“Guybrator” Ad Attracts Thousands of Sex Toy “Testers”

“Unstimulated by your job?” the ad read. “Apply to be a sex toy tester at Hot Octopus, creators of Pulse, the world’s first “Guybrator.” In 24 hours over 2,500 willing masturbators applied for “work.” “People were applying from all over the world – Finland, Brazil, Greece. We just didn’t expect it,” company founder Adam Lewis told The London Mirror.

After narrowing down the field, one lucky part-time employee was chosen and given the title “orgasm engineer”. Try putting that on your Linkedin resume.

The device uses the technology  is known as Penile Vibratory Stimulation (PVS), a medical technique that helps men with spinal injuries ejaculate. It uses a piston-type mechanism that makes it move up and down.  For people with spinal cord injuries it allows users to ejaculate without the need for an erection. For the healthy guy, it feels like someone else’s hand is moving up and down, instead of his own for a change.


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