on each other’s shoulders or around the waist. This posture connects third eye to third-eye, stimulating the pituitary gland and intuition spot.

Talk It Through

Equally important to exercise is good communication with your partner. He or she cannot help you or create a better lovemaking experience if you don’t share the experience of your pain. Sharing a warm bath and experimenting with pillows can be a way to relax and begin the process towards intimacy.

“Talk about it,” says Ian Kerner, a sexuality counselor and author of She Comes First: The Thinking Man’s Guide to Pleasing a Woman.

“Back pain can be tricky because people often look fine, even if they feel terrible. That’s all the more reason to keep your partner in the loop. Don’t try to please your partner at the expense of hurting yourself. Your partner will feel the distraction in your body language,
and conclude that something is wrong. If you’re not forthcoming that the ‘something’ is back pain, their imagination could run wild.”

Try Different Positions

Joint pain can make sexual contact uncomfortable, but don’t give up trying new positions or timing of sexual activity. There may be certain positions that would work better than others, to bring you both satisfaction without one person having to “grin and bear it.”
It can feel awkward at first to talk to your partner about how you’re going to make love, but you may find that the experience deepens your connection with each other. The steps taken to find comfortable sexual positions such as Spooning or Scissors can bring you back to the same page, erotically speaking.

If your pain is much too severe to try having sex, talk to a medical professional and take solace in the fact that the severity is likely temporary, and focus on other acts that can maintain your intimacy without rigorous performance.

Kissing is Erotic

Get comfortable and hold hands, then start kissing and enjoy locking lips for as long as you can.

Sheril Kirshenbaum, author of The Science of Kissing: What Our Lips Are Telling Us, writes, “The part of our bodies sending the most information to our brains during a kiss is, without a doubt, the lips. Packed with nerve endings, they are extremely sensitive to pressure, warmth, cold, and indeed to every kind of stimulus. One of the most remarkable things about the brain’s role in kissing is the disproportionate neural space associated with our lips compared with the rest of our bodies. Just a light brush on them stimulates a very large part of the brain – an area even more expansive than would be activated by sexual stimulation below the belt.

A kiss sends sensations directly to the limbic system that part of our brain associated with love, passion, and lust. As neural impulses bounce between the brain and the tongue, the facial muscles, the lips, and the skin, they stimulate our bodies to produce a number of neurotransmitters and hormones.”

Sexpert Panel on LGBTQ Love & Intimacy

A Sexpert Panel hosted by Loveology University® & Sponsored by JimmyJane on LGBTQ Love & Intimacy

When: Wednesday, September 22, 2021 from 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM Pacific Time

Our Moderator is Tamara Bell.

Our Panelists Are:
Dr. Ava Cadell, Buck Angel, Dr. Natalia Zhikhareva (Dr. Z), Marjah Hunt, Chelsea Downs, Nenna Joiner

Watch Video of the Panel

What You Can Expect:

The Sexpert Panel will talk candidly, as if you were meeting face to face over drinks and discuss fully and openly the most intimate details of topics you are interested in.

Best of all, renowned Sexperts will share their wisdom to help ease your concerns, lower your inhibitions and transport you to sexual empowerment.. 

*All attendees will receive Loveology University’s Transgender Courses FTM & MTF*

Meet our Moderator and Panelists

MODERATOR: Tamara Bell, ACS Certified Sex Educator & Certified  Loveologist & Love Coach

Tamara is an ACS Certified Sexologist & Certified Loveologist and Love Coach.  She is a 2008 graduate of Loveology University®. She is the Ambassador of Students and mentor to Loveology students to help them prepare for their final exam. After student graduation, she helps them to define their coaching specialties, set up their personal branding and incorporate Love Coaching within their business.  She also co-facilitates a zoom podcast with Viloshni Moodley from South Africa, discussing issues regarding Love, Sex and Relationships from around the world.

She received her certification as a Death Doula from IAP college in April 2021.  As a widow herself, her goal is to assist wives who have lost their husbands.  She is also here to help families through this difficult time.  Tamara holds a B.S. in Business Management and is currently pursuing a degree in Family Studies. She was recently inducted into the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society.

She is the founder of the Home Pleasure Party Plan Association. She assists party plan business owners in developing and expanding their business.  Tamara excels in management, networking, and supplies consulting to those looking to start or expand a Pleasure Party industry career. She is a NAASAS council member and Free Speech Coalition member. For more information, go to


Dr. Ava Cadell, Clinical Sexologist, Author & Founder of

Dr. Ava's Guide To Prostate Pleasure*All attendees will receive a Loveology University’s Transgender Care: Male to Female and Transgender Care: Female to Male*

Dr. Ava Cadell is a Clinical Sexologist, author of 11 books and AASECT Certified Sex Counselor with Doctorates in Human Behavior and Human Sexuality. As the Founder of Loveology University® Higher Learning and Loving in 2007, Dr. Ava has taken on the role of mentor to share her vast knowledge on love, romance, relationships, intimacy and human sexuality with motivated students who train to become Certified Love Coaches, Master Sexperts and Relationship Coaches. Dr. Ava is exceptionally proud of her multi-media course on Intimacy & Disabilities as she filmed a documentary with Carlana Stone and another with Asta Philpot to share their erotic empowerment for people with disabilities, as part of the LU curriculum. is accredited by the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT) as well as the American College of Sexologists International (ACS). As a global speaker, Dr. Ava has traveled across the U.S., Europe, India, Asia, Australia, and Africa, promoting the benefits of healthy love and sex through sexual empowerment. For more information, go to

Dr. Natalia Zhikhareva (Dr. Z), Author, Clinical Psychologist

Dr Natalia Zhikhareva, known as Dr Z, is a clinical psychologist specializing in gender issues and transgender care and has worked with gender diverse individuals for over a decade.  Her passion working in the transgender community fostered an interest in clinical research leading to the publication of “Pre-operative Trans women’s Perceptions of Their Genitalia.”  Dr Z most recent work includes speaking on “Diagnosis and Treatment of Gender Dysphoria: Clinical Implications” at the Los Angeles County Psychological Association and “Working with Gender Diverse/Transgender Clients: How to best understand and serve this community” at the Electrologist’ Association of California.

