Kim Anami believes that “A masterful vagina ought to move furniture, shoot ping pong balls, and provide bliss and euphoria constantly.” Right on, and the furniture moving part could come in handy. A Tantric Sex practitioner, Anami also thinks that “most women have a numb, under-functioning vagina,” and aims to do something about it with a sexercise program she calls “Vaginal Kung Fu.”
Anami, who has lived off the grid for years in exotic places such as Indonesia, says that you can increase the number of orgasms you have by doing extreme vagicises. (She claims she has 10-15 O’s at a time). She says you can “wake up” your poontang by lifting things. “I’m fond of kitchen appliances, as they are easier to lap onto,” she says on her gynoexercise site.
“Kung Fu is the study and mastery of something,” she says, “and in vaginal Kung Fu we’re looking at it as a sexual martial art. In my work I’m teaching women to have ultimate mastery over their vagina. Her 8-week course is available online now. (Wait, let me get out my toaster!) Her program “is an emotional, mental, physical and spiritual reboot for the vagina.” she says. She also notes that “In Asia, vaginal ping pong is a popular sport.” Road trip!
Gyno gymnast Kim Anami works out with a coconut.