“Sex Tracker” Tracks Your Sexual Performance

The “Lovely” is a new “smart” sex toy that fits around your penis and tracks your sexual activity. It’s like a pedometer for your penis! The gadget is not available yet, but the prototype is being hawked on Indieagogo and will be priced at $169.00 if it’s a go. It measures the number of calories burned, the number of thrusts, the intensity of the thrusts, and the duration of your sexual encounter, among other things. Millions will be shocked to see sex only lasted 2 minutes!

An earlier version of this device announced in 2014, the “sexfit” form UK based Bondara, looks like its a similar device, so we can’t say who copied who or if these were invented independently of each other.

Although the Lovely does offer some sex tips, such as offering a number of sexual position suggestions, and does a have a built in clitoral stimulator, from a female perspective what we see missing here is whether or not it tracks if she had an orgasm! If you’re going to make a high tech sex tracker of sexual performance, why not have it ask “Did you come?”


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