Whether you’re aiming for G-spot stimulation, or you just want to rub the A-spot or entire vagina canal in general, these tips can help.
• Use lube.
• Make sure your fingernails are cut short and filed smoothly.
• The same goes for rough hands.
• Wash your hands beforehand to avoid spreading bacteria, which can cause infection.
• Start with one finger.  You can always add more (some individuals like four fingers or even to be fisted), you want to give them time to get used to each finger as you rub the vagina internally.
• Pay attention to their responses.  If they get tense, pull away, seems disinterested, or is in pain, do less of that. If they moan, breathe heavier, get closer to you, keep it up!
@shadeyontop debra.shade.youcanbook.me