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Thursday, March 13, 2025

Rising Star: The Feminist Sexpert Interviews Joshua Lewis


The world of adult entertainment is brimming with young hotties–most of them of the female variety. Well, Ladies, all of that is about to change…

Ladies, a show of hands please! How many of you remember the classic book Cheri, penned by the legendary feminist authoress Colette, that concerned a gorgeous, charming young Frenchman who engages in a red hot romance with an older woman? Ah, nice! Now, a second show of hands please! How many of you walked in on Hubby watching a porno that pairs a barely legal babe with a plausible looking dude who (surprise, surprise) is his age?! Oh. That’s every hand in the room. And some of them, I notice, have their middle fingers conveniently raised. In Hubby’s general direction.

Well Ladies, never fear. I have found a Cheri for the New Age, and his name is Joshua Lewis.

Dubbed “the boy next door who will change your whole life” by female talent and directors (and at least one female Sexpert columnist–I’m sure the others will catch on), this 19-year-old, classically handsome blond male talent with a bad boy twist started as an OnlyFans creator and is now in the Top 1%. He’s signed with and is one of the most requested male models at the top adult agencies, and is already scoring nominations with less than one year in the industry—he just got his first and he’s up for Creator of Year (Man) from the YNOT Cam Awards. Although he’s one of the newest nominees in the category, Joshua stands a good chance of winning, as his fans and industry friends #rockedthevote for him every 24 hours through September 30th. Joshua has already worked for Reality Kings, Brazzers, Team Skeet, Porn Pros, See Him Fuck (a studio much beloved by the Feminist Sexpert, as the male body is showcased for once) and Deep Throat Sirens.

Despite receiving such grand adulation so early in her career, Joshua remains kind, well-spoken, and deeply humbled by his success.

“I’m very appreciative of my success, to my fans, and to my team–my press rep Erika, my agent Sandra, all of them,” he said. “It’s gratifying.”

Joshua is also appreciative of women–as is evident in his performances.

“I love working with all types of women, older, younger, all shapes and sizes,” he said. “I don’t have a preference. It’s her personality that matters, if we connect.”

And, yes–in a good number of his scenes, he’s the hot young lover, and she’s often the older, more seasoned partner. Doncha love it? In that way, the viewer can put herself in the place of his scene partner.

“The fans want to see me, and what I would do to them. It’s not about how she looks.,” he said, adding, “My fans love seeing me with older women.”


And beyond the issue of age and aesthetics, Josh–who maintains great creative control over the production of his scenes, shot his early amateur work himself and writes his own scene descriptions and site content. He’s also skilled at camera work.

“I especially like to include humor in my scenes,” he said. “I like viewers to laugh and get off.”

Beyond his films, Josh remains deeply engaged with his fans. Keep up with everything in his universe by following him on IG @joshuaaalewisss.

“Fans are so important to me,” he said. “They’re the ones that support you, that pay for your content, that give you Likes and Favorites on social media,” he said. “I wouldn’t be where I am today without them.”

And beyond the fantasy fulfillment offered by cam and text-based platforms, Joshua feels that these online venues gives him the opportunity to form a deeper connection with fans.

“Here they got to talk to me, to learn more about me,” he said. “They get to know who I am as a person.”

He also loves to meet fans in person, and has done so a great deal recently. Joshua recently appeared at EXXXOTICA Miami this weekend, where he signed at the Chaturbate booth. He’ll also appear at the Edison, NJ and Washington, DC. shows.

Through his communications with fans and others, Joshua also hopes to disprove some of the stereotypes that people have about adult performers.

“I take care of my body, I eat healthy and get enough rest–if I stay up all night, I’m loading content, not partying,” he said. “I’m very self-aware and take care of my health.”

Joshua also has a clear direction for the path of his career, hoping in the future to do more feature work and perhaps even directing work–along with staying on track to being one of the hottest male performers in the business. Because I say so.

To vote for Joshua to win his YNOT Award, establish a YNOT ID to vote—go to ynotid.com/user/register, choose a username and password, and put in your birthday and industry role. Once you get an email that your YNOT ID is approved, head over to awards.ynotcam.com/vote, look for Joshua’s category, click his name, and hit the “submit vote” button.

Josh expresses great love for his female fans–and he has some advice for those who may feel a bit bashful about watching adult material.

“Take your time, relax, enjoy yourself and get off,” he said. “It’s only natural.”

I’m the Feminist Sexpert, and I approve this message.

Sssh Shines: The Feminist Sexpert Interviews Angie Rowntree


Just before the turn of the century, the women’s sexual revolution seemed to finally make its way into the visual realm; with feminist porn pioneers remaking love, so to speak, by presenting and representing the essence of feminine desire in the frames of high quality erotic films and other compelling media. At the forefront of this movement was Sssh.com, feminist porn for women and couples. As imagined by award-winning director and producer Angie Rowntree, Sssh.com is porn, re-imagined. Female-led and Female-focused, this revolutionary website is a source for ethically produced, explicit, sex-positive films–the true evolution of indie adult cinema.

Angie Rowntree
Copyright Angie Rowntree

The Feminist Sexpert is a proud writer for Sssh.Com. And she is proud to interview a femme porn pioneer, Ms. Angie Rowntree!

FS: Angie Rowntree, I am honored to welcome you as a guest to The Feminist Sexpert Interviews. We know you as a groundbreaking, award-winning adult filmmaker, one of the first to cater to women and couples. As both a director of erotic films, and a curator and creator of films at Sssh.com, what is your formula for a high quality and entertaining feminist porn film?

AR: Whether I’m creating or curating, I aim to present sex-positive films that have an emphasis on mutual pleasure, and especially a woman’s pleasure and perspective. Ultimately I want my films to provide something much more than just a depiction of sex, which is why Sssh original films are very story-driven, with strong characters and interesting plots. Another important aspect to me is that my films are visually compelling. Other than beautiful cinematography – I also really love symbolism, foreshadowing, and other visual elements. After all, arousal begins in the mind.

FS: When you started Sssh.com, it was one of the very few adult websites geared toward women. I understand that you got a skeptical response from many–but what kind of feedback have you gotten from women and couples over the years?