Dr. Z and Dr. Ava collaborated on creating two courses on Transgender Care for FTM & MTF for the Loveology University curriculum.

Marjah Hunt: Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

Marjha identifies as proud black, kink, queer woman. She is a Licensed Marriage and Family therapist specializing in partnership work. She is also a professor teaching classes like, cultural diversity, sex therapy, and narrative therapy to master’s level students and psych residents. She provides trainings/workshops on various topics including cultural humility, LGBTQIA inclusivity, racial stress, and trauma, and more. She is currently finishing her doctorate and looking forward to graduating in the fall.

Buck Angel: World-Renowned Motivational Speaker, Pioneering Filmmaker and Human Right Activist

Buck Angel (born June 5, 1962) is an American Adult film actor, producer, sex educator, and motivational speaker. He is the founder of the media production company Buck Angel Entertainment. A transsexual man, he received the 2007 AVAN Award as Transsexual Performer of the Year; he now works as an advocate, educator, lecturer, and writer. Angel served on the Board of Directors of the Woodhull Freedom Foundation from 2010 to 2016; the foundation works to affirm sexual freedom as a fundamental human right through advocacy and education. Angel’s pornographic content was one of the building blocks that set the foundation for his future educational demonstrations. He broadened the industry’s, along with its viewers’, perception of sexuality and gender by popularizing trans male porn. He was unaware of the positive effects that he had on the community until after a few years into his work. With passing time, his work in porn evolved into advocacy.

Angel wanted individuals to:

  1. “Comprehend the fact that one’s genitals do not define your gender, nor who you are as a person.”
  2. “Learn how to acknowledge, affirm, and deal with your own individual gender and sexuality, regardless of identity.”
  3. “Have the ability to let go of social constructs in order to become more comfortable and self-accepting.”

Nenna Joiner; Founder of FeelMore Sex You Shops

Nenna Joiner is a multiple business owner of 2 adult retail shops and a bar (January ‘22). A resident of Oakland, CA for over 25 years.  She enjoys working in the community from various community feedings to cleaning up local streets and parks. Additionally, She is a 3x AIDS/Lifecycle rider who has raised money to ride from San Francisco to Los Angeles to help destigmatize those living with HIV/AIDS. “Life is fun and so I’m doing my very best to experience all the goodness I can stand in this body.”

Chelsea Downs: Founder New York Toy Collective

Chelsea Downs is the founder of New York Toy Collective, founded in 2012, they create high-quality intimacy toys and products for all forms of gender affirmation, ranging from packers, STP products, binders, accessories, and more. They are the first and only company to use 3D technology to allow consumers to create pleasure products molded after their own bodies.  Chelsea is a LGBTQ+ pleasure enthusiast and serves as the head of product developer and CEO. In her personal life she is a momma, activist, street medic and serial entrepreneur.

How to Create Passion in the New Year 2022 by Dr. Ava Cadell

new year resolutions
Image by efes from Pixabay

Can you believe it? 2021 is almost over?

Now here’s a little tidbit on that ancient ritual we all look forward to every year; The New Year’s Resolutions. Did you know that it started in 153 B.C. when the Romans named the first month of the year after Janus, the dual-faced God of Beginnings? He is the symbol for resolutions because he could look backward and forward at the same time.

Always make your New Years Resolutions positive action steps for change. Plan, prioritize and then reward yourself when you have accomplished them.

I’d like to share three of my personal New Year’s Resolutions with you.

1. Learn Something New

I must admit that I’m addicted to knowledge and am always ready to learn something new that I can then share with others. Some of the most exciting things I’ve learned include painting, pole dancing, ballet, meditation, Shotokan karate, Tantra and BDSM. The emotional feelings that I get from learning something new includes a sense of accomplishment, satisfaction and confidence. What would you like to learn in 2022?

2. Help Others

The emotional feelings that you can get from helping others includes happiness, greater value and appreciation, inspiration and motivation, and a sense of purpose by bringing joy to others. Whether it’s helping a friend by simply listening to their problems or giving a stranger a compliment to help them feel good about themselves, you can impact someone’s life in helpful ways. So make a list of ways that you can help others.

3. Balance My Life

Plan to bring greater enjoyment into your life by making appointments for more fun, romance, travel and even relaxation. Give up activities that drain your energy or make you feel unhappy. In fact, I’ve come up with my own criteria to say, “Yes” to offers. For business, my criteria are that it must be fulfilling, rewarding, worthwhile, profitable or highly visible. For my personal criteria, the activity must be inspiring, relaxing, unhurried, harmonious, or fun. How will you balance your life?

Now, list your own resolutions. To fulfill your objectives, visualize the end result of each one and tap into the emotional feelings that you will get from accomplishing them. Turn your New Year’s Resolutions into life-changing goals.

