Nipples: The Owners’ & Users’ Manual

Nipples. Oh, those wonderful parts of your body that Facebook and most online and traditional media don’t want to see – unless you’re a guy, then it’s perfectly A-OK. But like any part of your body, you should know a bit about them.

Nipple Facts

Areolas become darker on some women when they’re sexually excited.

Women in some cultures have been known to paint their nipples to darken them in hope of inspiring passion in their mates.

Some women have dark hairs that look almost like little eye lashes on the outer edge of the areola. Don’t fret. This is perfectly normal.

Each nipple has about 15 to 20 tiny openings. Some connect to milk ducts and some to Montgomery glands that produce a protective white, oily lubricant for the skin. The little whitish bumps let you know where some of these openings are.

Nipple Erections

When we get sexually aroused, the apocrine glands in the areolae release scented sweat, often referred to as pheromones. Although the odor is undetectable, it may subconsciously increase sexual attractiveness to your partner.

Unlike an erect penis, which enlarges as filled with blood, erect nipples are caused by contracting muscles under the skin.

Nipples become erect for many other reasons than sexual arousal, like if you’re cold or if fabric rubs against them.

Sometimes a woman’s nipples may not be erect when she is sexually excited.

Because large nipples have more nerve endings, they tend to be hypersensitive. (Go easy on them, guys.)

The areola—the dark-colored circle that surrounds the nipple—is actually more sensitive than the nipple itself.

About 10-20% of women have inverted nipples. They’re caused by shorter than usual milk-bearing ducts in the breast.

Nipplegasms Or Nipple Orgasms

Nipple orgasms are for real! Researchers at Rutgers University used fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) to view the brain activity of women touching themselves in various places. When the women were asked to stimulate their nipples, the data gathered revealed that nipple stimulation lights up the same part of the brain connected with genital stimulation.

Extra Nipples?

Some people have supernumerary nipples, or extra nipples. Guys have extra nipples more often than females; 1 in 18 males and 1 in about 50 females have them. And a very select numbers of people have as many five or six nipples. Extra nipples usually run down the abdomen, along the milk line. They’ve also been found on other locations, like on feet.

During medieval times, extra nipples were called “witches’ teats” or “witches’ marks”. They were believed to be a sign that person was consorting with diabolical forces or a witch who used it to feed her babies or lovers with her blood.

In 5th century Europe, nipple hardness was used to measure temperature. In fact, “Celsius” means “solid nipple”.

The Irish are a kinky bunch. Centuries ago, the king’s nipples were considered sacred, and his subjects showed their obedience by ritually sucking his nipples during royal ceremonies.

Basic Nipple Play

Nipple Play Tips

• Start out slow. Nipples tend to come to attention best with the lightest of touches.
• Focus on the upper quadrant of the areola, between 10 and 2 o’clock. It’s the most sensitive part of the bull’s-eye, especially on small nipples.
• Wait until nipples get hard before pinching, biting or playing with nipple clamps
• Not everyone likes their nipples played with. For some people, it can be annoying or unpleasant like tickling.

How to play with Clover Clamps

Alligator nipple clips are awesome! Just adjust the tensioner screw to find the right level of pain/comfort and so that they stay on and don’t fall off.

Nipple Clamp Tips

• To minimize pain shock, breathe in deeply just before putting nipple clamps on and let out a deep breath once they go on. When taking nipple clamps off, remove them slowly. Take in a deep breath right before releasing them, then take a long, slow breath out once they’re off.

• For first-timers, don’t wear nipple clamps any longer than 15-20 minutes

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Bobby Morgan was a prolific and dedicated sex blogger, sexuality advocate and beditor-in-chief at A Good Woman's Dirty Mind (2012-2015), as well as creator of #AdultSexEdMonth (2013-2015). She was well loved and know by the sex-positive educator's community. She died suddenlt in 2015 at the age of 52, leaving a large body of work behind her. Before she died, she made me an Admin of her FB page, and gave me permission to syndicate her articles. So much of her writing still resonates today, so I am making her work available via Sexpert to share with a larger audience. "[My blog] was built on the inspiration of the love affair of a lifetime between me and my lover, Parrot... If only we could teach, bottle, sell or share our secrets of our great sex, romance and relationship, more people would be happier and more fulfilled. Like the way Parrot and I talk with each other, A Good Woman’s Dirty Mind is open, frank, and nakedly explicit in the way it talks about sex and relationships... In short, A Good Woman’s Dirty Mind is all about real sex — and really great sex at that — for real people." Website:


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