AR: The women who found my site in the early days were incredibly supportive and encouraging. I think, like me, they were tired of being told “women don’t like porn” or “women aren’t visual,” when in fact, hardly anyone at that point had even tried making adult entertainment for women. I was in virgin territory, so to speak! Honestly, I’m stubborn enough that I probably would have forged ahead with my goals even if I’d had no positive feedback at all. However, knowing that there were people who were interested in consuming exactly the kind of films I wanted to make definitely provided me with added determination.

Image from Sssh,com

FS: Sssh.com has grown to include so many forms of erotic media over the years, including audio erotica, erotic literature and radio plays, guided masturbation (I even hear that some upstart called the Feminist Sexpert is joining your writing staff!–winks). Do you feel that ASMR and erotic audio is a new frontier for erotic content creators?

AR: Actually, Sssh has always included, from the beginning, multiple forms of erotic media. In fact our first audio story was released in the early 2000s (in realmedia format). We’ve also always had a heavy focus on sexual health and wellness and have tried to find new ways to expand on that over the years.

ASMR has been around for a while now, but it’s definitely an underutilized and under-explored area of erotica. I love ASMR for the same reason I love books; as the listener, no matter how rich and detailed the audio is, your imagination still gets to fill in a lot of the blanks, so to speak. This is why we have pointedly avoided using “visual stimuli” in our ASMR or guided masturbation, because we want our members to enjoy creating and visualizing the “characters” they connect with.

FS: As a director, you have won many mainstream and indie adult industry awards. In addition, your films are renowned for their superior production values, cinematography, and writing. Do you have a favorite among your films, and what do you seek to achieve with each work?

AR: My primary goals for each film are the same. For one, I want to take the vision in my mind and deliver it as faithfully and completely as possible to the screen. Equally important – maybe even more important – is that I deliver something that resonates with my viewers, site members, and fans. To that end, I am really proud about Mirror Game, which has garnered over 56 wins and nominations from mainstream and adult festivals, including the 2021 XBIZ Award for Erotic-Themed Movie of the Year.

AR: Honestly, my favorite is always the film I’m working on next. I’m a restless creator and never truly satisfied. I also feel like I get better at my craft with each new film, so no matter how proud I am of a film I’m constantly looking back and re-envisioning, “How would I do that part differently if I did it again now?” In a sense, my dissatisfaction, however small it might be, with my past work is what pushes me to reach even higher on my next one. Don’t get me wrong; I’m very proud of all my films, I just think it’s so vital to continue to evolve and improve.

FS: I know that you are also a proponent of ethical porn. In today’s adult landscape, which seems to feature a great deal in the way of rough porn, how can we help to protect and preserve the humanity of performers?

AR: I feel compelled to note that it’s entirely possible to film porn that is both ethical and “rough.” If this were not the case, then producing ethical and responsible BDSM would be just about impossible. Ethical porn is certainly not limited to, nor is it embodied by any one “niche” of adult entertainment.

For me as a director, it all comes down to communication, consent, and cooperation. Directors and the performers they work with must communicate clearly and cooperate fully. Everything must be done with informed consent from the performers – and there must be a clear, unambiguous understanding that if a performer changes his or her mind, then they have the authority to call a stop to filming at any time. This is how I have always run my sets; and I hope the added emphasis on these crucial principles in recent years means that this sort of ethos is spreading far and wide in the adult industry now. Bottom line: ethical porn is a way of doing business.

FS: What advice would you give women who wish to create their own work as adult directors and writers?

AR: Follow your vision. If you encounter critics, ignore them and keep pushing ahead. I like to believe, or at least truly hope, that we’re past the point where women have to listen to the kind of negative garbage I received as feedback in the 90s – but if you do get any of that, just let it roll off your back and keep pursuing your goals. Even though there is more “female-friendly” adult entertainment now than there used to be, there’s still plenty of room for more! The more diverse our styles, aesthetics, and approaches are, the better it will be for our audiences – and of course, the more opportunities we’ll ultimately create for the women who follow in our footsteps.

Image from Sssh,com

The Feminist Sexpert agrees! Visit Sssh.Com today to check out their stellar line of films, erotic fiction, audio works, and an exciting new feature called Soiree–the ultimate adult movie date night.

“Sssh.com is proud to announce the arrival of “Sssh Soirée” – a new feature on the site which allows couples to watch porn together even when they’re apart, creating an entirely new kind of erotic experience by integrating fantasy and reality into a single package,” read a related news release. “Using Soirée, viewers can watch any movie or video content on Sssh.com while seeing and hearing each other in real-time, affording a level of interaction and intimacy that can’t be accomplished in a text-only chat environment.”

Members can host a “Soirée” by sending an invite link to their guest and creating a private, virtual viewing room. Then they can keep in touch by video and/or audio throughout the film. Privacy is ensured via this encrypted site, and so is fun! The Feminist Sexpert saw a trailer, and can’t wait to try Soiree soon!

For more information, go to sssh.com/soiree/, or contact Rowntree at twitter.com/AngieRowntree or press@sssh.com to request a demo of the platform.

The Scarlet Goddess: The Feminist Sexpert Interviews Avery Jane


With the beauty and natural grace of a ballet dancer and the strength and spirit of a fighter, Avery Jane is an adult actress and content creator who deserves another title: industry innovator.

This classically beautiful ebony goddess has the brains to back up the image, as is indicated by her use of a decorative A as part of her brand name; a literary reference to The Scarlet Letter, the classic Nathaniel Hawthorne tale of a woman persecuted because of her extramarital affair.

“I read the book in school and became a big fan. This is why the scarlet letter A speaks to me,” she said. “I related to it, because I’ve always been a sexual person–and I realized that, as long ago as that book was written, sexual women still get shamed all the time.”

Yet unlike the doomed heroine in The Scarlet Letter, Avery is proud of her sexuality. Her fans are proud as well, with her female fans sending her thank you letters for helping them grasp and realize their own sexual power.

“This is who I am,” she said. “I’m a passionate person. I want to reclaim the word whore.”

Her strength comes through in her performances, such as in the erotic wrestling scene, Avery Jane vs Jason Michaels for Evolved Fights (which was her 4th scene for the wrestling site). In this unique series, women wrestle against male opponents and come out on top!