Here are 10 Relationship Resolutions

  1. Set a Romance Goal – Hold hands, kiss daily, make time for make-out sessions at least 3 times a week and take turns initiation romantic dates such as candlelight dinners or movie night.
  2. Set an Intimacy Goal – Listen to each other, be emotionally supportive, share your feelings and make love with eyes open at least 2 times a week.
  3. Set a Communication Goal –Ask your partner how you can be a better spouse or lover. Praise your partner often, give him or her a compliment every day, listen more, argue less, verbalize appreciation more and criticize less.
  4. Set a Collaboration Goal – Spend quality time together by doing things you both enjoy. Learn a new hobby together, take dance classes, Loveology online classes, cooking, yoga, camping, painting or volunteering for a charity.
  5. Set a Habit Changing Goal – Make a pact to help each other lose weight, stop smoking, procrastinating, being messy, lazy, grumpy or any other bad habit where you can support each other to quit.
  6. Set a Fun Goal – Play indoor and outdoor games like you did when you were a kid. From hide and seek to pillow fighting, be silly and playful to put the fun back into your relationship.
  7. Set an Intention Goal – Write a couples mission statement and include where you see your relationship in one year. Then frame it in your home as a personal and public reminder of your shared relationship mission.
  8. Set an Improvement Goal – Change something about yourself to make your relationship even better. For example, make an effort to dress up and greet your partner with a kiss after work, learn how to give a sensual massage or just get a fashion makeover.
  9. Set a Forgiveness Goal – Let go of past hurts, open up your heart and let love in with a fresh New Year’s start. Write a forgiveness letter to yourself or to someone who has hurt you, but end the letter by writing that you forgive.
  10. Set a Happiness Goal – Know what makes you happy individually and as a couple. Then live your life to the fullest by doing the things that make you happy, whether it’s eating ice cream, being pampered at a spa or cuddling with your partner.

Be realistic when setting your New Year’s Relationship Resolutions. The reality is that a consistently successful relationship takes compromise and commitment.

Sexy Positions

You can tell a lot about someone’s personality from the sex position they like best. If classic Missionary is your go-to, then you may be romantic, but not very adventurous, or if Sideways is your favorite, you may be the cuddly, cozy type. But whatever your preference, the New Year gives you a reason to expand your repertoire, try something new and think outside the sex box!

1. Missionary

What can we do for Mr. Missionary who needs to spice things up? How about flipping the woman on top? You’ll still have plenty of thrust capability, but this gives her a chance to take control of her pleasure by grinding her pelvis as hard as she wants for G-spot stimulation. Located about a third of the way between the vaginal opening and the cervix, this spot can be stimulated by the penis, especially when the guy lays back. He can easily bring her to orgasm in this position with added stimulation to her clitoris. By the way, men who favor the ‘female superior’ positions are voyeurs eager to please their lovers.

2. Sideways

Sideways positions are great for slow gentle rocking motions and sensual intimacy. For example, spooning is comfortable for the heavy-set or pregnant, and face-to-face scissors position allows easy access to kissing and caressing. But since deep penetration is hard to accomplish this way, a sideways junkie can switch things up by lifting the woman on top of his penis so she can rock her hips from side to side for a different type of sensation, stimulating one of her hidden treasures known as the U-spot, which is the opening of the urethra located above the vaginal opening and outer lips at either side of her vagina.

3. Doggy Style

Doggy style lovers are goal-oriented and the horniest of all the sexual personalities, so don’t blame them for being rough and ready at any time in any place. After all, they are alpha dogs by nature! Let’s look at some doggy variations worthy of a New Year’s Resolution. Try Standing Doggy, which takes more strength, balance and coordination, and is always a memorable choice.  I would encourage starting with Vertical Missionary position standing against a wall or a door. It’s great for eye contact and kissing, and then when the intimate passion is amped up, turn the woman to face away for a more animalistic standing rear entry position.  For a further variation, crouch down like a tiger and press your body against hers as you enter her from a deep and intense angle that is sure to stimulate her A-spot. Nicknamed for the ‘Anterior Fornix,’ this spot is also known as the ‘Female Prostate’ and is located beyond the G-spot. If you’ve already found the G-spot, then locating the A-spot should be a piece of cake. It’s deep inside the vagina on the upper (anterior) wall where there is a narrowing of the cervix of the uterus that feels like a circular indentation. Putting some gentle pressure on this ‘Frisbee around the cervix’ area can produce rapid vaginal lubrication and intense orgasms, even in women who are not naturally responsive sexually.

4. The Boar

Another orgasmic position is one from the ancient Kama Sutra known as Varaha (The Boar). Like the doggy, this position begins with the man penetrating his lover from behind, while the woman rests her forearms on the bed or floor. This props her rear end higher than her head and opens her wide, putting him in the direct path toward her G and A-spots. He can slide one or both hands up to her shoulders for leverage as he thrusts deeply and she can stimulate her clitoris to supercharge her pleasure. If The Boar becomes your favorite sex position, you are anything but a bore, as both the giver and receiver’s sex personality is wild and animalistic in nature, complete with the grunting and growling of pure lustful freedom. For more exciting Kama Sutra positions, check out my latest book The Idiots Guide to Kama Sutra, with full-color photos and descriptions of extra ways that you can find the most satisfying positions.

With the New Year upon us, now’s your chance to impress your lover and find deeper satisfaction through new sexual positions. By stimulating different muscles and triggering intense emotions, you can make sex feel even better and last longer. Communication is key to find out which positions please you and your lover the most. Sometimes a position you’ve never liked before can become a new favorite with the right variation.

May all your wishes come true for a passionate, prosperous and pleasurable New Year!

