From the world of evolutionary psychology comes a new research study that examines what personality traits daters and people in relationships avoid. Most studies examine the traits people desire (the “deal makers”), but this extensive study was more interested in what turns people off, (“the deal breakers”).
According to a study published by the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, the study included an even mix of single people who were dating, people in committed relationships, and married people. The study group included heteros, gays, and bi-sexuals.
The deal breakers were divided into two categories: those who were dating and in the process of “mate selecting,” (short-term) and those who were in relationships (long-term). Some deal breakers, such as “is married or already in another relationship” appeared on both lists, as many people said they hate it when thought they were in a monogamous relationship, but their partner didn’t. Often, people are willing to fill out an extensive survey about the state of their relationship, rather than just discuss it with the person they’re in the relationship with.
Here are the results:
Top 10 Deal Breakers for Short-Term Relationships
- Has health issues or STDs
- Smells
- Has poor hygiene
- Is married or already in another relationship
- Is currently dating multiple people
- Has anger issues or is abusive
- Isn’t good in bed
- Isn’t attractive
- Is racist or bigoted
- Doesn’t take care of themselves
Top 10 Deal Breakers for Long-Term Relationships
- Has anger issues or is abusive
- Is dating multiple people
- Isn’t trustworthy
- Is married or already in another relationship
- Has health issues or STDs
- Has an alcohol or drug problem
- Isn’t attentive or caring
- Dismisses your interests
- Has poor hygiene
- Smells