“I like to be playfully rough in these fights,” she said. “You can still be pretty and cute, and strong enough to win the fight.”

Avery first perfected this balance of dominance and delicacy through her early career as a ballet dancer, and later as an exotic dancer.

“Dancing gave me a flexibility to stretch,” she said, “and allowed me to be confident in my body.”

It also gave her the discipline and creative control to achieve great diversity early in her career. She oversees an official site/ultimate fan club at AllofAveryJane.com for everything Avery, including exclusive photosets, videos, and more; and an OnlyFans page, onlyFans.com/averyjane. She writes her own scene descriptions and loves to come up with creative concepts and costumes for her content; infusing much of her content with an alt theme and also handpicking her costars, like favorite actor Charles Dera in her latest scene, “Ebony Babe Avery Jane Loves To Fuck Charles LIVE” from her live show with Dera in July for Cherry Pimps. She performed scenes for All Anal, PervCity, Cherry Pimps, Reality Kings, Evolved Fights, Evolved Lez, Aziani, Dogfart, Slut Inspection, and kink.com. And Avery was featured on the pages of the August 2021 issue of AVN Magazine and guested on Naked News the same month.

But Avery does draw the line at race play, or material that is disempowering for women. She believes that women should stick together in this business, praising the intelligence and strength of her sister performers. When this proud pansexual does a girl/girl scene, she likes to infuse the scene with a sense of realism–showing how women really make love. She is also mindful of the stereotypes and pay disparities facing people of color. And she aims to change them.

“I’m here to make a difference,” she said.

One other thing about Avery; she’s a total sweetheart and immediate sisterfriend who deserves every bit of her success.

Buy Avery Jane’s 100+ videos a la carte on ManyVids at AveryJaneXXX.com. Find out why Avery has almost a million views on Pornhub by liking and subscribing to her porn star verified page pornhub.com/pornstar/avery-jane and over 38k subscribers to her XVideos xvideos.com/model-channels/avery_jane. Look for her on cam on CamSoda at camsoda.com/averyjane. Find all her social media and premium links at allmylinks.com/averyjanexos.

“I want to tell all of the ladies out there to seize and enjoy their sexuality,” said Avery Jane, “just as men have been doing for years.”

The Feminist Sexpert agrees. And may I suggest also that we make every Scarlet A into an A plus!


Femmes Fatale: The Lesbian Porn Company that Made Herstory


The portrayal of lesbian sex has been a fixture of pornographic films since the dawn of the medium, when ‘girl on girl action’ dominated the frames of black and white stag films.
The only problem is, nobody got it right until the 1980s, with the dawn and birth of the woman-run Fatale Media. This was empowered, feminist, subversive erotica created by and for lesbians.

It’s only right that the next event in the “PinkLabel.tv Live Presents” virtual screening series, created and curated by prominent lesbian pornographer and PinkLabel.tv creator and curator Shine Louise Houston, is “Fatale Media’s Classic Dyke Porn” on Thursday, September 30, at 5 p.m. (PDT).

The event will be hosted by Houston with special guest Nan Kinney, Fatale co-founder, as they screen an array of films released by Fatale Media in the 1980s, ’90s and early ’00s.

“Thank God for Shine,” said Kinney, in an exclusive interview with The Feminist Sexpert. “If anybody was to tell me that, years after these movies were produced, they would be screened at virtual screenings and film festivals, I would have said they were crazy. The films have held up over time, and we can’t wait to show them to old and new audiences.”

And, many would say, thank God for Nan Kinney and her then partner, Debi Sundahl, who produced much of the first authentic lesbian erotica for a deprived audience; feeding their hungers and curiosities via an erotic film series, a live lesbian strip show performed exclusively for a female audience, and On Our Backs, the first–and to date–one of the few porn magazines to cater to–as its tagline read–the adventurous lesbian.

“Everything we did at Fatale was in a spirit of adventure,” said Kinney. “And we wanted to make porn that was right for lesbians.”

Aside from pictorials that featured women of all body types, erotic stories, and articles of interest to lesbians, On Our Backs featured advertisements for XXX lesbian porn films of every variety–and all produced by Fatale Media.

“Founded in 1984, Fatale Media produced explicit, high-quality videos geared to lesbians and other sexually adventurous souls,” a rep explained in a related news release. “Their production of lesbian erotic videos provided a hitherto absent service for the lesbian community. The company’s mission states: As women and homosexuals, lesbians deserve to have available to them quality sexual entertainment materials. These materials reflect the feminist right for control over our bodies, thereby promoting female sexual autonomy. These selections and excerpts showcase the excitement and importance of these now-classic dyke-produced adult films.”

(Right On!!!–Feminist Sexpert edit and interjection)

The virtual event’s schedule, noted the rep, includes butch/femme BDSM film “Shadows” (1985) directed by Debi Sundahl and Kinney; popular lesbian porn “Suburban Dykes” (1990) starring Nina Hartley, Pepper and Sharon Mitchell; “Safe is Desire” (1993), a feature film directed by Debi Sundahl showcasing San Francisco’s Safer Sex Sluts; and “Berlezk Live 2” (1993) directed by Kinney and Debbie Sundahl which documents “the first and longest-running lesbian striptease show, which played to women-only audiences in S.F. from 1984 to 1987 before expanding to twelve other cities in 1989.”

Each jewel in this curated collection represents a different take on the lesbian experience. Shadows starred a real-life couple who gave us an exciting glimpse into their private lives. Suburban Dykes starred a trio of porn legends offering a sexy, passionate tale of a couple in search of new thrills.

“Suburban Dykes is still screened at film festivals and has so many fans,” said Kinney. “The movie had humor and realism, which we tried to use in all of the movies.”

“Safe is Desire” was a vital film, presented at the dawn of the AIDS crisis, that presented and illustrated safe sex practices for lesbians.

“Some people didn’t want us to use the word safe in the title,” said Kinney. “But we were talking about safe sex techniques. And we needed to be. Eventually, the film ended up being shown in schools.”