Dr. Ava

A Voice for Every Woman: Equalizing the Adult Industry, at Every Level

By Megan Hussey, The Feminist Sexpert

Whereas porn once was considered an industry in which women were seen and not heard, today’s adult industry is–like many professions and life in general–a place of change and evolution, and (dare we dream. Ladies?) actual friggin’ progress. Today more and more women are directing, producing and writing adult films, presenting their ideas, their fantasies, their messages for a new and enlightened audience of all genders, races and sexualities. Also out there–and outspoken–are the performers who demand better treatment on set, and who are unafraid to express their ideas and desires in contribution to the creative process.

And then, of course, there are the female writers, editors, publicists and journalists that also make their views and voices known in today’s adult industry–like, for example, The Feminist Sexpert! And in my role as a writer, columnist and commentator, I shall not rest until every single woman working at every level of the industry has a voice and makes it heard. Loudly. And that includes the customer service representatives who sell adult products.

This message came to me loud and clear years ago, when–in a professional capacity as a marketing rep for a leading feminist porn company, and because I wanted to look at some smut–I visited a small adult store in a working class suburban area of Tampa Bay, Florida.

A sole woman was working behind the counter at this store, which–until the moment of the Feminist Sexpert’s momentous entrance–seemed to be drawing a mostly male clientele on the day of my visit. A lovely young woman in her early 20s, the clerk looked on with wary eyes as a man popped his head out of a corner viewing booth and barked, “The film needs changing!”

“Please,” the young woman finished his sentence for him, rolling her eyes heavenward as she trudged forward from behind the counter to change the ever-lovin’ film so Mister could get on with his own private enjoyment.

Once she was free, I asked if she could show me the shop’s selection of erotic books and films for women. Immediately she brightened, and she happily gave me a tour of the corner of the shop custom made for the female porn fan. I told her that I was an industry writer, and she showed great interest and enthusiasm as she asked about my work and projects.

I reciprocated in kind, handing her the microphone as I asked her about how she–herself an industry professional–felt about the movies she sold.

Immediately her features darkened, and she raised a firm finger as she declared, “Some of these guys who make movies, I simply cannot support.”

“Please tell me who,” I urged her, “I’m in the industry, and your opinion matters to me.”

I’m tellin’ ya; at that point, this gal seized the mic, amped up the volume, and made her voice known. And how.

As the unleashed lioness unloaded verbally on certain directors who–in her estimation–abused and degraded women, I took mental note of the names she mentioned; at the same time also noting the facial expressions of the male customers who filled the shop around us.

To sum up, these expressions pretty much ranged from annoyed to out and out petrified.

“My work here is done,” I summarized.

Of course, not all of my interactions with adult customer service reps have revolved around the negative aspects of porn. I remember back to my early days as a fan, getting home from the late shift and dialing up the Adam and Eve customer service line; ordering the prized femme porn that would relieve the stress of a full day’s work.

Nearly 100 percent of the time, the customer service agents with whom I interacted were women–ladies whom I engaged in lively conversations about their favorite adult films and the hunks of the genre. Soon we enjoyed a phone-based slumber party filled with laughter and warmth–and not once did I order any of these lovely ladies to “Change the film!”

More recently, I saw an enlightening YouTube video about how to act in an adult video store. When I shared my favorable response to the comments of the female clerk who appeared in the video, one male viewer advised me me to “Oh, just shut up.”

Aw, Folks, doesn’t he know he’s only encouraging the Feminist Sexpert? Because my work here is far from done.

Megan Hussey

Feminist Sexpert


The Feminist Sexpert’s Deep Thoughts About Deep Throat

“When a woman has a penis thrust down to the bottom of her throat, as in the film Deep Throat, that throat is not part of a human being who is involved in discussing ideas”.  Andrea Dworkin

As the porn and pop culture worlds celebrate the 50th anniversary of Deep Throat, arguably among the first pornographic films to draw mainstream attention and acclaim, I celebrate nothing but the memory of a woman ahead of her time.

Long before the dawn of the Me Too movement, Linda Boreman (called Linda Lovelace for the duration of her brief porn career) had the courage to speak up about her alleged, extreme abuse at the hands of her then husband, Chuck Traynor. I first read her story in the pages of an essay on the subject, written by my idol Gloria Steinem.

The savage physical, emotional and sexual abuse that she details is hideous, tragic and tough to read; with Boreman at one point surmising that, whenever anyone viewed Deep Throat, they were witnessing her rape (Deep Throat at 50: the controversial film that pushed porn into the mainstream | Movies | The Guardian)

Now, just to be clear: Boreman did not accuse her director and co-stars of sexual assault, but the husband who she claimed coerced her into the making of the film. She told her story in the pages of her book Ordeal, testified before Congress, and spoke at public events held in conjunction with various feminist groups. And in the commentary section of the DVD “Inside Deep Throat,” a representative of the Deep Throat production crew “backed up Lovelace’s allegation of a brutal beating that she claimed left bruises that are visible in the film. The man said his motel room was next to Lovelace and Traynor’s and emphatically stated that Traynor beat Lovelace viciously at night.” (TimeNote).

Also, to be fair, some say that her story changed over time (although, as Steinem points out in her essay, Boreman did pass lie detector tests, and porn legend Andrea True corroborated her story), and towards the end of her life she did agree to sign Deep Throat merchandise. What Deep Throat merch would look like; I really don’t want to know. And frankly, the fact that she acknowledged fan appreciation of her work does not mean that she was not abused.

So, what was the plot of Deep Throat? Well basically, a lass discovers that she can’t reach orgasm because, all this time, her clit was in her throat.

