Press Release: Summer Sexcapades Spark Testing Plea

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Press Release:  Summer Sexcapades Spark Testing Plea from STI Experts, BasisDx.

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Silicon Valley, Tuesday 13th August 2024: BasisDx, the leading U.S. provider of at-home STI testing kits, warns Americans who enjoy a vacation romance to get a full panel STI test, as the worldwide STI epidemic surges.

New data reveals that while 26% of the US population actively sought a summer fling, a staggering 17% of those looking for a one night stand while on vacation were in a partnered relationship. The familiar saying “what happens on vacation stays on vacation,” is not often the case as many travelers return with an STI.

“While sun, sea, and sex are a legendary combination, timely detection is vital in today’s global transmission landscape. You no longer need to schedule a blood draw and take more time off from work. Now bacterias, viruses and parasites can be quickly caught with a simple at-home collection kit,” – says Susan Bratton, Chief Advocacy Officer for BasisDx.

With Syphilis cases at a level not witnessed since the 1950’s, and the global STI epidemic continuing unabated, renowned infectious disease expert Andreas M. Kogelnik, MD, PhD, CEO and Chief Scientific Officer at BasisDx, makes an urgent appeal to those returning from vacation to get tested two weeks after vacation.

“I’m not one for scaremongering, but I’ve been studying infectious diseases for more than two decades, and I have never been as concerned as I am right now”, Dr. Kogelnik warned.

“We’re witnessing unprecedented surges of infections that once plagued our great grandparents. Syphilis cases increased by 68% between 2018 and 2022 and this trend continues, meanwhile it also becomes more challenging to treat some infections: multi-drug resistant gonorrhea (or super gonorrhea) cases have been increasingly reported globally. It’s not just an epidemic of the young, STIs are spreading across all demographics particularly in the over 50’s age group.

“As the summer is ending and people start returning from vacation, it’s a crucial step for one’s personal and public sexual health to test for STIs if you had sex with a new partner on holiday. Many STIs have an incubation period of about two weeks, so it’s recommended to wait this period of time after sexual activity to make sure your test results are accurate. However, if you experience any symptoms earlier, an in-clinic visit is necessary as soon as possible.”

For those looking for the easiest and most discreet STI testing option, the next generation of at-home collection STI testing kits like those from BasisDx provide an easy and efficient solution. Technology has advanced to the point where a home-collection kit can accurately detect HIV 1&2,  Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, Hepatitis C, Trichomoniasis, Mycoplasma genitalium, Gardnerella and HSV 1 & 2.

With a results turnaround between 24-48 hours and a high level of precision, BasisDx’s testing kits range in price from $58.00 – $199.00 with follow-up telemedicine appointments available.

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Tamara Bell holds a BS in Business Management. She is the founder of the Home Pleasure Party Plan Association, LLC., where she helps party plan business owners grow their business. She is the owner of a Love Coaching practice in Yuma, AZ, where she has been educating women and couples on ways to enhance their relationship for over 28 years. She has participated as a V-Day vendor for 10 years, helping colleges raise money for various non-profit organizations. Tamara has presented at the University of Pacific in Stockton’s Women’s Conference for the past 8 years educating students, educators and faculty on various issues relating to sex, romance and relationships. Her understanding of love and romance has enabled her marriage to reach its 34-year mark. She is also a Death Doula, after loosing her husband she wanted to help others dealing with a loss. Tamara is available for public speaking, media, product endorsements, and one on one private sessions. For a private session with Tamara the options are in person, phone, Skype, or email.


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