“Berlezk 2” is a documentary depicting a San Francisco based female revue that brought lesbian fantasies to life for an all-female audience; often flipping the script by showcasing dancers dressed as brides, femme fatale screen sirens, drag kings, etc.

“These dancers were lesbians who wanted to perform for other women, who finally had their own strip club.” said Kenney.

Although varying in theme, these films all bore a vital and binding link.

“We got away from the old boys network of porn,” said Kenney. “This was something sexy and entertaining for women.”

Additional selections include “Take Her Down” (2003) directed by Barbara DeGenevieve, “presenting world-class champion oil wrestler Sondra Goodwin and the slippery depths of nude lesbian oil wrestling”; and “Full Load” (2003) directed by DeGenevieve depicting “transmasculine and lesbian sex scenes from the turn-of-the-century queer porn website ssspread.com, which were among some of the few available depictions of transmasculine sexuality.”

The Outfest UCLA Legacy Project for LGBT Moving Image Preservation provided access to the original masters, from which new HD digital files for this screening were created. And yep, a woman is behind that project as well.

“I’m so thankful to Jenni Olson for working to preserve the masters,” said Kinney.

The event is free to PinkLabel+ members; non-members may purchase a Film Pass for $7 (plus fees). The screenings are in English and open to those aged 18 and older.

Visit PinkLabel.tv for additional program details.

Follow Shine Louise Houston and PinkLabel.tv on Twitter for the latest updates.

Nan Kinney now is retired from the adult industry, but after some begging and pleading on The Feminist Sexpert’s part she did say this about the possibility of future Fatale productions.

“Never say never.”

And she has a message for those just beginning their sensual journey through the world of lesbian erotica.

“Explore,” she encouraged. “Try different sites, images and writings until you find what you like. And ask a friend.”

Or The Feminist Sexpert. Because thanks to the efforts of legendary trailblazers like Nan Kenney, I walk the trails they blazed.

The Feminist Sexpert Interviews Erika Lust

From the Erika Lust film Wanderlust, credit goes to Kristy

A true pioneer and creative leader in the world of feminist porn, director Erika Lust released her first film in 2004 and hasn’t slowed down since–directing a vast series of creative, ethically produced XXX features that also happen to be smoking hot. She has won more than 50 industry awards for her artistic interpretations of the female gaze, and expanded her empire to include room for four content sites and ample creative opportunities for people of all genders, colors and sexualities to express their message and vision. And now, Erika Lust brings us something Else.

Else Cinema is a pioneering softcore channel that showcases romance and sensuality in a highly artistic filmed forum.

The Feminist Sexpert is honored to interview one of her greatest inspirations and role models: Erika Lust.

Erika Lust_Portrait_Credits_Monica Figueras.

FS: Erika Lust, in your auspicious career as an erotic film director, you’ve covered a great deal of territory in terms of film types and genres–and now, you’re exploring the softcore realm with Else. What inspired you to host a special channel specifically for softcore films?

EL: “Not everyone wants to, or needs to see the more explicit sex scenes. Some people are very visual and others prefer to use their own imagination. There are many different ways to be sexual and it doesn’t always include intercourse, some don’t need any visual stimulation at all! Else Cinema is for the many fans of my work who want to experience sex and sexuality from a different perspective. It’s about engaging all your senses, and more about how sex feels rather than how it looks.

On this same line, I am about to launch my brand new audio erotica content at Else Cinema! Created hand by hand with BLAZE, I wanted for each and every story of the Else Cinema Audio Erotica to be sex positive, safe, consensual, and inclusive – just as much as the films. I see audio erotica as a conscious, empowering, and above all personal way to consume erotica and I hoped to bring the high standards of our audiovisual storytelling to the world of audio sex stories. Else Cinema Audio Erotica will be available starting from August and will be for free for premium subscribers.”

FS: As a softcore fan myself, I love the genre because it tends to feature more tenderness and more of a story than hardcore. What challenges does this pose to you as a filmmaker? And do you feel that softcore can be more romantic and respectful in content, for both performers and viewers?

EL: “I’ve always paid attention to make sure to capture tenderness and romance and, in general, chemistry. Real connection is sexy! But, being sex positive also means understanding that not everyone is turned on by the same thing and that, above all, there are no better sexual experiences than others, as long as they are based on consent.

I personally don’t believe that hardcore porn is necessarily less respectful or has less of a story than softcore. We can have consensual and respectful sexual relationships whether they are romantic, kinky, or anything in between! This is what I strive to show through all my sites XConfessions, Lust Cinema, and Else Cinema; that no matter what the type of sex, what really matters is equal pleasure, honest communication, and mutual consent.”

FS: Else also features films from other directors, an auspicious list of feminist directors that are widely known. How did you select the films?

EL: “It’s important for me to work only with directors who have the same values and create ethical content across all my platforms. I’ve been lucky enough to work with some amazing directors over the years so it’s easy to find new work within this indie erotica community. With the help of my team, I personally handpick each month new films to license which are coming from a growing movement of directors who are changing the industry from within, by positively portraying human sexuality and shaping a relevant change in gender perceptions.”

FS: How did you plan the categories of Else films, as I know that the themes are diverse.

EL: “When deciding on the categories we were thinking of how people search for movies and also what are the most popular fantasies. The categories are representative of the variety of content Else Cinema provides.”

FS: Erika, we have to have a word about your kilt movie. For more years than I can count, I myself have purchased the men in kilts calendar each and every year. Thank you for this movie–what inspired it?

EL: “As all of the films on XConfessions it was inspired by a confession sent in by a fan. I had such a good time filming this movie on a hot summer day! It’s always interesting to read the confessions people send in because you realize that almost anything can be sexy or a creative inspiration. I think many of us have wondered what is under those kilts… I love playing with those fantasies and making them come to life.”

FS: Would you like to give updates on your other lines, like XConfessions and Lust Cinema?

EL: “I recently released my first South Asian inspired short film for XConfessions, The Saree Shop, which I co-directed with none other than acclaimed performer and sex educator Kali Sudhra! It was an amazing experience making this and I learnt a lot about the saree and South Asian traditions from Kali and Kajal, which I’m forever grateful for. I urge you to watch the behind the scenes video and Kajal’s interview video to hear more about their own experiences.