OK, so. Throughout the course of her life, this woman seemingly did not miss her dislocated clitoris, conveniently located in a place that could only be stimulated through that brand of oral sex that pleasures the man. Really? (Picture the Feminist Sexpert at this point banging her head against her computer screen). Erica Jong, one of the original feminist sexperts, refers to this concept as appalling. I can’t help but to agree.

Are there any positive points to Deep Throat? Well in the eyes of Christar Damiano, daughter of Throat director Gerard Damiano, Deep Throat is a feminist film in that it is told from a female viewpoint, and it details a woman’s search for pleasure. Christar and her family seem nice enough, and she has a pretty name. And the film’s lead actor, Harry Reems? Hey, he’s cute!

But these few pluses amount to nothing compared to the agony of Boreman’s story, told here in her words.

Somehow, I just can’t see myself celebrating the 50th anniversary of Deep Throat. So, this year, I instead celebrate the golden anniversary of Goldenrod; the first porn made by and for women. But more on that later.

These days, as more and more women rise to power in the adult industry, change is happening. My heart soars as I see feminist directors of all genders, in fact, producing beautiful and empowering pornographic art.

But abuse also is occurring as well, as it does in every industry, and it needs to be addressed.

Want to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Deep Throat? Well as the great Melissa Etheridge once sang in her hit, Similar Features, “Go on and close your eyes. It shouldn’t bother you.”

Although the whole point of the song, and this column, is that it should.

Rest in Power, Linda Boreman.

Building Multiple Orgasm

Photo by Hans Isaacson on Unsplash

The art of cunnilingus has been passed down from generation to generation…I just caught myself. There has been a handful of instances where this information has been passed down. This is not the information that comes along with how to wash dishes and make the bed. This is a conversation that isn’t really passed around in your social circles at any age. For some reason, talking about oral sex is received so drastically negative from various walks of lives. What really makes the issue so nerve wrecking for me, is that when it is talked about, its either repulsive or loved. Nothing in between. You either love it or hate it. What matters is that you try it. Those who believe it’s a sin, its nasty, its taste bad, it smells and all those other things that can be said about putting your mouth on the genitals of a vulva owner. Putting your mouth on a vagina and parting the lips minora and majora to reveal the parts underneath is an extremely pleasant experience for the giver and receiver. The clitoris, the urethra opening, and vaginal opening are all sensitive to touch.

Photo by Deon Black on Unsplash

There is an art to it though. The art is made up of various parts, however this information is not passed down the line because it includes “pleasure”. There are small, small pockets of cultures who talk about sex for pleasure. Most of the world does not teach pleasure in their sex education. Sex education is steeped in abstinence and by now, we should know that abstinence does not work. Hence, we have outbreaks of anal gonorrhea in our teenage female communities because they believe they are saving their virginity. Why we are still talking about sexually transmitted infections and diseases that have been in the healthcare systems since they began to record them I do not know.

Photo by IFONNX Toys on Unsplash

Licking genitals is not going to bring the sky down on your head or send your soul to the devil. We have never had a person return to tell us different. This is what I told myself as I moved on this journey to being the Orgasm Coach that I have become. That is what I like to call that component of what I do as a Sexologist. An Orgasm Coach. So, when I say to you that I have mastered the art of cunnilingus, I have mastered many levels of pleasure that can be received from the various techniques you can use when you are performing it. First, get over what you think vagina should smell or taste like. And it has very little to do with pineapple.

The truth of the matter is that vagina or whatever you want to nick name it, is supposed to smell like the person. Their pheromones. The vagina is self-cleaning and maintains a healthy smell and look, based on its owner maintaining their pH balance and practicing safe sex. When there is any sort of infection, you may not know it based on its look or smell anyway. So, ask questions, have the status conversation and take off the table the fear that you are going to stand up with a face full of bubbles. I have to say this so that you don’t think I am saying that funk is fine, its not. Hygiene is of the utmost importance. Even if you must include a bath or shower in your foreplay, hygiene should be present.

When all is well, and you all feel comfortable moving forward get into a position in which you will be able to sustain stimulation until the person goes all the way through the end of the sexual response cycle. You do not want to be in a position you can’t hold through to the end. Any adjustment you make will disrupt the persons flow and may cause the person to have to reconnect with the path they where on. It is equally important that they are in an appropriate position so that they do not have to interrupt the scene as well.

As the receiver, you need to be open to what is happening. Any negative thoughts you have about your vagina and how it presents itself, you need to work through them. It is important that you feel confident in your heavenly offering. Open up and welcome the pleasure that you can receive. As the giver, do not go for the clitoris first. Find out why in my next posting. Meantime, practice cunnilingus, and enjoy.

Are You Perpetually Unhappy

“I’m so unhappy!” This is some thing I often say because I battle depression. I wake up in the morning with a low bottom line and I take it upon myself to lift myself from the basement to the lobby. A frustrating process to work so hard to get to a place where some people start. I had my blood tested and I have fine tuned my hormones, minerals and vitamins. I work out regularly and I meditate, but this isn’t enough to make me happy. Some people are perpetually unhappy and if that is you, it is likely your fault.

Happy people are not the ones that have the most. They are not the richest, they are not the most successful, quite the contrary in fact. The happiest people I’ve seen in my life are the people that have very little and find joy in the small magical moments in life. Ladybug landing on their finger, a good cup of coffee, or a stimulating conversation with a friend. These are the people that gravitate towards happiness. And sure, some people are just lucky and they have a positive disposition. They don’t have to put in the work. They are just happy. That is not you, you have to put in the work.