As for Lust Cinema, we just released the first episode of season 2 of Primary – an original series directed by our Lust Cinema exclusive contract director Casey Calvert. Following the success of the first season, Primary 2 continues to develop the stories of two non-monogamous couples’ journeys of love and lust. It’s a beautifully shot inside look at the highs and lows of modern day relationships through the lens of polyamorous millennials.

Finally, I would also encourage you to check out my Lust Zine as well. The zine is uncensored, meaning that guest writers and myself cover everything related to sex, kink, sexuality, intimacy, filmmaking, feminism and the adult industry… totally uncensored.”

FS: No question here–I just want to thank you for being a pioneer and a continuing inspiration for women in the erotic film industry–and for always being so supportive of other women in the industry, myself included. I know we’ll talk again soon.:)

EL: “Thank you for reaching out and for watching my films!”

If He’s Said I Do, Here’s How to Say I Don’t: The Feminist Sexpert Guide to Rejecting Married Men

Photo by Monstera from Pexels



The Feminist Sexpert actively dislikes playing the drinking game Never Have I Ever, because–well–I never get to drink! I’ve pretty much tried everything on the sexual spectrum, and (as my icon Mae West phrases it) “Twice if it feels good!” But the one thing I’ve never done–and that I never plan to do–is have an affair with a married man.

Why? Well, I attribute this decision to a mixture of both modern and traditional values. Modern in the sense that–well–I’m the Feminist Sexpert damn it, and I refuse to break the Girl Code by dallying with somebody else’s man. Traditional in the sense that, the times that I’ve attended weddings, I take the ‘forsaking all others’ bit pretty darned seriously.  

But, some might ask: What if he’s in an open marriage? Nope. What if he isn’t legally married but is in a serious relationship? Nope. What if he’s really, really hot? Sigh, it physically wounds me to say this, but….No. Look, I’ve even surrendered crushes on favorite male models and adult actors once I found out they were hitched or seriously committed.

Is it always easy? No. I’ve turned down some major league hotties, with my clit and pussy screaming–no, make that wailing–a chorus of protest every step of the way–but at the end of the day, my heart and my mind stay good.

To any sisterfriends out there who have trouble resisting the charms of bewedded baes, here are a few tips that might help:

1. Get to know their spouses and families. If this isn’t possible, at least locate photos of them on social media. Once you see that smiling sisterfriend or that adorable kid, you wouldn’t dream of doing ’em dirty.

2. If you have to interact with Tommy Tempter at work or in a social group, be sure not ‘go to the barbecue hungry,’ if you catch my meaning. If you have a partner yourself, work with him/her/they to heat things up in the bedroom so that you don’t leave home unsatisfied. If you are happily self-partnered like myself, hit up your friends with bens, hire a male companion (my favorite remedy for just about any sexual issue–ride ’em Cowgirl!), attend a male strip show, buy a new toy and some porn, etc.

3. Avoid developing deep, close friendships with married men–unless they’re married to other men and are not tempted by female you, or bear such a strong likeness to Quasimodo on Quaaludes that you’re not even remotely tempted. A fun friendship date that seems like just a lunch or just a movie could become more. Restrict social messaging to work-related topics or quick hi/byes.

4. Seek some artistic inspiration.  See the Jill Clayburgh classic “An Unmarried Woman” to see the story of a woman who bravely survives her husband’s betrayal and abandonment. Or listen to the classic Shirley Murdock song “Husband.” The powerful lyrics include:

“My desire for you is strong, but I won’t do wrong. You’re that lady’s husband…

My decency prevails… Well I’m a lady with class and I know my desire will pass…

This cannot [be] because you are her husband.”

5. Think about what it would be like if the high heel was on the other foot. Imagine the pain and anger of finding out that the man of your heart was breaking yours–with the help of another woman.

6. Don’t believe his bunk. Of course he’s going to tell you his wife is so darned evil, she makes Maleficent look like Doris Day. What is he going to say? “My wife is a sweet, wonderful woman, which I’m sure will make you feel just wonderful about helping me betray her?” If she is indeed such an awful person, he needs to divorce her. But if his come on starts with the line, “My wife doesn’t understand me,” then the ultimate cool reply is, “Then the poor dear and I have something in common. Think I’ll call her up, and we’ll do coffee.”


‘Bro’dellos: The Feminist Sexpert Explores the Concept of Brothels for Women

Photo by Tara Winstead from Pexels

What’s a ‘Bro’dello?

We as women have come a long way, Baby–and, in doing so, we’ve learned so many new ways to come!

Back in the 1960s, when men got to enjoy their own nifty little sexual revolution, women basically served coffee at the event. At that time, no one could imagine the concept of male exotic dancers who catered to women, femme porn, women’s literary erotica, and male companions for women. Yet with the 1970s came the Chippendales and LaBare, with the 1980s came the release of the film American Gigolo and the arrival of a number of exotic male companions who catered to women. And throughout these decades, women’s written erotica has become a multimillion dollar industry–and, finally, the porn industry is catching up.

Yet in the world of women’s sexual liberation, we have one final frontier to conquer: the male brothel for women. Or, as the Feminist Sexpert would very much prefer to call them, brodellos!

Many people still insist that ladies are simply not interested in the concept. This despite the fact that a number of popular romances have concerned the topic of ‘houses of pleasure’ directed at women; from Kathryn Harvey’s Butterfly (1989) to Lynne Kaufman’s Slow Hands (2003) to my own Under Cover of the Night (2008)–as has a popular femme porn film, Inpulse’s Erection Services (see what they did there, Folks?).

Around 2010, some concrete plans were set into motion to at least integrate male employees into the staff rosters of legal brothels in Nevada. Yet these facilities reported low turnout among female customers, and folks jumped to the conclusion that, while they might see male companions in private, women simply weren’t interested in going out in public and seeking erotic pleasure at public facilities. Um, have these folks ever been to a male strip show? A swingers club? A showing of Magic Mike?

I believe that a legal, ethical male brothel for woman is a workable business model–one that is not without precedent. At least two of these establishments have found great success in South Africa, for example. Yet it must be done right. Read on as The Feminist Sexpert tells you how to run a safe and successful “Brodello” for Women!!

1. The Brodello Must Be an Establishment that Offers Men Only for Women Only

Many women are not going to feel safe or comfortable venturing alone into a brothel teeming with men in search of female providers. They need to step into a safe space shared with and hopefully operated by other women, staffed by a wide selection of beautiful, respectful men devoted to their pleasure. 

2. The Brodello Must Be Ethically Operated.

Like any business establishment, the ‘bro’thel should be ethically and legally operated, with absolutely no abuse, human trafficking, dangerous working conditions, secret filming, or disrespect allowed.

3. The Brodello Must Be Beautiful

A classically designed home would be the best setting, designed in a feminine style and clean-lined, attractive manner. Fantasy suites would also be a plus. Want to dress up as a female gladiator or empress, while lots of inordinately handsome servants and harem dudes dance to your attendance? Go ‘head. The Feminist Sexpert won’t judge.

4. The Brodello Must Be Secure.

All staff members should undergo a complete screening prior to their hiring, to ensure that they are safe and healthy, discreet and gentle. By the same token, a staff member should always have the discretion to end an appointment if they feel unsafe or uncomfortable.

From the pages of erotic books to the frames of adult films, brothels for women have existed for years in the dark corners of the female imagination. Yet, with any and all things related to female sexuality, it’s time for the ‘brodello’ concept to see the light of night!



Making Her Dreams Come True: The Making of Bellesa’s Rebecca & Ramon

Bellesa Films

Ramon and Rebecca by Bellesa Films

Don’t allow her super cute, girl next door looks fool you. Beautiful Rebecca Vanguard is a super smart businesswoman and content creator who also delivers sexy, empowered and uniquely arty performances in high end XXX features. She is also a woman with a fantasy–a dream that this modern day Cinderella realized with the help of a powerful Fairy Godsister–herself a guiding force in the arena of feminist porn.

Recently Rebecca wrote Bellesa House director Jacky St. James a long letter that detailed a favorite sexual fantasy; one starring an acclaimed porn stud, that she yearned to bring to life in the form of a hot XXX movie produced at Bellesa, an iconic feminist adult studio.

The Prince Charming in this dirty Cinderella story is legendary performer Ramon Nomar, a classically handsome seducer often considered a favorite among female fans and performers alike.

The Bellessa House scene “Rebecca & Ramon” is most literally a fantasy on film; a movie that translates the desires of its starlet most literally “to the letter.” Jacky St. James directed this scene, in which Rebecca both rims and receives anal intercourse from Ramon Nomar.

OK, so that particular plot diverges a bit from the ‘ball and glass slipper’ motif; but hey, it works.

“It was incredibly unique. It wasn’t just about working with Ramon, but also about how she wanted to give him a rim job. She was very open about her desires and it was incredibly refreshing – someone who just put their fantasy out there in the hopes of turning it into a reality,” said Jacky.

“Ultimately, it was up to Rebecca and Ramon to make the scene what they wanted in the moment. I booked the location and coordinated with Ramon (ensuring his comfortability with the fantasy) and the rest was in their hands. When someone wants to bring a fantasy to life, less involvement by a director is important. Choreographing a fantasy makes it feel forced and at Bellesa we want the performers to be their most authentic selves. Sometimes that means that the fantasy does not translate perfectly – but giving them the freedom and space to explore is what is critical.”

Ramon, say Jacky and Rebecca, was excited to assume the role of Rebecca’s subject of desire; to, indeed, be wanted so much by such an enchanting woman. And the feeling was mutual.

“Ramon is a busy guy and I’ve never worked with him. As a sex worker, I’m a provider and a consumer, and I’ve always liked him,” said Rebecca. “He likes anal, a lot of guys aren’t into it. Plus I have a thing for accents–hot foreign accents–and his is Spanish/European. And he seems open to everything that a lot of guys have stigmas about.”

Oh, and The Feminist Sexpert must add (because, well, I am The Feminist Sexpert), the dude is just really, really hot. See pictorial evidence of this point above, as provided by Bill William Compton, CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons.

Rebecca compares her letter to Jacky St. James as a missive written to Santa–one that fulfilled her deepest wishes. Only it was Ramon’s lap on which she ultimately sat.

“Female porn is the brand for Bellessa, which provides a film format for women, so they can finally talk about and find out their desires, and not feel like weird perverts. It’s passionate, intense, I’m into it,” said Rebecca. “I wrote a letter to Jacky because it’s more creative to write descriptions for scenes, a story–letting my imagination run wild.”

And the results, says Jacky, were nothing short of sizzling.

“Rebecca was very shy at first, which I expected. She had been attracted to Ramon for a while and therefore her shyness felt incredibly real and natural. Whenever a scene for Bellesa House happens, it’s always magical and unique and different than anything we’ve seen before because these people have a story and a reason they are being paired together,” she explained. “Ramon took the lead (as he often does) which helped Rebecca become more comfortable and give her the confidence to explore her ultimate fantasy.”

And that, says Jacky, is always the mission behind her work.

“I want every person who arrives to set to feel both safe and comfortable. The environment we create at Bellesa is one where people are encouraged to speak out, to share their do’s and don’ts, and to have a truly enjoyable and connected experience with their scene partner,” she reveals. “Empowering the performers to select their scene partner is a part of that. It eliminates a lot of the unnecessary stress a performer might feel, let’s say, if they are paired with a complete stranger or someone they’ve never met.”

Rebecca calls this scene “everything I thought it would be and more” and a definite career first–but knowing this spunky feminist, it won’t be a last.

With just a little more than two years in the business, Rebecca has shot scenes for Evil Angel, Jules Jordan, Brazzers, Girlsway, Pure Taboo, Twistys, Wicked Pictures, Zero Tolerance, MOFOs, Nubiles, Bang Bros., PervCity, Throated, Kink.com, Reality Junkies, Swallowed, and more. Rebecca has scored multiple coveted nominations including Best New Starlet from the NightMoves Awards and Porn Star Live Cam Performer of the Year from the Cammy Awards. She has also nabbed tons of Spank Bank Awards nods, and in 2019 won Most Servile Sub of the Year and a technical award as Badlands Becky. Rebecca has been featured in Hustler and Xcitement, as well as mainstream sites Input, Vox, and Medium.