Happiness is attainable with a shift in your perspective. Are horrible things happening every day? Yes, life can be an absolute shit show. That does not mean that good things are not happening as well. Earlier this week a friend of mine had been complaining how difficult it was to find work in her field. Another group of friends came to sit at the table and I introduced them to my struggling friend. She was a bit drunk and lashing out at the world because her job interview didn’t go well that day. Ironically, she was a school teacher and one of my friends was actually a principal at a public middle school and had just received word that a teacher was leaving and the position needed to be filled. Of course, he wouldn’t take my friend into consideration because she was angrily cursing at a salt shaker. Her focus on the negative didn’t just create more negative (like a broken salt shaker and a hangover), it kept her from a positive outcome. The way we feel has a domino effect.

You might feel frustrated reading this. What can we do? Our brain does not come with a remote control. The thing to remember is you are an adult. You have to parent yourself. You can not eat an entire cake at 2 AM and you need to redirect your thoughts when you are beating yourself up for your recent failed relationship all night long. Could you have been better? Did you take them for granted? Were you falling short in bed? MAYBE! But no amount of obsessing about it is going to make that any better.

Positive things came from the relationship. Perhaps you learned something, had beautiful moments together, or it’s just great that it is over. As you shift your focus your mind will boomerang and you will go right back to where you started. It is up to you to toss that boomerang right back and do not get complacent. We know how boomerangs work.

The more times you shift your focus from the negative to the positive the more natural it will seem. Your brain likes routine. If you have been a pessimist your whole life you can not wake up tomorrow and decide to be something else. You are training your brain the way you would any other muscle. Gradually, overtime. It is a combination of knowing what you need to feel physically healthy and doing what is required to be emotionally healthy.

Do not get discouraged. People tend to force themselves to think positive for a day and when nothing magical happens they give up. Redirecting your brain to the positive puts you in a position where you are open to positive things happening to you. That opportunity doesn’t always exist. Your state of mind should be consistent for it to pay off. A positive thought is more powerful than a negative thought. If you’re trying to think positive and your brain hit you with the worst case scenario simply push the thought aside and think of a positive thought or two.

Gravitating towards negativity could contribute to keeping you in destructive patterns. If you believe you only attract bad people how surprising is it when all your dates are bad people?  What self-fulfilling prophecy’s are you reciting? If I constantly think my partner is going to cheat on me I’m going to look for things that prove me right and likely end up accusing my partner of cheating over something I misinterpreted. A partner is more likely to cheat if they are already being treated as such. Sure, you might drop your guard and get cheated on anyway.

But, by acting like it is going to happen from the beginning you are skipping the honeymoon phase and going straight for the explosive break up. Intuition and anxiety often feel the same. Be mindful of the fact that an an anxious thought is not a vision for the future. Sometimes it is your intuition and other times it is just pesky anxiety coming to keep you on your familiar course of unhappiness. Your mind wants to keep you alive. It is up to you to make it a life with happiness. You have the steering wheel.

What if you can’t think of a positive thought? You need to look around you. A hummingbird drinking from a flower, your pet, your nephew, or a funny YouTube video. You’re able to breathe, your coffee was perfect today, or it’s finally Spring! When everything is doom and gloom you need to shine a light. It doesn’t eliminate the gloom but it allows you to see the rainbow. Life is good and bad. Life is magical and life is devastating. It’s up to you what you choose to focus on. Choose accordingly.

Acquire the skills to approach women with confidence, and get them to want you!!!! Come find me at My six week course, Playmate Pickup is available with personalized guidance at Acquire the skills to approach women with confidence and get them to want you!

Erika Jordan is an internationally acclaimed love and relationship expert, NLP practitioner, author, and media personality, and a leader in the field of digital romance and online dating. 

First published on YourTango

The 8 Best Air Vibrators of 2023

Clit suction vibrators are ingeniously crafted to encircle and caress the clitoris or nipples, emulating the exquisite sensation of oral sex. Unlike conventional vibrators that primarily target the clitoral tip, these clit suction toys completely envelop the clitoris, tantalizing it with gentle pulses of air and delightful blowing and sucking sensations. Given their indirect contact with the clitoris, these toys are particularly suited for individuals with a heightened sensitivity in that area. Whether you’re well-versed in the world of vibrators or just starting your journey, dive into the realm of top-notch air suction vibrators to discover the perfect match for your desires.

What to consider when picking the best sucking vibrator?

Selecting the best quality suction vibrators requires a rigorous review of pleasure products and evaluating them against a set of criteria. Factors such as price, size, and the specific ways in which these products stimulate the body are all taken into consideration. Our goal is to identify products that stand out in their respective categories. We recognize that pleasure is a uniquely personal experience, so we acknowledge the diversity of individual preferences and are committed to meeting a wide range of needs and desires. You can find an exclusive toy for you in this list below.

Featured Products.

Womanizer Liberty

Womanizer Liberty is our top choice for the best air suction vibrator, priced at $99.00. It stands out with its six intensity levels of touchless stimulation, utilizing patented Pleasure Air Technology to deliver powerful clitoral stimulation through a combination of pleasurable suction and gentle pressure waves. This compact vibrator is also designed for convenience, featuring a small form factor and a hygienic magnet travel cover, making it an ideal travel companion.

Womanizer Liberty earned our top spot as the best air suction vibrator due to its simplicity and effectiveness. It offers a user-friendly experience, making it suitable for both beginners and experienced users. Its compact design and thoughtful features, like the travel cover, enhance its practicality. With a high star rating and numerous positive reviews, it’s evident that this vibrator excels at delivering powerful orgasms and meeting various pleasure needs.

The Satisfyer Pro 2

The Satisfyer Pro 2 Next Generation is a wallet-friendly choice that doesn’t compromise on quality. Priced affordably, it builds upon the success of Satisfyer’s original suction stimulator, offering users 11 intensities of contactless clitoral stimulation. This upgraded version boasts a quieter motor, improved controls, and an ergonomic handle for comfortable use.

The Satisfyer Pro 2 Next Generation stands out as the best budget-friendly option. It demonstrates that you can enjoy quality without breaking the bank. This suction toy delivers potent sensations and features an ergonomic design for comfortable handling. With straightforward controls, finding your preferred intensity is a breeze, making it a great choice for those seeking pleasure on a budget.

The Satisfyer Pro 3+

The Satisfyer Pro 3+ takes clitoral stimulation to the next level with its enhanced design and a new vibration function. Crafted with a sleek and smooth silicone ring, this toy offers 11 upgraded pressure-wave intensity settings that provide intense pleasure.

The Satisfyer Pro 3+ stands out as the top choice for those with sensitive clitorises. With its elegant matte black finish and rose gold accents, it exudes sophistication. This lightweight toy is user-friendly, featuring intuitive controls with just three buttons. Thanks to its dual motors for pulsation and vibration, you have numerous combinations to explore, offering autonomy over your pleasure. It’s an ideal option for creating the perfect sensation tailored to your body’s needs.

The Inya Rose vibrator

The Inya Rose vibrator is an exquisite air suction vibrator with seven intensity levels designed to provide intense stimulation to the clitoris and nipples. This unique pleasure product features rose petals that serve a dual purpose—enhancing aesthetics while adding to the stimulation. The toy generates pulses of air over the clit or nipples while the soft silicone rose petals gently ripple outwards, delivering dual pleasure.

The Inya Rose vibrator has gained immense popularity for its unique features and design. It caters to both clitoral and nipple stimulation, making it versatile and exciting. This toy stands out for its user-friendly single-button interface, allowing for straightforward operation. Its rose-inspired design not only adds charm but also discretion, as it closely resembles an actual rose. With the rose petals designed to ripple around the clitoris or nipples while delivering pulses of air, this toy offers an unforgettable sensation. Its widespread acclaim, with over 10,000 5-star reviews, further solidifies its status as an exceptional pleasure product.

We-Vibe Melt

We-Vibe introduces its inaugural suction clitoral stimulator, crafted with the same commitment to body-safe materials and meticulous design that defines their popular pleasure products. The We-Vibe Melt combines a potent motor with a compact form factor, offering a discreet and quiet alternative to larger suction toys available. This innovative product stimulates the clitoris without direct contact, employing suction, pulses, and waves of air directed at the clitoral area.

The We-Vibe Melt earns our top pick for partnered play, offering an exceptional air suction vibrator for couples who embrace the use of toys during intimate moments. With its array of settings and curved design, it seamlessly fits between partners in various sexual positions. Its compact size and narrow rim ensure you can use it for clitoral stimulation while still accommodating penetrative intercourse. Additionally, this innovative toy allows partners to share pleasure, as it can be paired with a smartphone for remote control from anywhere in the world.

Lelo Sona 2 Cruise

Indulge in the luxurious pleasure of the Lelo Sona 2 Cruise, a clitoral vibrator engineered with Sensonic Technology. This innovative vibrator sends gentle yet powerful sonic waves directly to your pleasure spot. With a range of 12 vibration modes and the unique Cruise Control feature, which preserves battery life while maintaining intensity, the Sona 2 Cruise promises a diverse array of sensations. Its ample surface area provides deep and intense stimulation for those seeking an extraordinary experience.

The Lelo Sona 2 Cruise may be an investment, but it offers an opulent and versatile experience. With its extensive range of vibration levels and patterns, combined with an ergonomic design for easy adjustments, this vibrator consistently leads to unforgettable orgasms, as confirmed by numerous reviews. If you’re seeking an exploration of pleasure with numerous paths to discover, this exquisite choice is well worth considering.

Womanizer Premium 2

Experience the epitome of pleasure with the Womanizer Premium 2, a luxurious vibrator boasting advanced contactless Pleasure Air technology. This high-end device offers a staggering 14 different intensity levels, ensuring a personalized and powerful clitoral stimulation experience. The Womanizer Premium 2 is designed with user convenience in mind, featuring an improved Autopilot mode, allowing you to relinquish control to the vibrator. Additionally, its Smart Silence feature ensures the toy only activates upon contact with the skin, maintaining discreet operation.

The Womanizer brand is renowned for its cutting-edge air pleasure technology, and the Premium 2 lives up to this reputation. Numerous reviews highlight its ability to provide intense clitoral pleasure by enveloping the entire clitoris. Furthermore, the inclusion of two stimulator heads of different sizes ensures that this vibrator is suitable for a wide range of users, accommodating both smaller and larger clitorises with ease.

Lelo Sila

The Lelo Sila stands out as a remarkable clitoral sonic massager tailored for users seeking a larger nozzle to accommodate varying clitoris sizes. Featuring a generously-sized mouth, the Sila easily envelops most clitoris sizes, ensuring a snug fit that enhances pleasure. For an even tighter seal, applying a water-based lubricant is recommended. This innovative device employs sonic waves that target the tip of your clitoris, intensifying sensations and ultimately leading to climax. With eight adjustable intensity levels, conveniently controlled via a button on the device, the Lelo Sila offers a tailored experience.