As a content creator, Rebecca seeks–not only to realize her own vision–but to spotlight the talent and beauty of other women as well. Check out her niche site pukeonmybush.com and brand new 4K glamour porn site Tru6lack (pronounced True Black) tru6lack.com showcasing Black women. And find her doing live feature shows on Cam4 cam4.com/vanguard.

“I love it when other girls who are performers comment, “I love this idea, cool.” I like to appeal to the female market. I’m not competitive versus other girls,” she said. “Porn attracts naturally outspoken women, although others may tell us to just shut up about it. I encourage other women to be outspoken, confident, give it a shot.”

In Rebecca’s eyes, all women are beautiful and deserve their time in the spotlight.

“I work with BBW performers, trans performers, women of all colors….I believe in making a girl feel good about herself, glamorous. I hire a makeup artist, have a nice location, I make her feel special,” she said. “This is my own content. Being a female performer, I know male talent, I edit my own stuff, I learned to do video, lighting, to the point where I am making a good product.”

Keep up with everything in Rebecca’s world. Follow her Twitter @rebeccavanguard and Instagram @rebeccavanguardofficial. “Rebecca & Ramon” can be seen at bellesafilms.com/scene/4463591/rebecca-ramon.

On a personal note: As Rebecca is an awesome sisterfriend, I can’t be jealous of her, overmuch; even so, I can’t help but be a little envious that The Feminist Sexpert doesn’t have the luxury of writing a top feminist porn director when I want some sexy time with a favorite hunk. However, Jacky St. James tells me this:

“The best advice I can give anyone is not to think or talk about what you want – but to actually pursue it. If you want to work with someone – tell them, or tell Bellesa House. If you want to write a porn, write one and then try and pitch it. Dreams cannot happen in reality without action.”

OK, so now The Feminist Sexpert is hearing strains of the old Pointer Sisters ditty “Should I Do It?” going through my head. Should I write my own lusty letter? My own smexy script? Decisions, Decisions, Ladies….stay tuned!

Powerful Penny: The Feminist Sexpert Interviews Penny Barber

Image from Penny Barber

Her handle may be Pampered Penny. Yet after talking with Entrepreneur Penny Barber (AKA Penelope Barber), producer/director, performer, storyteller/filmmaker, and author, the Feminist Sexpert would like to bequeath a new title on this formidable Elizabeth Taylor lookalike: Powerful Penny.

Known for playing the busty, glasses-wearing Taboo MILF who likes to sling verbal humiliation and Kinky Mommy Dom in equal measure, Penny has made her own special mark on the adult industry for more than a decade. Indeed, this proud feminist has made countless clips, authored two books on age play, and shot with various independent clip producers. She has worked with AllHerLuv/Missa X, Sweet Femdom, Team Skeet, MYLF.com, PervMom, Kink.com, and Gwen Media. As a content creator, she enters film festivals and creates professional cinematic pieces. And her award shelf is overflowing, lined with honors from the Best MILF Clip Artist from the 2021 XBIZ Cam Awards (an award that came complete with a prominent feature in the current XBIZ World Mag), to noms for Most Popular Fetish Star from the Urban X Awards, Best Clip Performer of the Year from the Fleshbot Awards, Favorite Domme from the AVN Awards, and Girl-Girl Scene of the Year from the Inked Awards.

“I always strive to do good work and connect with audiences,” she said. “It brings me a sense of accomplishment to be acknowledged.”

Penny also sees her honors as validation of the empowered glamour that a ‘MILF’ can bring to the adult industry.

“These days, older women are more fetishized,” she said. “There was once this bizarre belief that a woman had to be in her 20s to be appealing. That’s not true–a woman of 40, of 50, can be just as sexy.”

And as they supply rich erotic fantasies to audiences everywhere, Penny insists that she and other performers be treated with respect on set; gladly offering assistance to performers who feel disrespected on set.

“I always believe that, if you don’t like something, say something,” she said. “I’ve always been the girl on set that other girls could come and talk to if they had a problem.”

The same goes for fans.

“I love connecting with my fans,” she said. “And while I understand that people get explicit in requesting what they want to see when they order custom photos and videos from me, they need to know how to act when talking to me.”

The Feminist Sexpert, who herself has been on the receiving end of disrespectful communications as a writer and marketer in adult, cannot second this sentiment more. I care about the way that the public treats my sisterfriends and me; and to me, every woman who creates, promotes, writes and/or appears in content is a sisterfriend.

As for sisterfriend Penny, she says that there’s not a moment to spare in her life, as she writes, produces, directs and performs her way to fame.

“There’s so much I want to do,” she says.

Stay in the know about everything in her world by following her Twitter at @pamperedpenny and Instagram @PennyBarberMILF. Support her art by subscribing to her official site tabooview.com, buying her clips at Clips4Sale clips4sale.com/studio/18369/miss-penny-barber and clips4sale.com/studio/11315/pampered-penny and ManyVids manyvids.com/Profile/147843/Penny-Barber/Store/Videos, as well as subscribing to her OnlyFans at onlyfans.com/pamperedpenny. “Like” her Pornhub videos pornhub.com/pornstar/penny-barber. Check out her mainstream and Indie projects at pennybarberfilms.com.

A Lyon Among Feminist Adult Filmmakers: The Feminist Sexpert Interviews Jennifer Lyon Bell


Jennifer Lyon Bell is most literally a first among equals in the world of feminist erotica; one of the first and best to capture female fantasies on film–and to great cinematic effect, as every film released through her signature production company Blue Artichoke Films is a work of sensual art.

Jennifer Lyon Bell

The Feminist Sexpert is proud to interview a feminist sex industry pioneer: Ms. Jennifer Lyon Bell.

1. For the past decade, you’ve been bringing us beautiful feminist porn films, featuring tenderness, arty visuals and compelling storylines. Tell us about your newest release, Wild Card!