The Lelo Sila has recently undergone improvements, particularly in the size of its nozzle, making it a versatile choice suitable for various clitoris sizes. This refinement ensures a more deliberate and intensified buildup towards orgasm.

Snuggling or Cuddling – Is it Beneficial?

Photo by Marcel Ardivan on Unsplash

Snuggling or Cuddling – Is it Beneficial?  Believe it or not, science has shown, through a number of studies, that cuddling is beneficial to your well-being. Right now, you may be asking, can that be true? And the answer is a very definite yes.

The effects of cuddling have been given the nickname the ‘Cuddle Hormone’ because,
when you experience the act of cuddling, in that physical touch, oxytocin is released into
your body. What is oxytocin? It is known as the ‘feel-good hormone’ or ‘cuddle
hormone’. Produced by the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland releases it and causes
you to get that warm feeling inside.

It has also been proven that with skin-on-skin contact dopamine and serotonin hormones are released, giving that same feel-good feeling. Cuddling can help build up steady levels of serotonin, helping you achieve restful sleep.

According to Dawn Maslar, the love biologist, two chemicals, dopamine and vasopressin, are important to the chemistry of men falling in love. For women, the two necessary chemicals are dopamine and oxytocin. Notice how oxytocin and dopamine are both connected to cuddling and skin-on-skin contact?

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

When oxytocin is released, your body can experience reduced stress, less depression,
and less anxiety. You should begin to feel relaxed, comfortable, and secure. The
benefits are both emotional and physical. Take a look at the list below and ask yourself,
“Could I benefit from improving in any of these items? If the answer is yes, maybe you
should think about trying to work some additional cuddling or snuggling into your life.


Emotional Benefits are as follow:

  • Comfort
  • Intimacy
  • Confidence
  • Hope
  • Trust
  • Lovingness
  • Closeness

The Physical Benefits are as follow:

  • Eliminating Stress
  • Increasing your Immune System
  • Lowering Anxiety
  • Decreasing Depression
  • Lower Blood Pressure
  • Reduce Weight

Now, how much time does one need to cuddle to reap the benefits of this phenomenon?
Well, everyone is different but researchers think the perfect hug time should be for five
seconds. But researchers are split on this because there is actually a rule called the ‘Six
Second Rule’ that says, if the hug is six seconds or longer, we elevate or heighten our mood-boosting hormone. Others say, that when a hug lasts for more than 20 seconds
that is when your body really experiences oxytocin.

If we take the data before us, we can extrapolate that it takes six seconds to start the process of releasing the ‘Cuddle Hormone’ and by 20 seconds, we are full-blown into the feel-good hormone. What is the amount of time we should try to snuggle? Again, anything is better than nothing, but if
you can try to cuddle for 20-40 minutes a day for at least three days and preferably five
days per week, you will reap the benefits.

A concept that should be discussed is the difference between friendly cuddling and
romantic cuddling. Friendly cuddling has the word in it to remind you that you are friends
and we are not talking about ‘friend with benefits’ but the ‘friendzone’.

This is done when you are comfortable with one another, watching a movie, shopping the farmer’s market together holding arms, or when tired. There is no contact of skin or touching of private
regions; it is innocent. However, romantic cuddling is done with the one you are intimate
with, your partner.

Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

Usually, less clothing is worn and there is touching that can take place and yes, hand-on-skin contact. It has also been known to lead to foreplay. For instance, some western men tend to like to snuggle their partner with their hand holding onto their partner’s breast. It is an act that brings comfort to both parties.

Maybe you are in a new relationship and you do not know when you can start to cuddle. The answer is, after the first kiss or by the second date. By the second date it is okay to be holding hands. Because holding hands is the act of touching each other, you are now cuddling.

Another situation that you might be thinking about is, I am all by myself; what do I do to get cuddling for myself?

If you find yourself in one of the situations below, the next two options could be a good fit for you.

  • You are starved for touch.
  • You have too much stress in your life.
  • You may be going through things in your personal life.
  • You live by yourself.
  • You are alone in the world.

Believe it or not there are places where you can go to have a ‘Cuddle Session.’ This solution may be hard at first for some. Part of what makes cuddling and snuggling so good for us is that it lets you relax and let your guard down. This can be very hard to do with a complete stranger. But, after you get passed the ‘stranger’ stage and find them to be more of an acquaintance, you will benefit by the session. Remember, this would be in the category of a friendly cuddle, so no touching.

Photo by Cynthia Smith on Unsplash

The other solution is to get yourself a pet. So, fish are out. They may be wonderful to have as a pet, but they will not give you that one-on-one touch that you are looking for.

Pets are a lot of reasonability, but they do bring so much love and joy to your life. You have to be choosy, pick the pet that works for you. Remember you are looking to be able to touch them and them to touch you. It can be as simple as a paw on your hand
or, against my better judgment, a snake slithering up your arm. Studies have shown that animals do bring comfort to us.



Where can you cuddle?

Cuddling can be as simple as holding hands so this act can be done in a number of places.


  • Watching TV
  • Movie Night
  • Movie Theater
  • Baking or Cooking Together
  • Café or Restaurant
  • Game Night
  • Reading Together
  • Playing Video Games Together


  • Picnic
  • Concert
  • Carnival
  • Farmer’s Market
  • Stargazing
  • Walking Hand in Hand

The act of cuddling is a must in order to have a healthier and happier life. With friendly
cuddling, you get the benefit of less stress and more comfort. While with romantic
cuddling, you get all the benefits that you get with friendly cuddling, but you also get the
intimacy and closeness that you have with your partner through touch and play.
Remember to have fun and always keep things consensual.