Wild Card is the second in a series of “erotic game films” I’ve been making. It’s really fun. The first one, Adorn, was such a nice surprise that I wanted to make a new one with a new cast and a new game. So, in Wild Card, Bishop Black and Kali Sudhra come together in a room that has cards hidden all over it. Each card has a not-typically-sexual body part listed, like elbow. Their game is to do as much as they can with or to that body part, for as long as it’s fun, and then move onto the next card. I made sure they know they had freedom to be goofy, rough, loving, erotic —whatever they felt in the moment. And they could talk and communicate as much as they liked, in whatever way they liked. What I like about these two game films is that the performers have to get really creative about foreplay and sex itself, because they can’t just launch into the typical list of activities in a certain order that we’ve been taught to expect from mainstream films and porn movies alike. I think this is a great message — sex is creative, and as long as you and your partner feel free to be honest with each other, you can craft a sexual experience together that’s maximally enjoyable for both of you. As a bonus, Kali and Bishop are friends — not partners, just good friends — outside of the film, so they have a fondness for each other that you can sense. It’s a perfect combination of comfortableness and electric-charged clumsiness, as they find their way towards getting aroused and climaxing! (Climaxing many times, in Kali’s case).

See a preview of one of her films (Second Date VR):

2. What first inspired you to make erotic films from a woman’s point of view?

I liked porn when I first saw it, but I wished that it was a better fit for my own sexuality. As a cisgender woman myself, I felt that porn was missing some of the activities that my friends and I most enjoyed in real life, like fingering. I wanted to integrate those back in. And, although I personally like looking at people in all different gender combinations, I really missed seeing the face and body of men in mainstream porn. I think that’s why so many women watch gay porn, to really enjoy the faces and bodies of men. So I wanted to bring that back into movies as well. I expected that it was mainly women who would enjoy the films I was making. To my surprise, it became immediately clear that just as many men liked it too. They even wrote me letters about it. I’m glad that so many different kinds of viewers share my view on what’s sexy.

3. What do you feel that are the ingredients or elements of a good feminist porn film?

I think a feminist porn film involves the vision, the production practices, and the message.

Vision: the film reflects the erotic vision of a woman —or somebody who’s in a sexual minority not usually represented in mainstream porn, like trans folx

2) Production practices: the director creates on-set labor practices that are fair for cast and crew, especially including women and sexual minorities. Fair pay, time for breaks, good food, safer sex materials.

3) Message: The overall message of the film contributes positively to sexual culture. Maybe it shows gender relationships in a healthier way, or lends visibility to sexual practices we don’t often see on film, or even brings attention to an underrepresented fantasy.

4. You explored Virtual Reality in your release, Second Date. What special challenges did this present?

I loved shooting Second Date! Shooting VR, particularly 360° VR, is wholly different than shooting regular cinema. For one, the cinematic language is different. You can’t cut back-and-forth between characters, or it would make the audience disoriented and nauseated! You have to embrace that the viewer can choose to look anywhere they want. You can guide their choices, but you can’t force them. And the physical shooting situation is so different. For 360° video, you plan and light the whole set, and direct the performers, and then when shooting starts, the entire crew has to physically leave the set. You have to trust the performers intensely. Luckily for me, that’s already the way I shoot. We do a lot of advance preparation and then I very much trust the performers to do what they feel is right in the moment. VR came naturally for me. What I liked about applying virtual reality to erotic moments is that the movie gets a very real-time feel. Second date is actually a real second date between the two performers, and you can see how the real intimacy builds slowly between them, as if you were literally standing right next to them. It’s organic and intense.

5. Your films hold great crossover appeal on the indie and adult film circuits. Do you find that your work is popular with people who generally don’t enjoy porn?

Absolutely! It’s fair that there are many people who wanted to find something arousing, tried some random porn, and didn’t care for it because it didn’t meet their needs. That’s part of why I sometimes try to use alternative wording when I can, like “explicit erotic film,“ or “adult cinema,” to communicate that you might get a different experience than you would expect from a sex movie. I think the reason that I’ve been lucky to have my films run at art/indie film theaters and cinemas, as well as in more traditional porn channels, is that I’m trying to integrate emotion with sexuality, and, if possible, in a surprising way. Folks that are into art films are interested in that. There’s so much great filmmaking that we can still do that fits in between the traditional porn and traditional arthouse film genres!

That’s one reason I felt it was important to build our own Blue Artichoke Films platform. While some of my films are available on other ethical porn platforms, I wanted to create a fresh space for people who didn’t feel that it was necessarily porn. And then, at the same time, I could use the platform to open up doors for them to all kinds of sex-positive culture they might like: events like play parties and screenings nights, blog posts chatting about TV shows and sexual culture, and then of course the films themselves. It’s like an erotic community.

6. Tell me more about your public lecturing regarding film and women’s issues.

I really enjoy public speaking and I try to use my platform as a filmmaker to draw attention to issues I think are important. For one, I teach classes about erotic filmmaking to film professionals and students. They tell me that it’s very rare anyone offers them tools and suggestions for how to approach writing or directing a sex scene. No wonder there are so many sexual representations out there that are clichéd and boring! It’s gratifying to help the next generation of filmmakers with building that toolkit. I do the same when I teach my erotic filmmaking workshop, “From Fantasy To Film: Design Your Own Erotic Film.” It gives you ideas of how to dive into the emotional core of what you find personally sexy in a scene, so that you can bring it out and do it justice. In many cases, the people that take my workshop are just everyday folks who feel inspired to explore their sexuality, and the workshop becomes a space for them to get in touch with what they truly like. It’s empowering to be honest with yourself about your desires. People seem to get a lot of enjoyment and relief from these workshops.

I also do quite a bit of speaking where I show filmclips and educate folks about the wide variety of erotic ethical film that’s already out there! Most people have no idea, and I am pleased to evangelize for this genre of film.

And because feminism is the underpinning of all my filmmaking work, I’m always happy to talk about the relationship between feminism and porn, or the ways in which we as a culture could do a better job improving sexual culture by changing the way we represent sexuality in porn, mainstream movies, and advertisements.

7. What’s next for Jennifer Lyon Bell and Blue Artichoke Films?

Now that the pandemic is ending, I can’t wait to start shooting again! Fiction, experimental – the sky is the limit.